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NAME _____________________________________________________________ ASTRONOMY TEST # 2
___ 1. The ? consists of brittle material. A.asthenosphere B.lithosphere C.both the asthenosphere and the
lithosphere consist of brittle material
___ 2. Rilles are Moon A.mountains B.craters D.valleys E.gases
___ 3. In Gibbous Moons ? than half of the Moon's surface is ? illuminated. A.less B.more depends upon
the time of month
___ 4. Gravity ? curvature of spacetime. A.causes B.cannot cause
___ 5. ? metamorphism is most important on the surface of the Moon. A.impact B.regional D.all of
the above are equally important on the surface of the Moon
___ 6. High resolution is more difficult to obtain for ? wavelengths. A.shorter B.longer C.wavelength has
nothing to do with resolution capability
___ 7. ? Eclipses occur when the Moon's shadow falls on the Earth. A.Lunar B.Solar C.both Lunar and Solar
Eclipses occur when the Moon's shadow falls on the Earth
___ 8. The atmospheric pressure of ? is about 100 times that of Earth. A.Venus B.Jupiter C.the Moon
D.Mercury E.Mars
___ 9. If the observed cosmological density is less than the critical density, the universe is A.closed
C.the universe could be open or closed under these circumstances
___ 10. Euclidean Geometry is ? geometry. A.hyperbolic B.spherical C.flat D.Euclidean Geometry involves
all of the above
___ 11. Plate movement averages 2 to 9 centimeters per A.hour C.week D.month E.year
___ 12. Metamorphic rocks ? form by solid-state transformation. A.usually B.only
___ 13. More distant galaxies have greater spectral A.redshifts B.blueshifts C.some distant galaxies have
redshifts, others have blueshifts
___ 14. ? is due to turbulence in the atmosphere. A.light pollution B.seeing C.both light pollution and seeing
are due to turbulence in the atmosphere
___ 15. Eclipse Seasons occur ? time per year. A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 E.5
___ 16. Hyperbolic and flat geometries are B.closed C.flat geometries are open; hyperbolic geometries
are closed
___ 17. Plant photosynthesis is the major contributor of ? to the atmosphere. A.carbon dioxide B.argon
C.water vapor D.nitrogen E.oxygen
___ 18. There ? geologic activity on Mercury. a lot of not much
___ 19. Plasma trapped in spiral paths around the Earth forms the A.oceans B.atmosphere C.asthenosphere
D.lithosphere E.magnetosphere
___ 20. The largest radio telescope in the World is in A.New Mexico B.Wisconsin C.Puerto Rico D.Arizona
___ 21. Average Earth density is about ? grams per cubic centimeter. A.1 B.1.5 C.3 D.4.3 E.5.5
___ 22. The core of the Moon is relatively ? versus that of Earth. A.small B.large
___ 23. Inertial mass ? gravitational mass. less than greater than equal to
___ 24. ? consist of a collection of photo-sensitive devices laid out in a miniaturized pattern that resembles a
chessboard. A.CCDs B.spectrographs C.infrared telescopes D.ultraviolet telescopes E.photometers
___ 25. ? are made from ?.; minerals B.minerals; rocks C.some rocks are made from minerals; some
minerals are made from rocks
___ 26. ? metamorphism occurs immediately around an igneous intrusion. A.impact B.regional
D.all of the above often form immediately around an igneous intrusion
___ 27. The Moon ? tilted with respect to Earth's orbit. not
___ 28. ? waves provide the most evidence of the Gutenberg Discontinuity. A.primary B.shear C.both primary
and shear waves are equally important in providing evidence of the Gutenberg Discontinuity
___ 29. The most popular model for Moon formation is A.capture B.binary accretion C.condensation
___ 30. Mercury rotation is relatively ? compared with that of Earth. A.slow C.Mercury rotation also
occurs once every 24 hours
___ 31. The Earth's magnetic polarity ? through time. A.changes B.does not change
___ 32. During the period between 3.9 and 4.2 billion years ago the Moon A.surface was molten B.maria was
formed C.intense bolide bombardment occurred D.all of the above took place between 3.9 and 4.2
billion years ago
___ 33. Parallel lines diverge in ? geometry. A.hyperbolic B.spherical C.flat D.parallel lines diverge in all of
the above geometries
___ 34. Simatic plates are A.anorthositic B.granitic C.andesitic D.basaltic
___ 35. ? telescopes consist of a series of nested cylinders that cause the radiation to strike the surface at grazing
incidence. B.infrared C.ultraviolet D.x-ray E.gamma ray
___ 36. The Greenhouse Effect is primarily due to the action of A.carbon dioxide B.argon C.water vapor
D.nitrogen E.oxygen
___ 37. A Synodic Month is ? days long. A.27.3 B.29.5 depends upon the Earth, Moon and Sun relative
___ 38. With greater mass density the universe is more likely to have a ? geometry. A.flat B.hyperbolic
C.spherical D.all of the above are equally valid models of a universe with large mass
___ 39. ? has retrograde rotation. A.Venus B.Earth C.Mercury D.Mars E. all of the above have retrograde
___ 40. Light pollution is due to A.smog B.lights from large population centers C.both smog and the presence
of large population density will enhance light pollution
___ 41. The ? is the region of total eclipses. A.penumbra B.umbra C.both the penumbra and umbra are regions
of total eclipses
___ 42. Infrared telescopes operate at ? wavelengths versus ultraviolet telescopes. A.shorter B.longer
C.infrared and ultraviolet telescopes operate at the same wavelengths
___ 43. In we lived in another galaxy the expansion of the universe would look A.the same B.different
___ 44. Plate divergence results in the formation of A.anorthosites B.gneisses C.granites D.andesites
___ 45. ? often have a metallic surface which collects light particles and ejects electrons, producing an electric
current that is amplified and measured. A.CCDs B.spectrographs C.infrared telescopes D.ultraviolet
telescopes E.photometers
___ 46. The Earth's atmosphere consists of about 21 percent A.carbon dioxide B.argon C.water vapor
D.nitrogen E.oxygen
___ 47. Magma forms ? rocks. A.metamorphic B.sedimentary C.igneous D.magma can form metamorphic,
sedimentary or igneous rocks
___ 48. The greenhouse effect is especially prevalent on A.Venus B.Jupiter C.the Moon D.Mercury E.Mars
___ 49. The curvature of spacetime ? tested. A.has been B.cannot be
___ 50. During First Quarter the ? half of the Moon is illuminated. A.left B.right depends upon the time
of month
___ 51. The size of a reflecting telescope refers to the A.length of the telescope tube B.size of the lens C.size
of the mirror D.all of the above are used to calculate reflecting telescope size
___ 52. Anorthosites form the ? areas of the Moon. A.maria B.highland C.both maria and highland areas are
made of anorthosites
___ 53. The Sun is composed of approximately ? percent helium. A.5 B.16 C.27 D.45 E.71
___ 54. ? planets revolve counterclockwise when viewing the Earth's North Pole. B.some C.most D.all
___ 55. The 10-meter Keck telescope is in A.Chile B.Wisconsin C.Puerto Rico D.Arizona E.Hawaii
___ 56. Free-moving objects will be deflected toward the ? in the Southern Hemisphere. A.right B.left
depends upon the season
___ 57. In ? telescopes a lens is used to focus the light . A.reflecting B.refracting
___ 58. The asthenosphere is ? the lithosphere. A.above B.below depends upon whether the plates are
oceanic or continental
___ 59. Venus is positioned approximately ? astronomical units from the Sun. A.0.4 B.0.7 C.1.0 D.1.6 E.2.8
___ 60. Examination of a meteorite may indicate that ancient life was present on A.Venus B.Jupiter C.the
Moon D.Mercury E.Mars
___ 61. Most of the rocky material comprising the terrestrial planets is A.iron B.aluminum C.calcium
D.magnesium E.silica
___ 62. Einstein's theory of gravity is best reflected by his A.Special Theory of Relativity B.General Theory of
Relativity C.both theories explain gravitational force equally well
___ 63. The production of "fringes" is especially utilized in ? telescopes. B.infrared C.ultraviolet D.xray E.gamma ray
___ 64. Lunar Eclipses occur when the Moon is in the ? phase. B.full C.Lunar Eclipses may occur
during either a New or Full Phase
___ 65. The Caloris Basin is a feature on A.Venus B.Earth C.the Moon D.Mercury E.Mars
___ 66. ? planets rotate counterclockwise when viewing the Earth's North Pole. B.some C.most D.all
___ 67. The atmosphere of ? is about 1% the density of Earth. A.Venus B.Jupiter C.the Moon D.Mercury
___ 68. Which of the following is not true concerning Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity? based upon
the assumption that the universe is not "flat" based upon measurements viewed by observers in
relative motion to one another based upon measurements viewed by observers traveling at
different velocities versus one another D.states that mass and energy may be interchanged E.shows
that all events in the universe involve space and time together
___ 69. Interferometry is especially utilized in ? telescopes. B.infrared C.ultraviolet D.x-ray
E.gamma ray
___ 70. The cores of Jovian planets are probably made of A.gases and liquids
___ 71. The Hubble Constant is most often calculated as ? kilometers per second. A.10 B.20 C.35 D.55 E.75
___ 72. An eyepiece with a ? focal length creates higher magnification. A.shorter B.longer C.focal length has
nothing to do with magnification
___ 73. The maximum tidal distortion of the solid Earth is about ? centimeters. A.2 B.9 C.12 D.20 E.the
solid Earth does not have tidal distortion
___ 74. Comets are made of A.rock C.both rocks and ice are found in comets
___ 75. The dominant element in the Earth's crust is A.iron B.calcium C.magnesium D.silicon E.oxygen
___ 76. Radio telescopes have ? angular resolution. A.poor B.excellent
___ 77. Which of the following is not a Jovian planet? A.Pluto B.Uranus C.Neptune D.Saturn E.Jupiter
___ 78. The radial velocities of ? distant galaxies are recessional. B.some C.all
___ 79. ? telescopes produce a pair of particles, whose paths indicate the direction of the electromagnetic waves
that produce them. B.infrared C.ultraviolet D.x-ray E.gamma ray
___ 80. Most rock-forming minerals on Earth are A.sulfides B.oxides C.halides D.sulfates E.silicates
___ 81. In theory most places on Earth should have ? equal high tides per day. A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 depends
upon the month
___ 82. Spectroscopy can be used to determine the ? of a celestial object. A.motion B.magnetism C.chemistry
D.all of the above may be determined through spectrographic analyses
___ 83. Earth precession occurs in cycles of about ? thousand years. A.4 B.8 C.12 D.17 E.26
___ 84. ? Jovian planets have ring systems. A.some B.all
___ 85. Moon highlands are ?-colored than maria. A.lighter B.darker C.both highlands and maria are equally
dark in coloration
___ 86. The 40-inch Yerkes telescope is a ? telescope. A.infrared B.ultraviolet C.x-ray D.reflecting
___ 87. ? metamorphic rocks form as a result of tectonism. A.impact B.regional D.all of the above
often form as a result of tectonism
___ 88. The brightness of an image formed by a telescope depends on the A.amount of light collected by the
objective of the telescope B.area of the image in the focal plane C.amount of light collected and image
area are important in determining the brightness of an image
___ 89. There ? lithospheric plates on Venus and Mars. A.are B.are no
___ 90. The polar caps of Mars are made of A.carbon dioxide ice B.water ice C.both carbon dioxide and water
form polar caps on Mars
___ 91. The ? of the Earth consists of olivine-rich silicates. A.crust B.core C.mantle D.all of the above consist
of olivine-rich silicates
___ 92. The orbits of planet's satellites ? along the ecliptic. A.are usually B.are not usually
___ 93. Ishtar and Aphrodite are features on A.Venus B.Jupiter C.the Moon D.Mercury E.Mars
___ 94. The Outer Core of the Earth is probably A.liquid B.solid consists of alternating liquid and solid
___ 95. Deimos and Phobos are moons of A.Venus B.Jupiter C.the Moon D.Mercury E.Mars
___ 96. The Principle of Equivalence is the fundamental idea in the A.Special Theory of Relativity B.General
Theory of Relativity C.the Principle of Equivalence is equally important in both theories
___ 97. ? telescopes use metallic conducting surfaces as mirrors to reflect electromagnetic waves to a focus; the
waves brought to a focus can then be measured using an antenna. B.infrared C.ultraviolet
D.x-ray E.gamma ray
___ 98. The Titius-Bode Rule explains the ? of planets. A.mass B.volume C.orbital speed D.orbital distance
E.all of the above may explained by application of the Titius-Bode Rule
___ 99. Continental plates are A.simatic B.sialic C.some are simatic, others are sialic
___ 100. The sum of the angles of a triangle drawn on a hyperbolic surface ? 180°. less than B.equals
greater than