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# 37
Revelation Chapter 17
Informational chapter
Remember that revelations chapter 17 and 18 are not a continuation of
revelation 16 as far as the chronological order of this book is concerned. They
are, rather, an amplification of what is going to take place during the final great
judgments of the tribulation period.
The Great Harlot – here is the end time false religious system and it is
represented as an unfaithful and wanton woman.
Revelation 17:1-3 (KJV)
1 And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked
with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the
great whore that sitteth upon many waters:
2 With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the
inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.
3 So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman [
The Great Whore ] sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy,
having seven heads and ten horns.
Revelation 17:4-6 (KJV)
4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with
gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of
abominations and filthiness of her fornication:
5 And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY [magical] ,
6 And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the
blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great
As John saw the evil of the great Harlot he was both spellbound and
repulsed. He couldn’t take his eyes off this woman who was the epitome of evil.
She was lavishly decked out in jewels and luxurious garments of royalty. The
cup she held in her hand was of rich gold on the outside, but inside it was filled
with putrefying things. She had a horrible name written on her forhead: Babylon
the great, mother of harlots and the abomination of the earth. The most
disgusting and horrible thing about her was that she was drunk – – but it
wasn’t alcohol that got her that way. It was blood – – the blood of believers!
If we look at history, each time Israel was drawn away from our Jehovah
God, it was by a perversion of religion. And so it is with the great harlot which
John sees. She symbolized an enormous false religious system that is so
appealing that she has been able to seduce all the kings of the earth with her
deceptions. Not only will this seductive religious prostitute have authority over
the leaders of nations, but even the common man will be intoxicated with her.
What kind of a religious system will this harlot be? What secret will lie
behind her ability to bring under her powers such unlikely subjects as, at
Buddhist, a Moslem, a Hindu, or a liberal professing Christian? Most prophecy
teachers of this chapter have simply updated their thinking of the Protestant
reformers who believe that the Pope was the anti-christ and the Roman Catholic
Church was the whore of Babylon, I do not believe this to be accurate, however
many of the individual Catholic churches appear to be joining the False Church ,
but so are many many other churches!
The main question is this: how can any false brand of Christianity get
all the other religions to join it?
The answer to this dilemma is the Mystery of the whores name on her
forehead, Babylon the great, the mother of harlots and the abomination of
the earth. The great harlot is associated with an ancient city that
immediately brings to mind sinful, lustful, depraved religion and life – –
Babylon! What is it about Babylon of old that this great false religion will
The history drama of Babylon began on the plains of Shinar, where the first
world dictator established the world’s first religious center the dictator’s name
was Nimrod. The beginning of his kingdom was Babel or Babylon. Under this
leader of the First United religious act was performed – the building of the Tower
of Babel reached into the heavens the Tower of Babel was built mainly to assist
them in better observation of the stars. It was in essence an astrology
observatory. Many centuries later, when God pronounced future judgments on
Babylon, he said that she had labored with sorcerers and astrology from her
youth, indicating that these were practiced in Babylon from her very
beginning in history.
When the prophet Daniel was taken captive to Babylon, he was made a
member of the King special advisers. When the king had a nightmare one night,
he called for his advisers to interpret what it meant. Then the king
commanded to summon the magicians, the astrologers, the
conjurers, the incantationists, the sorcerers, and the Chaldeans , to
reveal to the king his dream. The magicians practice black magic
and perform various supernatural feats through contact with
demon spirits. The conjurers were specialist at séances and at
making objects miraculously materialize. By calling on the spirits
of the dead, they made contact with demons, who then
impersonated a dead person being summoned. The sorcerers
specialized in witchcraft. The Chaldeans were the highest of all the
advisers. The Chaldeans were master astrologers!
When the angel told John that he would tell him the Ministry of the
woman ,he meant that this harlot, the false religious system, would
have as its main teachings the same occultic practices as ancient
Babylon. It would include black magic, demon contact, seances ,
miraculous manifestations, witchcraft, astrology, and sorcery. Her
luxurious external appearance of jewels and Royal clothing meant
that she would have a great appeal to the sensual nature of man,
but her gold cup filled with abominations represented her corrupt
and perverse teachings. Her drunkenness with the Saints blood
showed how she had successfully eliminated all who opposed her.
The name Babylon symbolizes occultism in every form. We know
that the ancient city of Babylon was ruled by this occultism in every
The ministry that John was seeking to unveil for his readers was that
religious Babylon would be revived to control the last great world power in
the last days of history. This religion will be an occultic amalgamation of all
the world’s religions. For the first 3 ½ years of the tribulation, it will enjoy a
position of great power and influence over the Revived Roman Empire and
its leader, the anti-christ.
The waters of verse one are peoples, nations, races and languages. The
great harlot has had such vast influence over masses of people that she has been
able to control entire nations. The kings of the earth have committed fornication
with her, the inhabitants of the earth are drunk with the wine of her fornication.
What a horrible scene!
Fornication refers to false religion , which has a form of godliness but
denies the power thereof. It substitutes religious rights and membership for
true repentance and salvation. God considers all people who worship
anyone or anything beside himself participates in spiritual fornication and
adultery. He includes even those who are sincere in their involvement.
The woman, identified as the harlot is carrying on an affair with the
beast. She is of a religious nature – mystical – spiritualistic. Close
examination of history reveals that she dominated the seven great empires
supporting her.
Let’s take a look at the beast with the seven heads and the ten horns [the
monster which the woman is sitting on]. Version 9 and 10 of this chapter tell us
that the seven heads represent two things: seven mountains and seven kingdoms.
I believe the seven mountains referred to the seven hills of the city of Rome.
Rome has been associated with her seven hills throughout Rome literature and on
coins of her day. What’s being said here is that the Babylonish religious
system was controlling the Rome of John’s day and indeed was synonymous
with Rome itself. Rome was the center of pagan worship. However, John tells
us that the seven heads also represents seven kingdoms: five have fallen, one
is, and the other is still to come. Here he is referring to those great world
empires from the time of the original Babylon of Nimrods day which has been
dominated by the false occultic religions of Babylon.
John looks to the future when he says the seventh head [kingdom] is
not yet come; and when it comes, it will continue a short while. This refers to
the future revival of the Roman Empire. This seventh head is different from all
the other six because it has ten horns on it. This indicates the seventh kingdom
will be made up of ten nations from the old Roman empire [the sixth head ]. In
my opinion, this unquestionably refers to the European economic
community or the world Council of churches, which I believe is destined to
bloom into the last great world empire represented by the seventh head with
ten horns. This revived Roman Empire will become dominated by the same
Babylonish religious system that has ridden herd on the past great world
Rome has not existed as a viable world political power, for nearly 15
centuries. But the move in Europe today is destined to put the old Roman
empire back together again, whether it is the European economic
community or the world Council of churches or not, all these nations are
banding together in the European economic community having roots in the
old Roman culture and civilization, this is the beast that will rise up and
then be destroyed.
This organization does not accept the Bible as their final authority.
You are invited to join their organization regardless of what you teach or
belief as long as you’re sincere.
To date they have 349 dominations which are members in 110
countries .
There are 24 denominations in the USA who belong to this
organization, many of which would shock you , you can find a list of them on
the Internet.
There are 292 million Christians who belong to this organization!
Their plan is to have a one world religion!
The world Council of churches is using our churches to destroy the
very foundation of our Christian faith!
In verse five the first name that identifies the harlot, she is of a religious
nature – mystical – spiritualistic. Close historical examination reveals that she
dominated the seven great empires supporting her. It is not surprising to note
that spiritualist mediums or people who practice witchcraft controled the leaders
the great empires from the time of Egypt to the fall of the Roman empire .
The harlot’s second title is Babylon the great. Identifying the harlots
religious system with Babylon and every successive gentile empire. This clearly
shows that the harlot began to exert her influence within the gentile empire’s.
The harlots third title, the Mother of Harlots, indicates that every evil and
destructive thing on earth results from the operation of Satan through her.
Her fourth title, the Mother of Abominations of the earth, reveals her total
rejection by God.
The Harlot has operated over a great vest period of time.
The gentile
empires resulted from Israel’s collapse and going into captivity because of their
sin and their involvement in satanic worship!
History records that with the Assyrian Empire the system was ushered in.
The Egyptian empire, the first head of the beast, enslaved the family of Israel.
When God delivered them from Egypt the great nation of Israel was established,
then came their rebellion and captivity. Assyria was the gentile empire which
initiated Israel’s captivity by taking captive the ten northern tribes. The southern
tribes of Judah were taken into Babylonian captivity about 107 years later. Thus
Nebecnezzers dream begins with the Babylonian empire after Israel’s total
With the fall of the Roman Empire, the entire system crumble. The harlot,
which had a controlling influence on Gentile empires, was responsible for the
deaths of many of God saints, including those of the early church.
Revelation 17:6-8 (KJV)
6 And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood
of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.
7 And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the
mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven
heads and ten horns.
8 The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the
bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall
wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of
the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.
Again John refers to the entire Satanic system. As history records the
empires, the Bible confirms the system’s existence. Both the biblical and
historical records depict the collapse of the Gentile empire system – the defeat of
a Satanic attempt at world control. It’s destruction directly resulted from the first
coming of Jesus and the establishment of the true Church. Daniel 2:34, 35 and
44 spell this out clearly.
The stone of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream is a type of Christ. During the
Roman empire, the Father sent Jesus who struck a death blow to this satanic
system and established His Kingdom, The Church, Upon The Earth.
John states that the system will be restored briefly, then totally defeated.
Revelation 17:9-10 (KJV)
9 And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven
mountains, on which the woman sitteth.
10 And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet
come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.
The statement, the seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman
sits is easily explained. We know that each of the seven crowned heads
represents a great kingdom.
When Mountain is used in a passage which does not specify specifically
names and existing ranges of mountains for geographical location, it represents a
kingdom. By reading the verses above and below the one in which Mountain is
used you discover that it refers to a kingdom, not a pile of dirt and rock. The
seven heads of verse 9 are 7 great kingdoms. Verse 10 further confirms this:
there are also seven kings. A king, a national leader, is over each of the seven
When John states five are fallen, he is referring to the past. History records
that at the time John received this prophecy, five great Gentile empires had come
and gone. He also said, one is [the sixth] and another [ the seventh ] has not yet
On which the woman sits, indicates that the woman has had tremendous
influence over each of the kingdoms over a vast period of time.
The Seven Kingdoms
History names the great kingdoms or Gentile empires that the heads
represent. The first is the Egyptian empire, the second, the Assyrian, the third,
the great Babylonian empire under Nebuchadnezzar and his grandson
When Israel began to fall away from God, the first great gentile empire to
form was the Assyrian. The Babylonians then overthrew the Assyrians in power
by dissolving it into their own. At the time of the Babylonian empire, Daniel
began his prophecies concerning the development of the gentile Empire’s. Also,
Judah and Benjamin, the last two tribes of Israel were taken captive.
The fourth heads was the Medes – Persian Empire. Daniel 5 verse 5
through 3 record the account of the hand writing that appeared on the wall. It
told of the Babylonians distraction and the rise of the Medes and Persians. The
fourth Empire gave way to the fifth. The Greek empire under Alexander the
great, when it collapsed, the sixth, the Roman empire swallowed it up .
The Roman Empire existed and was the controlling government
when John received the prophecy. during this time Jesus came to the
Earth, laid the foundation of his church and became its chief
cornerstone. The apostles began building on that foundation. The
church has accomplished an extremely productive work during its
approximate 2000 years on Earth between the sixth and seventh head of
the system. The coming of Jesus struck Satan at tremendous mortal
blow. The beast system collapsed with the fall of the Roman Empire.
Examining the biblical and historical truth gives us good
understanding of what God is doing. As long as the church is on the
Earth carrying out the ministry of Jesus, the system cannot return to full
operation. We are presently watching the system being reconstructed.
After the church is caught up, the anti-christ will fit the pieces together
and the Satanic system will be in power again and will produce the sixth
head, the revived Roman Empire.
The vast Satanic – motivated Gentile system had three major
divisions’ government, commercial, and religion. When one empire
succeeded another, the head of a government change, but the commercial
and religious system remained the same, religions were always
controlled by witchcraft in its most cunning and destructive forms,
commanding control of the people. As the sum total of the previous five
heads the Roman Empire was very wicked immoral and pagan.
The church is a Godly vehicle, the empire system, satanic.
Because the church has the greatest power and authority, the
satanic cannot operate as long as the church is on the earth.
The Seventh and Eighth Heads
Numerous attempts have been made to restore the system,
Napoleon, Hitler and Mussolini were only three of the many who tried,
though unsuccessful. For the first time since the fall of the Roman
Empire, today’s events clearly expose initial groundwork being laid for
the restoration of the system, we identify the common market of Europe
or the European Economic Community, of 12 states, with some stage of
development. Watch the system closely.
The resurrected system – the seventh head – will not be a
restoration of the Roman Empire but of the system that produces the
Roman Empire. It will be made up of a minimum of 10 nations and may
not necessarily be contained in the same geographical area as the Roman
From verse 9 we can only conclude that seven mountains refers to
the seven great kingdoms, each ruled by a King. Today, six of them are
fallen. The seventh head, now in its infancy will produce the eighth
head, the anti-christ. Remember that the little horn of Daniel, chapter 7
and 8 is the same as the head, of Revelation 17:11, both systems identify
the anti-christ.
According to John, once the seventh head becomes operational
under the anti-christ, it lasts only a short time [the first 3 ½ years of the
tribulation]. During this time the anti-christ brings together
governments, armies, commerce and religions of the 10 nation
confederacy. He uses the harlot system to advance himself to the center
of world religion.
At mid-tribulation the anti-christ, produced by the seventh head,
assumes the identity of the eighth head. The beast that was, and is not, is
himself also the eighth, and is out of the seventh. He attempts to force
himself on the world as a self appointed god, existing for only 3 ½ years
before been totally destroyed when the Lord Jesus returns.
Revelation 17:11-13 (KJV)
11 And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the
seven, and goeth into perdition.
12 And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have
received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with
the beast.
13 These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto
the beast.
The 10 kings of the 10 nations enter into a strong agreement with
the anti-christ, pledging him their armies and their influence. Upon the
anticipated success of the anti-christs campaign, the Kings will receive
great kingdoms.
This is the alliance of rulers and armies which the anti-christ leads
on the final day of the tribulation. The combined armies of the Kings are
destroyed in the battle of Armageddon, fought against the returning Lord
Jesus Christ.
Revelation 17:14 (KJV)
14 These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome
them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with
him are called, and chosen, and faithful
In this verse were given further proof that the church is caught
before the tribulation’s final day: and the lamb will overcome them for
he is Lord of Lords and King of Kings, and those who are with him
are called chosen and faithful. We are with him as he returns!!
Throughout the New Testament the terms called, chosen and
faithful identify members of the true church – the body of Christ. They
are called, chosen, and faithful – the Church Company – is returning
with Jesus. Zechariah 14:5 also confirms this. The members of the
church will administrate Jesus Kingdom on the Earth.
The Destruction of the Harlot
When the anti-christ is ready to pursue his ambitions to become
God, he must destroy the religious system in order to rule unopposed as
the spiritual leader. The following passage describes the distraction of
the harlot religious system.
Revelation 17:15-16 (KJV)
15 And he saith unto me, the waters which thou sawest, where the whore
sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.
16 And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate
the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her
flesh, and burn her with fire
Hating the influence of the harlot upon their people, the anti-christ
and the false prophet use the military power of the 10 nations to quickly
destroy her. The national leaders happily accommodate, because the
harlot has been a great irritation to them.
Notice that God put it in the hearts of the 10 kings to destroy the
harlot. The action gives us insight into God’s sovereignty. We see an
example of God’s use of the Egyptian Pharaoh described in the
following passage. Exodus 7:3 and 4, and I will harden Pharaoh’s heart
and multiply my signs and my wonders in the land of Egypt. But
Pharaoh will not heed you, so that I may lay my hand on Egypt and bring
my armies and my people, the children of Israel, out of the land of Egypt
by great judgment.
Sovereign means above all other, chief, supreme power, ruler,
independent of all others. Pharaoh was already against Israel. God
simply strengthened and hardened his attitude all the more. The same is
true of the 10 kings God put within them their evil desires.
But Pharaoh and the Kings had a choice. Since they decided to
pursue evil, God allowed them to become totally divided by their
desires. God’s sovereignty extended even to withholding his restraint.
He allows those who have evil intentions to carry them out. In one case,
God used his sovereignty directly for the good of Israel, in the other, he
used it to destroy part of Satan’s operation. Again, the outcome was for
the ultimate good of the people.
At the anti-christ right hand is the false prophet, who of course,
gives his approval for the harlots destruction. The followers of the beast
system accept their leader’s decision.
The harlot’s destruction clears the way for the false prophet to
announce the implementation of the mark of the beast and the worship of
his image. From the Temple in Jerusalem, the anti-christ starts exerting
his influence. These mid-tribulation events prepare the way for the antichrist for the next 3 ½ years of his evil rule.
The Destroyed City
Revelation 17:17-18 (KJV)
17 For God hath put in their hearts to fulfill his will, and to agree, and
give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be
18 And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth
over the kings of the earth.
There have been several theories as to the identity of the city which
is to destroy. All of them are speculation. Some people reason that the
city of Babylon will be rebuilt and be repopulated. Others suggest
Rome, Italy. Many years ago some theologians taught that seven
mountains on which the woman sets are the Seven Hills of Rome. They
conclude that the Roman Catholic Church is the harlot. I don’t believe
that is so.
The harlot is not any single denominational structure. She is a
gathering together of all the world’s religious man-made system,
including the present-day denominations choosing to have only a form
of godliness.
Today the ancient harlot is about to receive a new vehicle through
which you can function. Quite possibly it is the world Council of
churches, which works for unity of all religions. Which are now
working to bring all Christians under their control, the Holy Spirit is
working to bring them together as a glorious church!
We know the city destroyed at mid-tribulation will be the
headquarters of the harlot religious system, or as we have identified it,
the world Church. But its exact identity is unknown. Presently it is
Geneva, Switzerland, headquarters of the world Council of churches,
World Bank Center and the city of treaties between nations.
Instead of being sidetracked with the beast’s different facets, we
need to view the system as a whole. Just remember its major parts are
presently being prefabricated and it will be an amazing man who brings
together in one operation these pieces of governments, commerce,
armies and the harlot religious system.
Number one: Lesson number 37 and 38 are not a continuation of lesson
number 36 as far as chronological order is concerned but rather an
amplification of?
Number two: The great harlot, is the end time?
Number three: One of the angels talked to John and said come hither
and I will show unto thee?
Number four: With whom did the kings of the earth have?
Number five: One of the angels carried John away in the Spirit into the
wilderness and he saw?
Number six: And a woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colors
Number seven: And upon her head was a name written, mystery,
Babylon the great, the?
Number eight: And John saw the woman, drunk with the?
Number nine: The cup which she held in her hand was of rich gold on
the outside but inside it was filled with?
Number 10: The most disgusting and horrible thing about her was that
she was drunk, but it wasn’t alcohol that got her that way, it was?
Number 11: If we look to history, each time Israel was drawn away
from our God, it was by a?
Number 12: Not only will this seductive religious prostitute have
authority over the leaders of nations, but even the?
Number 13: What kind of a religious system will this harlot have, what
secret will lie behind her ability to bring under her power such unlikely
subjects as?
Number 14: The main question is this, how can any false brand of
Christianity get all other religions to?
Number 15: The answer is, this great whore is associated with the
ancient city that immediately brings to mind?
Number 16: What is it about Babylon that this great false religious
system will emulate, many centuries ago, when God pronounced
judgment on Babylon, he said that she had labored with?
Number 17: When the prophet Daniel was taken captive to Babylon,
one night the King had a dream and he called for the advisers to interpret
what it meant, then he commanded to summon the?
Number 18: The magicians practiced black magic and perform various
supernatural feats through contact with?
Number 19: When the angel told John that he would tell him the
mystery of the woman, he meant that this harlot, this false religious
system would have as its main teaching the same?
Number 20: It would include?
Number 21: The name Babylon symbolizes?
Number 22: We know that the ancient city of Babylon was ruled by?
Number 23: The ministry that John was seeking to unveil for his
readers, was that religious Babylon would be revived to control?
Number 24: This religion will be an occult accumulation of all?
Number 25: For the first 3 ½ years of the tribulation, it will enjoy a
position of?
Number 26: Fornication refers to?
Number 27: God considers all people who worship anyone or anything
beside himself, to be participating in?
Number 28: If we look at the beast with the seven heads and 10 horns,
verse nine and ten of this chapter tell us that the seven heads represent
two things?
Number 29: The seven mountains probably refers to the Seven Hills of?
Number 30: John tells us that the seven Hills also represents?
Number 31: Here he is referring to those great world empires from the
time of the original Babylon of Nimrod study which has been dominated
by the?
Number 32: This seventh head is different from all the other six because
it has?
Number 33: This refers to the future revived Roman Empire and
indicates that the seventh kingdom will be made up of?
Number 34: In my opinion, this unquestionably refers to be?
Number 35: This revived Roman Empire will be dominated by the same?
Number 36: The move in Europe today is destined to put the old Roman empire
back together again, whether it is the European economic community or the world
Council of churches or not all these nations are banding together in the European
economic community having roots in the old Roman culture and civilization, this
Number 37: This organization does not accept the Bible?
Number 38: you are invited to join their organization regardless of?
Number 39: To date they have 349 denominations which are?
Number 40: There are 24 denominations in the USA who?
Number 41 : Their plan is to have a one?
Number 42: The world Council of churches is using our churches to destroy the
very foundation of our?
Number 43: The harlot false religious system has operated over a great vast
period of time and the Gentile Empire’s resulted from Israel’s collapse and going
into captivity because of their?
Number 44: The harlot, had a controlling influence on Gentile empires and was
responsible for the?
Number 45: John saw the woman [the harlot] drunk with the blood?
Number 46: During the Roman Empire, the Father sent Jesus who struck a death
blow to this?
Number 47: John states that the system will be restored briefly, then?
Number 48: Revelation 17, versus 9 & 10 says, here is the mind which hath
wisdom, the seven heads are?
Number 49: And there are seven kings?
Number 50: When John states five are falling, he is referring to?
Number 51: History records that at the time John received this prophecy, five
great empires had?
Number 52: He also said, one is, and another?
Number 53: On which the woman sits, indicates the woman has had?