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Past Life Astrological Interpretation for
Nelson Mandela
July 18, 1918
3:00 PM, Standard time
Umtata, South Africa
Latitude 31 S 24 40
Longitude 28 E 47
Compliments of
Precision Vision
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Introduction to Karmic Astrology
The effects of past life experiences can carry over into your current life, accounting for interests, habits, even
phobias which would defy explanation by conventional methods.
This report examines possible past life connections using astrological methods. It is not intended to be taken
as a complete interpretation of your birth chart; it looks at your chart from only one perspective.
It is written in simple language, avoiding the use of astrological terms as much as possible. For the interest of
students of astrology, relevant astrological references are made at the top of each section.
There are certain factors which indicate a need to seek further answers through past life regression. If you
find reference to this within your chart, you may discover that your spiritual growth will be enhanced by
using this method. (Note: Individuals with a number of these indicators in the chart have probably already
experienced spontaneous regressions.)
Not all charts will indicate a need for regressions. If your report does not indicate such a need, then it is most
likely that discovering your past lives through regression is of little interest to you this time around.
Chapter 1: Most Important Prior Life Experiences
In traditional astrology, the Twelfth House represents your self-undoing, hidden matters and the subconscious
process. It is believed that we carry karmic memories in our subconscious, and that these subconscious
memories can undermine our current life efforts.
When we remove the walls created by subconscious fears and guilt, we find that the path to personal
transformation lies beyond.
If, in your chapter you find a number of descriptions of planets placed in your twelfth house, consider
exploring your hidden self through past life regression.
12th house cusp in Scorpio
You have an intense interest in the psychology of life. You keep your resources hidden, and may have secret
bank accounts. Your secret resentments can adversely affect your health. Your obsession with fidelity of
others could cause you grief.
Look for a significant prior lifetime in medical or scientific research, crime detection, psychology, espionage,
or arranging funerals.
Scorpio 12th House, Sagittarius Rising
You have a great deal of optimism and ambition. Mixed with your jovial, optimistic exterior is a certain
amount of self-centeredness. Your prior life's resentments and suspicions now add a touch of cynicism and
egocentricity to your viewpoint.
Chapter 2: Saturn (The Great Teacher)
The source of many of our self-imposed restrictions can be found in the placement of the planet Saturn. The
location of Saturn in a horoscope represents the area of life where we have to learn the greatest lessons. It is
through these lessons that we grow and improve.
Just like your least liked teacher in school, Saturn's lessons require hard work and self-discipline. And like the
lessons from that teacher, Saturn's lessons are not easily forgotten. The lessons you learn help you to find
order and security in your current life.
When a lesson from a prior life was not learned, you can experience inexplicable guilt or self-restriction.
Exploration of the unlearned lessons of Saturn can free you to use all of your natural talents.
Saturn in 9th House
You have a very serious interest in religion, philosophy, higher education. You ideas are very conservative
and traditional. You value your reputation and can contribute to maintaining traditional social values as you
You have a fear public disapproval, because, in a prior life you were outspoken and acted against social
conventions of the time. You may fear long distance travel or dislike certain countries without rational
explanation. You fears and dislikes are rooted in prior lives where you suffered or died while taking a journey
or living in a foreign country.
On the positive side, you base your personal philosophy and actions on what you believe is right, not what is
acceptable. You are moderate, diplomatic and steadfast in your beliefs.
On the negative side, you may rely on religious dogma, fearing that any other position would lose social
acceptance. Continuing along this path will narrow your viewpoint as you mature.
You have the opportunity to make serious studies of religion or philosophy to find the spiritual answers you
need. When approached sensibly, you can use your conclusions to assist others in finding their own spiritual
path, not based on religious dogma, but on our responsibility to humankind.
Saturn Conjunct Mercury:
Mental discipline in a prior lifetime brought you much satisfaction. This is evident in your current life by
your analytical and organizational ability. You are practical and honest, but sometimes may have difficulty in
expressing your ideas to others.
Saturn Square Moon:
Emotional reserve was necessary for your survival in a prior lifetime. This time around you are still feeling
that restraint. Sometimes, you find it difficult to express your emotions to others, causing you to feel very
isolated and lonely. Learn to have faith in your own abilities and trust your intuition. Development of your
personal philosophy will help to provide a sense of emotional security.
Saturn Sextile Mars:
Your sense of duty and responsibility in prior lifetimes enabled you to survive tedious jobs. In this lifetime,
you still have a knack for detail work. You are organized, and meticulous in everything that you do. You are
responsible at work and at home. In social situations, you are a little reserved.
Chapter 3: Jupiter (Your Karmic Gifts)
Personal karma is not necessarily negative. You bring to this life certain talents and interest which enable you
to expand your horizons. Often overlooked for its karmic value, the placement of the planet Jupiter in your
chart can tell you about your karmic gifts.
Jupiter describes spiritual rewards as well as the area of your current life where you may experience material
The lesson of Jupiter is best described as the acceptance of the law of karma. The rewards you reap in this life
time come from your prior life's good deeds, and your future benefits (this life or another) are the rewards of
your present fair dealings and generosity.
Jupiter in Cancer
Your abundant love and generosity expressed towards your children in prior life has given you a kindly
nature and a nurturing instinct.
This time you have an opportunity to express your nurturing love on a broader scale, through feeding the
homeless or helping to eliminate world hunger. Your past life as a homemaker, cook or farmer has is
reflected in your interest in food and the home.
Jupiter in 7th House
You show good judgement in choosing partners, whether for business or marriage. In all relationships you are
fair, honest and positive. Your spiritual or material gains through marriage or other partnership comes from a
prior life of unselfish devotion to your partner.
Jupiter Conjunct Pluto:
You have experienced many transformations and upheavals in prior lifetimes. This has given you a great deal
of inner strength and power. You are very strong-willed. This time, you can use your physical and psychic
resources to bring about healing in yourself and others. You have such a strong will that it is easy to forget
that other people have ideas and opinions as well. Temper your strength with tolerance.
Jupiter Trine Uranus:
Your prior life situations gave you opportunities to make radical changes for yourself and as part of a group.
Your memories from prior times leaves a feeling of restlessness, a desire for change. You can make changes
by being generous with your talents and providing inspiration to others. Use your good judgement to promote
our original ideas, knowing that there is a time and place for everything.
Chapter 4: Nodes of the Moon (Your Karmic Doorways)
The point on a horoscope chart called the North Node of the Moon is not actually a planet, but can be thought
of as a doorway from your current life to your future. And, its opposite point (the South Node of the Moon)
can be thought of as a doorway from your past life to your current one.
These two sensitive points can show you what goals you are concerned with in this life and what habits from
prior lives are holding you back from reaching those goals.
North Node of the Moon in Sagittarius
In your past lives, you have relied upon your basic instincts to get you through life. Higher education and
intellectual pursuits were looked on as frivolous.
Decision making was left to chance as you kept yourself too busy to have time to think things through. You
based your decisions on the latest rumor. You were satisfied with the amount of knowledge you had, no
matter how little it was.
This time around, you have the opportunity to develop your intellect, to form a personal philosophy based on
fairness to all. You still have difficulties in discerning the truth, so you need to learn your own truth, not other
people's truths.
Your possible past lives include, traveling salesman, con artist, migrant laborer, or even the local busybody.
In order to maintain the balance between your two karmic doorways, you need to develop your intellect
through education, reading, and stimulating conversations. Learn to communicate in real terms, instead of
small talk, trivia or gossip.
Chapter 5: Planets in Retrograde (Reversed Energies)
Planets in a horoscope chart which are marked as being in retrograde motion, hide or reverse the true energy
of that planet.
From a perspective of past life experiences, this usually means that some experience in a prior lifetime was so
negative that the individual refuses to use that planetary energy in any manner.
Uranus Retrograde
Outwardly, you may look very conventional. Inwardly, you are unconventional. You may express your
uniqueness through your ideas or your behavior. Your ideas are often so far into the future that others find
you difficult to understand. You may find it difficult to stay in one place for long, or at one job, or have the
same friends for long. You are in a constant state of flux, but it is directed to your inner (spiritual) being.
In a prior life, you may have exercised your freedom, without concern for the feelings or welfare of others.
You may have been a revolutionary or just in the avant-garde.
Your lesson in this lifetime is to carry yourself and others forward, but with a gentler touch. Progress and
advancement can be achieved when people want it, not when it is forced upon them.
Your birth chart interpretation is based on the positions of the planets at the time of your birth. For the benefit
of students of astrology, these positions, along with other technical information, are listed below:
25 Can 04
20 Sco 18
Mercury 16 Leo 08
22 Gem 35
12 Lib 35
1 Can 10
15 Leo 02
26 Aqu 56
6 Leo 23
5 Can 32
25 Sag 02
7 Vir 37
2nd cusp 20 Cap 07
3rd cusp 13 Aqu 48
5th cusp 18 Ari 54
6th cusp 25 Tau 42
Tropical Koch Standard time observed
GMT: 13:00:00 Time Zone: 2 hours East
Lat. and Long. of birth: 31 S 24 40 28 E 47
Aspects and orbs:
Conjunction : 8 Deg 00 Min
Opposition : 8 Deg 00 Min
: 6 Deg 00 Min
: 6 Deg 00 Min
: 6 Deg 00 Min