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First Six Weeks Study Guide
1. Prehistory
a. How did the role of women change with the invention of Agriculture?
b. How did food surpluses lead to “civilization”
c. What was the basis of all Classical Economies?
2. Ancient Mesopotamia
a. How was the political System organized?
b. What were the major characteristics of the City-States?
c. How were the rivers in Mesopotamia different from the Nile in Egypt.
d. What was the first written law code and why was it important?
e. What civilization developed the first writing system?
f. How did the Assyrians rule over the people they conquered?
g. What three social classes did Hammurabi’s code create?
3. Egypt
a. How was the political system organized?
b. What was the Egypt writing system called, and what did they write on?
c. Who began Egypt’s history by uniting the Upper and Lower Kingdoms?
d. Who invaded Egypt to end the Middle Kingdom?
e. How did Egypt transition between the Old Kingdom to the Middle Kingdom?
f. Did Egyptians want to get into the afterlife? How did they get in?
4. China
a. Which Dynasty created the examination system?
b. Which Dynasty created an extensive road system?
c. What was the Chinese view of nature?
d. Which group controlled materials needed to make bronze?
e. Describe the main principles of Daoism.
f. Would a Daoists believe in political activity?
g. What was the Vassal’s primary role in the Shang dynasty?
h. Which Dynasty held more centralized power, the Qin or the Zhou?
i. Why was the Zhou Dynasty long lasting?
j. What group held high status in Confucian China?
k. Was Huang He more isolated than Nile River civilization?
l. What was the first Chinese Dynasty?
m. How did Nomads help keep the Silk Road together?
n. What place did Scholars hold in the Han society?
o. What philosophy did the Qin favor?
p. What philosophy did the Han dynasty favor?
q. Which philosophy held that humans were naturally evil?
r. What period preceded the Qin dynasty?
5. Indus Valley
a. What is the most important factor that brought about this civilizations fall?
b. Has their writing system been deciphered?
c. How is the Caste System similar to a political institution?
d. What would a Brahmin achieve/ gain after death?
e. What is Nirvana?
f. What dynasty was Ashoka a part of, and why was he important?
6. Chavin
7. Olmec
8. Inca
What was the driving force that led them to create an empire?
Why did they become an influential civilization? (location)
Was there political organization within the Olmec Society?
What was the key difference between Inca, Egypt, Mesopotamia, China, and Indus
valley civilizations?
9. Greece/Rome
a. Where did democratic government emerge?
b. Who created the first alphabet?
c. Did Rome create a major road system?
d. Did Romans focus more on laws or political training?
e. What achievements did the Romans achieve in Engineering?
f. What civilization did Rome borrow heavily from in terms of art, architecture, and
g. Know Pericles’ speech from Classicism document.
h. Describe Greek rationalism.
10. Patrilineal
a. What does it mean?
Map Section: Be able to locate the following on a map.
1. Rivers:
f. Babylon
a. Nile
g. Harappa
b. Indus
h. Crete
c. Huang He
i. Sicily
d. Tigris
j. Sardinia
e. Euphrates
k. Byzantium
2. Peoples:
l. Jerusalem
a. Persia
4. Empires
b. Parthia
a. Guptan Empire
c. Mesopotamia
b. Mauryan Empire
d. Judaea
c. Han Dynasty
e. Maya
d. Qin Dynasty
f. Inca
5. Roads
g. Aztecs
a. Royal Road
h. Chavin
b. Silk Road
3. Cities
6. Mountains
a. Athens
a. Andes
b. Rome
b. Ganges
c. Carthage
c. Himalayas
d. Sparta
d. Taurus
e. Persepolis