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FPIK UB and KKP RI Discuss about 0-4
Miles of Marine Waters
Submit by humas3on April 07, 2015| Comment(s) : 0| View : 3669
FPIK UB and KKP RI Discuss about 0-4 Miles of Marine Area
Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Brawijaya University corporated with Ministry of
Marine and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia (KKP RI) to hold a discussion about 0-4 Miles
of Marine Waters Conservation Development. The discussion which was attended by academic
members from various colleges in East Java was held in 2nd Floor of Meeting Room of FPIK UB
Building on Monday (6/4).
As said by the Director of Marine and Aquatic Resources Conversation of KKP RI, Agus
Dermawan that 0-4 miles of marine waters were the important asset to be managed. In 0-4
miles of marine waters there are various fishery activities of local people as well as the center of
coastal biodiversity.
"As the center of marine biodiversity, 0-4 miles of marine waters are the home for coral reefs,
seaweeds, and mangroves which are the important habitats for the production and growth of
fishes from seeds to adults," said Agus.
Because of the importance of marine conservation in 0-4 miles, it is necessary to have a
clusterization to increase its management.
In order to improve the management of marine conservation in 0-4 miles, the Minister of Marine
and Fisheries, Susi Pudjiastuti enforces a restriction of fishing area in 0-4 miles, or about 6.5
kilometers from the seashore. The area which is opened only for local fishermen for fishing
using fishing poles in Pantura, according to her, needs to be re-examined.
Therefore, it needs the recommendation from academic people who have the experience in that
"The purpose of the workshop is to accommodate all inputs and opinions from academic people
for scientific policy aspects," he said. [Oky/Humas UB/translated by ratri-agung]
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