Download Proposed Program for the National Lasallian Environmental Meeting

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Hi Sir Noi!
Here are my comments:
1. Discussion and Reflection on the State of the Environment (Global, Regional and Local) and Challenges to the LASALLIAN Education Sector.
Specifically, the meeting should help surface
a. Key Issues needing Environmental Action (we need to determine what area we need to concentrate)
b. Key areas where schools can have a Niche/Major Impact/Contribution
2. Instead of conducting an inventory (the process and format might be tedious on the three of us), can we just create a new program where all LS schools can
participate like OMTB and PCN. This is the “beyond” part of OMTB. The inventory is LIFE’s responsibilities.
3. The program is excellent! Nice one sir Noi!
Joey’s take on the program
Program objectives (can we keep it simple like just have 3 objectives?)
1. provide input on climate change and the state of Philippine environment
2. to highlight lasallian environmental efforts
3. identify lasallian environmental directions for the next 3 years (strategic)
Program flow:
1st day
Input from academe (dlsu or dls dasma) focused on latest concepts and facts;
Input from gov’t (denr or phil council for sustainable dev’t) focused on environmental policies and mechanisms place;
Input from ngo (wwf-ci) focused on community based programs and projects in partnership with schools;
Case studies presentation from lasalle:
 life on how carbon neutral is lasalle: pcn study results and institutional recommendations;
 omtb on forest conservation efforts by schools: lessons learned and ways forward;
mainstreaming disaster risk reduction and management: how resilient are our schools and immediate community partners?
2nd day
Input - Glimpse of the modern conduct of schools (particularly on drrm and environment);
Input - Environmental directions by dlsp
Workshop: how do we sustain these efforts for the next 3 years? Do we need to prioritize? Do we need to establish a set of monitoring and evaluation mechanisms?
Site visit: environmental projects by lasalle bacolod
LIFE – OMTB: Proposed Program for the 2 – Day National Lasallian Environmental Meeting
National Meeting Objectives:
1. Discussion and Reflection on the State of the Environment (Global, Regional and Local) and Challenges to the Education Sector. Specifically, the meeting
should help surface
a. Key Issues needing Environmental Action
b. Key areas where schools can have a Niche/Major Impact/Contribution
2. Conduct of an Inventory/Survey/Impact study of Lasallian Initiatives in terms of Environmental Action, Education and Research (and their impacts), the
results of which to be presented during the National Meeting. (to be done prior the 2-day national meeting. It would be ideal if a comprehensive study be
done, if necessary, the services of a professional documenter/researcher be tapped to conduct the inventory/assessment. If not possible, a format and process
of conducting the inventory be given to each school. The study/survey must cover both LS initiatives in the local, regional and national levels).
3. Identify proposed areas for involvement/next steps of the Lasallian Schools in terms of Environmental Action, Education and Research.
4. Operationalize/Strategic Action Plan for the next 5 (or 10? 15?) years for the Lasallian Philippine Sector.
5. Celebration and affirmation of the LS initiatives and efforts of the champions as well as provide an opportunity to renew ties and inspire delegates.
Note: Numbers 3 and 4, to be presented to DLSP through LIFE for consideration of the appropriate body in the Philippine Lasallian Family.
Proposed Program Flow (Kindly identify possible Good Resource Persons/Sharers as well as process)
Day 00
Sending out of invitations, pre
Proposed Resource Persons/Facilitator
Notes on the Process
Materials/communication sent out prior the national
meeting kits: assignments
prior the meeting
Day 0
Travel of participants to venue
(local travel, regional flights
Those coming from the
regions, ideally should stay
overnight at the host school
Day 1
6:00 am
Proposed Resource Persons/Facilitator
Registration/distribution of
Meeting kits
Opening Prayer
Welcome remarks/welcoming
of delegations
Inspirational Message
Introduction Session on
Meeting Objectives and
Process, Target Outcomes and
Expectation sharing
Session 1: State of the
Environment: Challenges to
the Philippine Education
Notes on the Process
meeting: meeting invitation, program and tasks list,
survey instruments for local schools; Results of the
inventory/assessment/survey of LS initiatives
(sectoral level)
Warm welcome to regional pax, host schools and
schools in the area may also have socials during the
first night to welcome the guests from the regions.
Photo sessions of each delegation (for documentation
and the directory)
Reflective of the agenda for the 2-day meeting and the
inspiration/reason behind the LS efforts on the
Someone from LIFE (Tito Ben, Jorge, Ging)
Br. JJ/Br. Dodo
Maybe developed into a short workshop to
surface/level-off meeting objectives, targets and
process with participants expectations
Maybe a Panel of speakers:
- One resource person for the global level
- One resource person for the regional: Ricky
- One resource person for the local: Lory Tan
Session may be in a panel discussion format.
Workshop may also be part of the session/follows the
session. Targets: identification of key global,
regional and local challenges which schools generally
may make an impact.
12:30 pm
Closing Prayer
Opening Prayer
Ice breaker
Session 2: Presentation of LS
initiatives survey
Presentation of workshop
Synthesis of Day 1
Prayer service
Options: may be an extension
Proposed Resource Persons/Facilitator
Notes on the Process
Prayer leader
Animated Ice Breaker person
Facilitators for the workshop needed
DLSP should also be represented to ensure
Prayer should be brief but sets the tone for the session
Workshop targets: matching outputs of session 1 with
findings of survey/inventory. Participants may be
grouped according to either:
Basic ed and tertiary ed groups or by areas of action
eg.. education, env. Action and research.
To be facilitated by main emcees
A panel may also be formed to review/comment on
the presentations of the groups to help identify
opportunities as well as to help ground the
presentations in term of DLSP thrusts, feasibility of
proposed actions as well as identification of resource
requirements and support
Panel team:
LIFE rep: Tito Ben, Jorge, Ging?
Brothers: Br. Armin, Br. Dodo, Br. Jj?
DLSP BEC/TEC: Paul Zaldariaga
Lay partner administrator: Ronnie Holmes, Jay
Animated facilitator (may be from the LMOs or a La
Salle Brother)
Br. Armin?
Br. Aikee
Br. Richie
Synthesis of day 1: summary of what has transpired.
Highlight key accomplishments and pending
Prayer service should help integrate the cognitive
exercises into personal affirmation and commitment
as well as the deeper inspiration (God behind all of
May include short time for journaling/reflection
Brief cliniquing of the programs committee to review
Day 2
6:00 am
Proposed Resource Persons/Facilitator
of session/workshop 2 or if the
groups finish early, socials
Notes on the Process
process/program concerns, needs of pax and rundown
of day 2 schedule
Wake up call
Opening Prayer service
Ice breaker
Recap of Day 1
Animated prayer leader
A full prayer service
Panel team:
LIFE rep: Tito Ben, Jorge, Ging?
Brothers: Br. Armin, Br. Dodo, Br. Jj?
DLSP BEC/TEC: Paul Zaldariaga
Lay partner administrator: Ronnie Holmes, Jay
Panel of the previous day may also be present and
help fine tune strat plans
Workshop of outputs of the previous day to be
Process on how to do the strat plan must be identified
Session 3: Strategic Action
Programs committee
This may again be done in terms of workshops
Working break
Presentation of workshop
Ice breaker
Synthesis of 2-day meeting
Finalization of General
directions, strat and action
Closing Remarks
Main faci’s emcees
Br. Jj?
Awarding of certificates
Closing Prayer service
Proposed Resource Persons/Facilitator
Notes on the Process
Host school rep/socials sub committee
If sessions end bynoon, afternoon may be a local tour
for the pax c/o host school
Proposed Committees/Roles:
Proposed Facilitator: Joey/Terai
Programs (work closely with DLSP-LIFE)
- general coordination with schools
- invitations to resource persons
- invitations to schools
- meeting with facilitators, resource persons
- overall planning and mobilization of preps and actual 2-day meeting
- cliniquing/process checks during the 2-day meeting
- session preps (ice breakers, prayer sessions, workshops etc.)
Liturgy sub committee
- prayer services
Ice breaker and socials sub committee
- socials and ice breakers
- local tour
Logistics Committee (local host school/s)
- transportation
- accommodation
- food
- facilities/venues
- materials/kits
- tokens to resource persons
Finance Committee