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Homologous structures-evolve similarly, but have different functions- human arm, bird wing, bear front
legs, elephant front legs, porpoise front flipper-associated with common ancestor, Analogous structuresevolve differently, but have same function-bat, bird, grasshopper, house fly all have wings for flying.
Natural Selection-survival of the fittest-accumulation of traits over time that help a species survive.
Species become extinct by-new predators, failure to adapt to environment, loss of major food source.
Evolution-gradual change over time-driven by the process of natural selection-more favorable traits are
passed to offspring making the offspring more ready to survive the environment.
The fossil record will most likely show that if two different species are genetically similar they will share
a common ancestor.
Species- populations of organisms that interbreed and create fertile offspring. If a Giraffe with long
necks reproduces and produce more offspring than short neck giraffes then over time there will be more
long neck giraffes because they have more opportunity for more food.
Galapagos Island finch beaks was a major source for Darwin’s Theory of Evolution driven by NS
Environmental changes- asteroid impact, volcanic eruptions, tectonic plate movement, have caused
extinctions, new life forms to evolve, and existing life forms to change because of changes in climate.
Adaptations- Physical, behavioral, and physiological traits that help organisms survive change.
Cow’s eye and human eye share many similarities and are homologous=common ancestor
Birds adapted to flight by having hollow bones, feathers, strong breast muscles, 4 chambered heart.
Dinosaurs are reptiles. Mesozoic Era-Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous-extinction by asteroid Gulf of Mexico
Geologic time- Bacteria→ invertebrates→ fish→ amphibians→ Reptiles→ mammals Bacteria I FARM
Law of Superposition- if undisturbed older layer of rocks and fossils are on the bottom.
The greatest opportunity to increase diversity in a species is for land forms to separate creating
isolation. New species will form as the climate, food sources, and predators change because of isolation
Fossil evidence is a very reliable source of proving evolution occurs in nature. Many gaps in fossil record
because many organisms never became fossils, not all fossils have been found, not all areas were good
areas to form fossils in. Index fossils Trilobite, Brachiopod, ammonite. Trace fossil foot print, coprolite,
borrow. Ice cores atmospheric gases.
Carl Linnaeus Father of Taxonomy
Mutations-change in the genes-in the genetic makeup of organisms can have good effects, bad effects,
or no effect; diversity in genes the better an organism’s chance of survival with changing environments.
More variation in genes there is less chance for extinction. Remember the Charles Darwin game.
Tectonic plate movement gives us the opportunity to have marine fossils on mountain tops, and similar
plants and animals on different continents. Pangaea is the large single landmass of about 260 years ago.
Panthalassa is the large ocean surrounding Pangaea.
Taxonomy- Kingdom, Phyla, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species. K.P. cooks orders for general staff.
Darwin’s theory of natural selection- variation is good in populations, organisms compete for food and
resources, pass on traits to offspring, survival of the fittest.
Darwin’s finches evolved in geographical isolation. This provided many opportunities for evolution.
Darwin’s most famous study of evolution was with the finches beaks (as many as 13 types).
Peppered moths show adaptation to environmental change to allow the moth to survive its
environment. This was a very quick change which is not normal.
Transitional fossil- fossils that have features of both the present day organism and its ancestors.
Classification systems=Taxonomy=Binomial Nomenclature=Capital Genus, lower case species and both
italicized. All organisms are recognized by genus and species name. Homo sapiens=wise man
Darwin formulated the Theory of Evolution and his book The Origin of Species on Galapagos Islands.
Structural adaptations- web feet, bear claws, giraffe long neck, horse hooves
Behavioral adaptations-hibernation, migration, color change, duck quacks
Convergent boundary-come together Divergent boundary-pull apart Transform boundary- slide by
Normal fault-foot wall constant, hanging wall slides down. Reverse footwall constant, hanging push up