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Microsoft SQL Server 2005
Express Edition
SQL Server Management
Studio Express
Installation and Configuration Guides
System Requirements
Prerequisite software
Microsoft .NET Framework
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1 or later (prerequisite for .NET
Minimum: 192 MB
Recommended: 512 MB or higher
Hard Disk space
600 MB free space
Pentium III Compatible or higher
Minimum: 500 MHz
Recommended: 1 GHz or higher
Operating System
Windows Server 2003 SP1
Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition SP1
Windows Server 2003 Datacenter Edition SP1
Windows Small Business Server 2003 Standard Edition SP1
Windows Small Business Server 2003 Premium Edition SP1
Windows XP Professional SP2
Windows XP Home Edition SP2
Windows XP Tablet Edition SP2
Windows XP Media Edition SP2
Windows 2000 Professional Edition SP4
Windows 2000 Server Edition SP4
Windows 2000 Advanced Edition SP4
Windows 2000 Datacenter Server Edition SP4`
Installation Guide
We have two separate Installers setup files for:
 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
 SQL Server Management Studio Express
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition (SQL Server Express) is a powerful and
reliable data management product that delivers rich features, data protection, and
performance for embedded application clients, light Web applications, and local data stores.
Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express (SSMSE) is a free, easy-to-use
graphical management tool for managing SQL Server 2005 Express Edition and SQL Server
2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services. SSMSE can also manage instances of the
SQL Server Database Engine created by any edition of SQL Server 2005.
Installation Guide for
Microsoft SQL Server 2005
Express Edition
Installation Guide
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
When you click on the “SQLEXPR” icon to start the Installation of
“Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition”,
You would see the following extractor dialogue first
Installation Guide
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
Once the self-extractor would finish extracting the files, the Setup would be started.
In the first step, End User License Agreement dialogue would appear …
You MUST tick the checkbox for “I accept the licensing terms and conditions”
Then click on Next button to proceed further …
Installation Guide
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
Next would appear the dialogue box for “Installing Prerequisites”..
Indicating a couple of supporting components for “SQL Server EE”..
The setup would install these component by itself …
Click on “Install” button to continue
Installation Guide
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
Once the setup would install the required supporting components, it would
give a success message ….
When these components are installed, click on Next button to proceed …
Installation Guide
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
In the next step, The setup would scan the computer configuration to
determine if your machine is fulfilling the minimal installation requirements
Installation Guide
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
Once the computer configuration is done,, Installation Wizard would appear
click on “Next” button to further proceed the setup …
Installation Guide
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
In the next step, The setup would do some System Configuration Check
This would be an automatic step and it would do all the checking by itself
If there would be no issue or problem,, it would give the success message
Once Successful, click on Next button to further proceed …
Installation Guide
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
The setup would do some Installation preparation before actual
Installation would begin …
Installation Guide
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
Registration Information dialogue box would appear..
Name is the mandatory field, which MUST be filled with some valid value
whereas, the Company field is optional
click on “Next” button
Installation Guide
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
Next would be the Feature Selection Dialogue box
There would be two types of Features
• Database Services
• Client Components
You can click on “+” sign to
expand a certain category..
If any of the subcomponent for a
feature would be unavailable, it
would appear to be a gray icon
If all of the subcomponents for a
feature would be unavailable, it
would appear to be a white icon
with a Red color cross ….
Installation Guide
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
Click on “+” sign to expand the each Feature category..
Subcomponents for each category would appear …
Installation Guide
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
Click on the small arrow, appearing on the sub-component icon
it would display an option menu for that sub-component …
To include that subcomponent, click on the first option
“will be installed on local hard drive”
Choose this option for each
Subcomponent, separately clicking on
The little arrow against each of it ..
Installation Guide
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
Once all features are made available locally, it would appear to be like this ..
You can click on “Browse” button if you need to change the Installation path
But it is recommended that you continue with default …
Click on “Next” button to
continue the setup …
Installation Guide
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
Just one step back, you might have noticed that there was an option
“Hide advanced configuration options”
If you would check that, some of the advance options would not appear
during the setup,, but it is recommended to uncheck this and continue the
setup …
Installation Guide
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
The “Instance Name” dialogue box would appear
Here you can specify if you want to create a named instance with any name
But it is recommended to keep it Default ..
This dialogue box would only appear If you had
uncheck the “Hide advance configuration option“
at Registration Information dialogue box
Installation Guide
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
Next, Service Account dialogue box would appear
As you can See, there are various types of Services Accounts
In the next few slides, I have tried to describe about each of the service
This dialogue box would only appear If you had
uncheck the “Hide advance configuration option“
at Registration Information dialogue box
Installation Guide
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
Service Accounts
Customize the logon for each service account
Select the Customize for each service account check box to customize settings for individual
This option assigns specific logon accounts to individual services. Click this check box to implement the
principle of least privileges, where SQL Server services are granted the minimum permissions they need
to complete their tasks.
If this check box is not selected, the same account and settings are used for all SQL Server services.
Select any of the following services to customize its settings.
Select this service
To configure authentication settings for
SQL Server
The SQL Server Database Engine
SQL Server Agent
The service that executes jobs, monitors, SQL Server, and allows automation of
administrative tasks.
Analysis Services
Analysis Services
Reporting Services
Reporting Services. Service accounts are used to configure a report server database
connection. Choose a domain user account if you want to connect to a report server
database on a remote SQL Server instance. If you are using a local report server
database, you can use a domain user account or Local System to run the service.
SQL Server Browser
SQL Server Browser is the name resolution service that provides SQL Server connection
information to client computers. This service is shared across multiple SQL Server and
Integration Services instances.
Installation Guide
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
Service Accounts
Use the built-in System account
You can assign Local System, Network Service, or Local Service to the logon for the configurable SQL
Server services.
The Local System option specifies a local system account that does not require a password to connect
to SQL Server on the same computer. However, the local system account may restrict the SQL Server
installation from interacting with other servers, depending on the privileges granted to the account.
The Network Service account is a special, built-in account that is similar to an authenticated user
account. The Network Service account has the same level of access to resources and objects as
members of the Users group. Services that run as the Network Service account access network
resources using the credentials of the computer account.
We recommend that you do not use the Network Service account for the SQL Server or the SQL Server Agent
services. Local User or Domain User accounts are more appropriate for these SQL Server services.
The Local Service account is a special, built-in account that is similar to an authenticated user account.
The Local Service account has the same level of access to resources and objects as members of the
Users group. This limited access helps safeguard your system if individual services or processes are
compromised. Services that run as the Local Service account access network resources as a null
session with no credentials.
Installation Guide
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
Service Accounts
Use a domain user account
Specifies a domain user account that uses Windows Authentication to set up and connect to
SQL Server. Microsoft recommends using a domain user account with minimal rights for the
SQL Server service, as the SQL Server service does not require administrator account
The SQL Server Agent account must have administrator privileges if you create CmdExec and
ActiveScript jobs that belong to someone other than a SQL Server administrator, or if you use
the AutoRestart feature. If the above features are requirements in your environment, consider
using separate service accounts for the SQL Server and SQL Server Agent services.
Installation Guide
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
Service Accounts
For best practice, it is recommended to
choose “Use the Built-in System
Account” and “Local Service”
Also check the “SQL Server” and “SQL
Browser” services to be started at the
end of setup
Click on Next button to continue the
Installation Guide
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
In the next step, “Authentication Mode” dialogue box would appear
If you choose “Windows Authentication Mode”, SQL Server Authentication would be
only dependent on your Windows Authentication, which means if anyone can login to
your window account, He/She can use your SQL Server …
Thus, it is recommended to choose
the “Mixed Mode”, which would also
include the SQL Server’s own
authentication mode …
The default application administrator
for SQL Server is “sa”, and when you
choose the “Mixed Mode” you are
required to give a new password
for the default administrator account.
click on Next button to continue
Installation Guide
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
Collation Settings dialogue box would only appear if you had unchecked
the “hide advance configuration option” at Registration Information
dialogue box
Keep this all as default
and click Next button
to continue the setup …
Installation Guide
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
User Instance dialogue box would only appear if you had unchecked the
“hide advance configuration option” at Registration Information dialogue box
If you want to allow the other users
to use the SQL Server, without the
administrative privileges, or to
let them connect as a SQL client
from a remote machine, you can
check the “Enable User Instance”
checkbox option …
click “Next” to continue the setup
Installation Guide
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
Next would be the “Error and Usage Report Settings” …
This is an optional part where you can check if you want to sent the report
to Microsoft, if anything goes wrong with the product during the usage …
click on Next button to continue..
Installation Guide
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
Once the setup has collected the necessary information
it is now ready to begin the installation
click on “Install” button
Installation Guide
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
Next the Setup Process would be doing some component configuration …
Installation Guide
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
Once all the components would be configured successfully,
it would show green checks against each component in the list
click on Next button to continue the setup
Installation Guide
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
Now the setup has almost done the installation process, thus it would now
be the last dialogue box for the SQL Server setup
click on Finish button to complete the Installation Process
Configuration Guide for
Microsoft SQL Server 2005
Express Edition
Configuration Guide
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
Once you have completed the Installation for Microsoft SQL Server 2005
Express Edition, It’s configuration tools would be available in Program
menu of your computer
you can browse through
Start  Programs  Microsoft SQL Server 2005  Configuration Tools
Configuration Guide
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
To open the SQL Server Configuration Manager tool
Start  Programs  Microsoft SQL Server 2005  Configuration Tools
 SQL Server Configuration Manager
Configuration Guide
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
In SQL Server Configuration Manager, you would find three types of
Configuration tools
• SQL Server 2005 Services
• SQL Server 2005 Network Configuration
• SQL Native Client Configuration
Configuration Guide
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
click on “SQL Server 2005 Services” from the left-side navigation
It would show the list of SQL Server 2005 services on right side
panel, in detailed view, which is usually comprised of Name, State,
Start Mode, Log On As, Process ID and Service Type …
When you select a particular service, it’s specific action icons such
as; start, pause, stop, refresh/restart are shown on the menu bar ..
Configuration Guide
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
Services action options can also be available by Right clicking
on that particular service ..
for further advance settings, you can choose Properties
Configuration Guide
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
If you choose properties option for a particular service, it’s properties
dialogue box would appear like this:
This property dialogue box is for the
alteration of the “Service Account”
settings which were adjust during the
installation process, means if you need to
change those settings later, you can do
it here …
Configuration Guide
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
click on “Service” tab of Properties dialogue box for some service settings
Here you can change the Start Mode of the selected service to be
“Automatic”, “Manual” or “Disabled”
Configuration Guide
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
click on “Advanced” tab of Properties dialogue box for some advance
settings …
Here, you can indicate weather the
service is listening and also you can
enable or disable “Customer Feedback
Reporting” and “Error Reporting” options
Once you have made necessary adjustment
on all three tabs, click on Apply button and then
click on OK button to apply the changes
Configuration Guide
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
Now expand the “SQL Server 2005 Network Configuration” option from left
hand menu and select “Protocols for SQLEXPRESS” option
On right panel, a list of SQL Express Protocols, along with their current
status would be shown ….
Configuration Guide
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
Right click on a particular protocol to enable or disable that
particular protocol service …
Configuration Guide
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
You can also choose Properties option to adjust some other options
for that particular protocol
Configuration Guide
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
Now expand the “SQL Native Client Configuration” option from the left
side navigation menu, and select “Client Protocol” option
Right click on a particular protocol to enable or disable it ..
You can also select Properties option for some advance settings …
Configuration Guide
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
You shall enable “TCP/IP” and
“Name Pipes” protocols for both
“Network Configurations” and
“Client Configurations”
specially when you need to
use the SQL Server services
with external application
such as a Project in Java
or .NET environment
Configuration Guide
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
To open the SQL Server Surface Area Configuration
Start  Programs  Microsoft SQL Server 2005  Configuration Tools
 SQL Server Surface Area Configuration
Configuration Guide
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
SQL Server Surface Area Configuration Dialogue box would appear …
Click on “Surface Area Configuration for Services and Connections” option
Configuration Guide
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
Here you can adjust various options and Settings for Database Engine
services and SQL Server Browser services …
Specifically, if you need to
use your SQL Server
services from a Remote
location or you need to
do connectivity with
external application projects,
it is recommended that
you shall adjust “Remote
Connections” option, under
Database Engine category.
Select “Local and Remote
Connections” and “Using both
TCP/IP and Name Pipes”
click on Apply button and then
OK button to apply changes
Installation Guide for
SQL Server Management
Studio Express
Installation Guide
SQL Server Management Studio Express
When you click on SQLServer2005_SSMSEE icon to start the Installation of
“SQL Server Management Studio Express” … It shows the “Microsoft SQL
Server Management Studio
Express Setup”
Click on “Next” button to
continue the setup .
Installation Guide
SQL Server Management Studio Express
Next, License Agreement dialogue box would appear
Check “I accept the terms in the license agreement” option
Click Next button to continue the setup
Installation Guide
SQL Server Management Studio Express
Next, Registration Information dialogue box would appear
Here, Name is a mandatory field, where as you can optionally mention
The Company Name as well …
Installation Guide
SQL Server Management Studio Express
Next, Feature Selection dialogue box would appear,,
If the Management Studio Express feature is set to be unavailable by
default, click on the adjacent small arrow to bring up the option menu, and
select “This feature will be installed on local hard drive” option …
click on “Next” button
to continue the setup
Installation Guide
SQL Server Management Studio Express
Now the Setup wizard is ready to Install the Program ..
Click on “Install” button to start the Application Installation
Installation Guide
SQL Server Management Studio Express
The setup has began the Installation of Microsoft SQL Server
Management Studio Express …
Installation Guide
SQL Server Management Studio Express
When the setup would be done with the Installation of SQL Server
Management Studio Express, It would show the completion dialogue box.
click on “Finish” button
SQL Server Management
Studio Express
In a Nutshell
SQL Server Guide
SQL Server Management Studio Express in a Nutshell
Once you have successfully installed SQL Server Management Studio
Express,, you can access the application by
start  Programs  Microsoft SQL Server 2005
 SQL Server Management Studio Express
SQL Server Guide
SQL Server Management Studio Express in a Nutshell
When you click on SQL Server Management Studio Express option from
the start menu, The application would be started …
It would show the Connect to Server Wizard
SQL Server Guide
SQL Server Management Studio Express in a Nutshell
The convention of the Server name field is normally as
If you are working in a network environment and SQL Server application is
installed on a central server, and you need to access it, you can browse it
using <<Browse for more>>
SQL Server Guide
SQL Server Management Studio Express in a Nutshell
Next parameter is about Authentication mode,
you can choose any of the mode, according to your needs …
SQL Server Guide
SQL Server Management Studio Express in a Nutshell
If you have selected SQL Server Authentication, provide the username
and password which you had mentioned during the Installation of
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
The default username is “sa” as mentioned before …
once done with all of the
necessary parameters,
click on Connect button
SQL Server Guide
SQL Server Management Studio Express in a Nutshell
Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express have two panels,
on left hand is Object Explorer, where you can explore various objects of the
application, and on right side the detailed view of selected object is shown
SQL Server Guide
SQL Server Management Studio Express in a Nutshell
Expanding the Databases category would show you the databases of SQL
Server … if you don’t have any custom database yet, there would be some
default databases in System Databases sub-category …
SQL Server Guide
SQL Server Management Studio Express in a Nutshell
When you expand on any database, it would show the database objects like Tables,
Views, Synonyms, Programmability and Security ….
SQL Server Guide
SQL Server Management Studio Express in a Nutshell
When you expand the Table category, it would show you the tables of that
Database,, and like Databases, there might be some System Tables,,
specially under a System Database ..
SQL Server Guide
SQL Server Management Studio Express in a Nutshell
You can also notice that as System Tables sub-category is selected from
left-side Object explorer, The tables residing under that sub-category are
enlisted on right-side Summary view panel …
SQL Server Guide
SQL Server Management Studio Express in a Nutshell
Under the Security category, there are Logins, Server Roles and Credentials
SQL Server Guide
SQL Server Management Studio Express in a Nutshell
Expanding the Login Category would show some default and custom logins
of the SQL Server MSE … You can also see ‘sa’ login in the list
SQL Server Guide
SQL Server Management Studio Express in a Nutshell
If you need to make some changes in a login, right click on that login and select
Properties option
SQL Server Guide
SQL Server Management Studio Express in a Nutshell
Login property window
would appear,
You can not change
The login name or user id,
but you can change it’s
Password, default Database
and Default language ..
SQL Server Guide
SQL Server Management Studio Express in a Nutshell
From left-hand menu of
Login Properties, select
Server Roles page..
Here you can change the
Roles assigned to the
Selected login ..
SQL Server Guide
SQL Server Management Studio Express in a Nutshell
From the Status page,
You can adjust the
Permission of the selected
Login, and you can also
Enable or disable the Login
Once you are done with
necessary changes,
Click on OK button to
Apply the changes ….
SQL Server Guide
SQL Server Management Studio Express in a Nutshell
Adding a new (custom) database:
Right click on “Databases” and click on “New Database” option from the menu..
SQL Server Guide
SQL Server Management Studio Express in a Nutshell
New Database dialogue box would appear..
Give the desired name to your database in “Database name” field …
If you need to change the owner
of the database, click on the
Button, adjacent to ‘owner’ field
SQL Server Guide
SQL Server Management Studio Express in a Nutshell
“Select Database Owner” wizard would appear …
Here you can specify the username to whom you want to give the
ownership of the database …
Click on Browse button to see the list of Database valid users
SQL Server Guide
SQL Server Management Studio Express in a Nutshell
When you click on Browse button, a list of available list of database users
appear,,, select the required users and click on OK button
SQL Server Guide
SQL Server Management Studio Express in a Nutshell
After you have clicked OK button on Object Browser window,, The selected
users would appear in the Object /User panel …
click on OK button to continue
SQL Server Guide
SQL Server Management Studio Express in a Nutshell
The selected user
appears on Owner field.
Click on OK button to
create the new database
SQL Server Guide
SQL Server Management Studio Express in a Nutshell
Your newly created database is now visible under the Databases category …
Like the other databases,
The objects of this database
are visible through the
right-side Summary panel,
and also by expending the
Database as well …
SQL Server Guide
SQL Server Management Studio Express in a Nutshell
To create a new table in a database:
Expand that database  Right click on Tables object  select New Table option
SQL Server Guide
SQL Server Management Studio Express in a Nutshell
A table generator wizard would be embedded on the right-side panel
Here you can mention the Column Names of the new Table, their data types and if
you want to allow null values in that column
SQL Server Guide
SQL Server Management Studio Express in a Nutshell
Once you have added the desired columns in your table, click on SAVE
button, (which appears to be like a floppy symbol on the task bar)
SQL Server Guide
SQL Server Management Studio Express in a Nutshell
When you click on Save button, it would ask you to Enter a name for the
Table … Provide a valid Table name following the standard naming
conventions and press OK button …
SQL Server Guide
SQL Server Management Studio Express in a Nutshell
You can see that your new table is appearing within your Database ..
When you expand your table, it would show you the table objects ..
Specifically when you further expand the Column category, it would show you the columns of
the selected table …
SQL Server Guide
SQL Server Management Studio Express in a Nutshell
To Create a New Authorized Login for SQL Server:
expand Security  Right click on Logins
SQL Server Guide
SQL Server Management Studio Express in a Nutshell
New Login wizard would appear …
Provide the login name / UserID
in Login Name field ..
Select if you want to make it
Windows Authenticated or
SQL Server Authenticated…
If you select SQL Server
Authentication, you need to
provide a Password to your
New login …
You can also change the
Default database of the
New user, by selecting any
other database from the
dropdown menu…
SQL Server Guide
SQL Server Management Studio Express in a Nutshell
Click on Server Roles page from left-side menu to Assign the Roles to the new User …
SQL Server Guide
SQL Server Management Studio Express in a Nutshell
Click on User Mapping page to map the database specific roles to the new User
In the upper-right section,
You can map databases
to the User, and in the lower
right section, roles for each
Database case be separately
assigned to the new User …
SQL Server Guide
SQL Server Management Studio Express in a Nutshell
Once done with the necessary User settings, click on OK button to create
the new Login …
SQL Server Guide
SQL Server Management Studio Express in a Nutshell
In some cases / some versions of SQL Server, you might get such
exception, while trying to create a new User Login for SQL Server …
as indicated in this error window, “MUST_CHANGE option is not
supported in this version”
SQL Server Guide
SQL Server Management Studio Express in a Nutshell
In case of such error, uncheck the “Enforce password expiration” and “User
must change password at next login” …
Then press OK button
SQL Server Guide
SQL Server Management Studio Express in a Nutshell
You can see the newly created user in the Logins list now …
Microsoft SQL Server 2005
Express Edition
SQL Server
Management Studio Express
Installation and Configuration Guides
Prepared by:
Virtual University Open Source Software Community
(VOSS Com.)
[email protected]