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Name: __________________________ Date: _____________
1. After sleeping for about an hour, Josй enters a phase of paradoxical sleep. He is likely
A) be easily awakened.
B) have slower, more regular breathing.
C) have slower brain waves.
D) talk in his sleep.
E) have very relaxed muscles.
2. The best indication that dreaming serves a necessary biological function is provided by
the fact that:
A) most dreams are psychologically meaningless.
B) the disruption of REM sleep leads to narcolepsy.
C) most mammals experience REM rebound.
D) sexual tension is naturally discharged during REM sleep.
3. Chronic sleep deprivation is likely to ________ obesity and ________ memory.
A) promote; facilitate
B) inhibit; impair
C) promote; impair
D) inhibit; facilitate
4. Experiments in which hypnotized individuals have been encouraged to perform
apparently dangerous acts best illustrate that:
A) hypnosis is a special state of dissociated consciousness.
B) information processing during hypnosis occurs only at a subconscious level.
C) people are surprisingly susceptible to destructive social influence.
D) the use of hypnosis as a form of entertainment is clearly inappropriate.
5. Research on sleep and dreams indicates that:
A) older adults sleep more than young adults.
B) when people dream of performing some activity, their limbs often move in concert
with the dream.
C) sleepwalkers are acting out their dreams.
D) the circadian rhythm has no influence on our patterns of sleep.
E) none of the above are true.
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6. Which of the following is a psychedelic drug?
B) cocaine
C) heroin
D) caffeine
E) nicotine
7. Research on sleep patterns indicates that:
A) the elderly and newborns have very similar sleep patterns.
B) different sleep patterns reflect significant personality differences.
C) the duration and pattern of sleep among fraternal twins is strikingly similar.
D) everyone needs a minimum of 6 1/2 hours of sleep per night to function well.
E) sleep patterns may be genetically influenced.
8. Night terrors:
A) typically occur during REM sleep.
B) usually occur during the first few hours after falling asleep.
C) are nightmares that occur only in children.
D) are often accompanied by the temporary cessation of breathing.
E) are vividly recalled the next morning.
9. Forty-year-old Lance insists that he never dreams. Research suggests that he probably:
A) experiences very little REM sleep.
B) would report a vivid dream if he were awakened during REM sleep.
C) dreams during Stage 4 rather than during REM sleep.
D) experiences more Stage 4 sleep than most people.
E) passes through the sleep cycle much more rapidly than most people.
10. Twenty-eight-year-old Theodore has an irrational fear of dogs. His therapist hypnotizes
him and asks him to mentally relive his earliest childhood experience with a dog. The
therapist is making use of:
A) posthypnotic amnesia.
B) age regression.
C) retrograde amnesia.
D) temporal dissociation.
E) the hidden observer.
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11. The pituitary gland is particularly likely to release a growth hormone during:
A) Stage 2 sleep.
B) Stage 1 sleep.
C) slow-wave sleep.
D) paradoxical sleep.
12. The human sleep cycle repeats itself about every:
A) 30 minutes.
B) 90 minutes.
C) 2 1/2 hours.
D) 4 hours.
13. The brain waves associated with REM sleep are most similar to those of:
A) Stage 1 sleep.
B) Stage 2 sleep.
C) Stage 3 sleep.
D) Stage 4 sleep.
14. Jordanna has decided to go to bed early. Although her eyes are closed and she's very
relaxed, she has not yet fallen asleep. An EEG is most likely to indicate the presence of:
A) delta waves.
B) alpha waves.
C) sleep spindles.
D) rapid eye movements.
15. Circadian rhythm refers to:
A) the pattern of emotional ups and downs we routinely experience.
B) a pattern of biological functioning that occurs on a roughly 24-hour cycle.
C) the experience of jet lag following an extensive transoceanic flight.
D) the cycle of five distinct stages that we experience during a normal night's sleep.
16. People can be hypnotically induced to:
A) surpass their normal waking levels of physical strength and stamina.
B) perform dangerous acts that they would not perform in a normal state.
C) recall correctly almost anything that has ever happened to them.
D) report significant relief from the pain of placing their arms in ice water.
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17. Our resistance to going to bed as early as we had planned is most likely a reflection of:
A) dissociation.
B) narcolepsy.
C) the circadian rhythm.
D) night terrors.
E) sleep apnea.
18. Franзois was dismayed to discover that some of his football teammates were using
drugs to enhance their footwork and endurance on the playing field. Which of the
following drugs were the players most likely using?
A) morphine derivatives
B) marijuana
C) amphetamines
D) barbiturates
19. University men were shown an erotic movie clip. Compared with those who thought
they had recently consumed a nonalcoholic beverage, men who believed they had
recently consumed an alcoholic beverage were ________ likely to report having strong
sexual fantasies and ________ likely to report having feelings of guilt.
A) more; more
B) less; less
C) less; more
D) more; less
20. When Celeste was unable to obtain her regular supply of heroin, she began to develop
tremors, fever, and an intense craving for the drug. Celeste was experiencing symptoms
A) narcolepsy.
B) dissociation.
C) insomnia.
D) withdrawal.
21. During a heated argument with his teenage daughter, Mr. Reid suddenly lapsed into a
state of REM sleep. Mr. Reid apparently suffers from:
A) narcolepsy.
B) insomnia.
C) sleep apnea.
D) REM rebound.
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22. Researchers are most likely to question the value of hypnosis for:
A) reducing fear.
B) enhancing memory.
C) relieving pain.
D) facilitating relaxation.
23. Which drugs are most likely to be prescribed as tranquilizers?
A) amphetamines
B) barbiturates
C) hallucinogens
D) opiates
24. Freud is to ________ as Mesmer is to ________.
A) narcolepsy; hypnosis
B) slow-wave sleep; paradoxical sleep
C) dream interpretation; animal magnetism
D) posthypnotic suggestion; sleep apnea
E) hallucinations; REM rebound
25. The school of thought in psychology that systematically avoided the study of
consciousness during the first half of this century was:
A) psychoanalysis.
B) behaviorism.
C) functionalism.
D) structuralism.
E) Gestalt psychology.
26. In one study, both hypnotized and unhypnotized subjects were told to throw acid in a
research assistant's face. In this experiment, hypnotized people:
A) usually refused to engage in antisocial behavior.
B) behaved in the same fashion as unhypnotized individuals.
C) were easily influenced to act against their own will.
D) experienced a heightened sense of personal responsibility for their actions.
27. REM sleep is called paradoxical sleep because:
A) our heart rate is slow and steady, while our breathing is highly irregular.
B) we are deeply asleep but can be awakened easily.
C) our nervous system is highly active, while our voluntary muscles hardly move.
D) it leads to highly imaginative dreams that are perceived as colorless images.
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28. When hypnosis is used to induce deafness, the hidden observer is likely to be ______ to
auditory stimulation. When hypnosis is used to induce blindness, the hidden observer is
likely to be ______ to visual stimulation.
A) sensitive; sensitive
B) insensitive; sensitive
C) sensitive; insensitive
D) insensitive; insensitive
29. The belief that death involves the liberation of the soul from a bodily prison illustrates:
A) reincarnation.
B) monism.
C) dissociation.
D) narcolepsy.
E) dualism.
30. The divided-consciousness theory of hypnosis receives support from evidence that:
A) hypnosis can block sensory input.
B) hypnosis can affect voluntary but not involuntary behaviors.
C) hypnotized people often seem to play the role of “good hypnotic subjects.”
D) hypnotized people can be aware of pain sensation without experiencing emotional
31. Those who emphasize that mood fluctuations may be indicative of seasonal affective
disorder are highlighting the importance of:
A) the menstrual cycle.
B) dissociation.
C) REM sleep.
D) biological rhythms.
E) narcolepsy.
32. Bedwetting is most likely to occur during ________ sleep.
A) Stage 1
B) Stage 2
C) slow-wave
D) paradoxical
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33. Symptoms of drug withdrawal are likely to be ________ severe among those with
________ levels of drug tolerance.
A) most; low
B) most; moderate
C) most; high
D) equally; low, moderate, or high
34. Monism refers to the presumption that:
A) hypnosis and REM sleep are identical states of consciousness.
B) near-death experiences provide scientific evidence for life after death.
C) different psychological theories offer complementary rather than contradictory
D) mind and body are different aspects of the same thing.
35. Consciousness is:
A) the ability to solve problems, reason, and remember.
B) the sudden and often novel realization of the solution to a problem.
C) the process of organizing and interpreting sensory information.
D) effortless encoding of incidental information into memory.
E) our awareness of ourselves and our environment.
36. Compared to subconscious information processing, conscious information processing is
relatively ________ and especially effective for solving ________ problems.
A) fast; novel
B) slow; novel
C) fast; routine
D) slow; routine
37. The discomfort and distress that follow the discontinued use of certain drugs is called:
A) intolerance.
B) narcolepsy.
C) withdrawal.
D) retraction.
E) dissociation.
38. Alcohol consumption is most likely to make people more:
A) fearful.
B) self-conscious.
C) sexually inhibited.
D) self-disclosing.
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39. Compared to young women, young men are ________ likely to report dreams involving
sexual imagery, and they are ________ likely to dream about members of the same sex.
A) less; more
B) more; less
C) less; less
D) more; more
40. Mrs. Roberts, who suffers from AIDS, has been given an ordinarily illegal drug at the
university hospital. Considering her specific medical condition, it is likely that she has
B) cocaine.
C) marijuana.
D) heroin.
41. In Robert True's study, hypnotized subjects correctly reported the day of the week on
which their fourth, seventh, and tenth birthdays occurred. This experiment illustrated
A) hypnosis can promote accurate recall of forgotten material.
B) hypnotists can subtly influence the memories of their subjects.
C) every experience a person has ever had is recorded in the brain.
D) hypnosis involves a state of dissociated consciousness.
42. Greg remembered a recent dream in which his girlfriend suddenly grabbed the wheel of
his speeding car to prevent him from driving off the edge of a cliff. Greg's therapist
suggested that the dream might be a representation of the girlfriend's frantic efforts to
save the couple from sexual disaster. According to Freud, the therapist was attempting
to reveal the ________ of Greg's dream.
A) REM content
B) circadian rhythm
C) latent content
D) manifest content
43. Sixteen-year-old Bethany is becoming increasingly concerned about her use of
marijuana on weekends. In order to reduce her use of this drug Bethany should:
A) recognize that life is stressful and often beyond control.
B) be warned that marijuana interferes with female sexual functioning.
C) stop associating with friends who use marijuana.
D) recognize that drug use results from her own lack of social skills.
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44. While under hypnosis, Juanita describes her experience of being kidnapped at age 5. In
suggesting that she will soon forget this traumatic event, the hypnotist is encouraging
Juanita to experience:
A) posthypnotic regression.
B) posthypnotic amnesia.
C) temporal dissociation.
D) narcolepsy.
E) insomnia.
45. Studies of daydreaming indicate that:
A) for most people, daydreaming is a rare occurrence.
B) older adults spend more time daydreaming than do younger adults.
C) among college students, women's daydreams have more athletic content than do
D) individuals who are prone to violence, delinquency, and drug usage have fewer
vivid fantasies.
46. Which of the following is bad advice for a person trying to overcome insomnia?
A) Awaken at the same time every day even if you have had a restless night.
B) Drink a glass of milk 15 minutes before bedtime.
C) Avoid taking short naps during the day.
D) Drink a glass of wine 15 minutes before bedtime.
E) Don't engage in strenuous physical exercise just before bedtime.
47. The need to take larger and larger doses of a drug in order to experience its effects is an
indication of:
A) withdrawal.
B) dissociation.
C) resistance.
D) tolerance.
E) narcolepsy.
48. The theory that dreams help to solidify our memories of daytime experiences is
supported by the finding that:
A) with increasing age and experience, people spend progressively more of their sleep
time in REM sleep.
B) dreams are triggered by neural activity that originates in the higher learning centers
of the cerebral cortex.
C) the manifest content of our dreams usually reflects the events of the previous day.
D) people deprived of REM sleep remember less of certain pre-sleep information than
people deprived of other sleep stages.
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49. While soundly asleep people cannot:
A) talk and dream at the same time.
B) incorporate environmental changes into the manifest content of their dreams.
C) learn tape-recorded messages to which they are repeatedly exposed.
D) do any of the above.
50. One of the immediate effects of ecstasy is:
A) increased appetite.
B) dehydration.
C) lethargy.
D) pupil constriction.
E) decreased blood pressure.
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