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Periodic Table-Review
_____ 1) Which element is a member of the halogen family?
a) K
b) B
c) I
d) S
_____ 2) The element found in Group 13 and Period 2 is
a) Be
b) Mg
c) B
d) Al
_____ 3) As the elements are considered from the top to the bottom of Group 15, which sequence in
properties occurs?
a) metal metalloid nonmetal
b) metal nonmetal metalloid
c) metalloid metal nonmetal
d) nonmetal metalloid  metal
_____ 4) The elements in the present Periodic Table are arranged according to their
a) atomic numbers
b) atomic masses
c) oxidation states
d) mass numbers
_____ 5) Which element is a solid at room temperature and standard pressure?
a) Br
b) I
c) Hg
d) Ne
_____ 6) Which aqueous solution has a color?
a) BaSO4 (aq)
b) SrSO4 (aq)
d) MgSO4 (aq)
c) CuSO4 (aq)
_____ 7) What is the total number of electrons found in the valence shell of a halogen in the ground state?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 7
d) 8
_____ 8) Which element exhibits a crystalline structure at STP?
a) F
b) Cl
c) Br
d) I
_____ 9) An element whose atoms have the electronic configuration 2-8-18-1 is
a) a transition element
b) a noble gas
c) an alkali metal
d) an alkaline earth
_____ 10) All of the following elements are malleable except
a) S
b) Cu
c) Au
d) Al
_____ 11) The elements of Period 2 have the same
a) atomic mass
c) number of occupied principal energy levels
b) atomic number
d) number of occupied sublevels
_____ 12) Atoms of metallic elements tend to
a) gain electrons and form negative ions
c) lose electrons and form negative ions
b) gain electrons and form positive ions
d) lose electrons and form positive ions
_____ 13) Which of the following elements has the lowest electronegativity?
a) C
b) F
c) N
d) O
_____ 14) Which element in Period 3 has the largest covalent radius?
a) Cl
b) Al
c) Na
d) P
_____ 15) Which element in Period 3 has the least tendency to lose an electron?
a) Ar
b) Na
c) P
d) Al
_____ 16) Which of the following particles has the smallest radius?
a) Na0
b) K0
c) Na+
d) K+
_____ 17) Which group contains elements with a total of four electrons in the outermost principal energy
a) 1
b) 18
c) 16
d) 14
_____ 18) Which element in Period 3 has the least tendency to lose an electron?
a) Ar
b) Na
c) P
d) Al
_____ 19) When a metal atom combines with a nonmetal atom, the nonmetal atom will
a) lose electrons and decrease in size
b) lose electrons and increase in size
c) gain electrons and decrease in size
d) gain electrons and increase in size
_____ 20) A Mg atom differs from a Mg+2 ion in that the atom has a
a) smaller radius
b) larger radius
c) smaller nucleus
d) larger nucleus
21) You are asked to sort all of the elements into two groups. What two groups would be the most obvious?
22) Both sodium and chlorine are in the same period on the periodic table. Explain the difference in their
23) Predict the charge that an ion of each element (Na and Cl) would have. Explain your answer.
24) Compare the amount of ionization energy required to remove the first electron from each of these atoms
(Na and Cl).
Use your Periodic Table, Table S and your knowledge of periodic trends to answer questions 25 - 28.
25) Arrange the following elements to show a trend of increasing atomic radius.
Selenium, sulfur, oxygen, and tellurium
26) Arrange the following elements to show a trend of increasing ionization energy.
Nitrogen, arsenic, phosphorus, and antimony
27) Which atom has the smallest atomic radius?
Explain why this occurs.
Be or
28) Why would you never to expect a Ca+ ion or a Na+2 ion to exist?
1) C
2) C
3) D
4) A
5) B
6) C
7) C
8) D
9) A
10) A
11) C
12) D
13) A
14) C
15) A
16) C
17) D
18) A
19) D
20) B
21) Metals and nonmetals
22) Na is larger than Cl
23) Na will have a +1 charge, Cl will have a -1 charge; to satisfy the Octet Rule
24) Na will have low ionization energy (wants to lose electrons), Cl will have high ionization energy
(wants to gain electrons)
25) O, S, Se, Te
26) Sb, As, P, N
27) Oxygen, move to right across period size gets smaller
28) These do NOT satisfy the Octet Rule