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Module 5, Recitation 1
Concept Problems
To Work or Not to Work
Is it possible to do work on
1) yes
an object that remains at
2) no
To Work or Not to Work
Is it possible to do work on
1) yes
an object that remains at
2) no
Work requires that a force acts over a distance.
If an object does not move at all, there is no
displacement, and therefore no work done.
Friction and Work I
A box is being pulled
across a rough floor
1) friction does no work at all
at a constant speed.
2) friction does negative work
What can you say
3) friction does positive work
about the work done
by friction?
Friction and Work I
A box is being pulled
across a rough floor
1) friction does no work at all
at a constant speed.
2) friction does negative work
What can you say
3) friction does positive work
about the work done
by friction?
Friction acts in the opposite
N displacement
direction to the displacement, so
the work is negative. Or using the
definition of work: W = F d cos q
since q = 180o, then W < 0
Can friction ever
do positive work?
Friction and Work II
1) yes
2) no
Can friction ever
do positive work?
Friction and Work II
1) yes
2) no
Consider the case of a box on the back of a pickup
truck. If the box moves along with the truck, then it is
actually the force of friction that is making the box
A ball tied to a string is
being whirled around
at a constant speed in
a circle. What can you
say about the work
done by tension?
Tension and Work
1) tension does no work at all
2) tension does negative work
3) tension does positive work
ConcepTest 6.2d Tension and Work
A ball tied to a string is
being whirled around
at a constant speed in
a circle. What can you
1) tension does no work at all
2) tension does negative work
3) tension does positive work
say about the work
done by tension?
No work is done because the force
acts in a perpendicular direction to
the displacement. Or using the
definition of work: W = F d cos q
since q = 90o, then W = 0
Force and Work
A box is being pulled up a
rough incline by a rope
1) one force
2) two forces
connected to a pulley. How
3) three forces
many forces are doing work on
4) four forces
the box?
5) no forces are doing work
Force and Work
A box is being pulled up a
rough incline by a rope
1) one force
2) two forces
connected to a pulley. How
3) three forces
many forces are doing work on
4) four forces
the box?
5) no forces are doing work
Any force not perpendicular
to the motion will do work:
N does no work
T does positive work
f does negative work
mg does negative work
Kinetic Energy I
By what factor does
1) no change at all
the kinetic energy of a
2) factor of 3
car change when its
3) factor of 6
speed is tripled?
4) factor of 9
5) factor of 12
Kinetic Energy I
By what factor does
1) no change at all
the kinetic energy of a
2) factor of 3
car change when its
3) factor of 6
speed is tripled?
4) factor of 9
5) factor of 12
Since the kinetic energy is 1/2 mv2, if the speed increases
by a factor of 3, then the KE will increase by a factor of 9.
Kinetic Energy II
Car #1 has twice the mass of
car #2, but they both have
the same kinetic energy.
How do their speeds
1) 2 v1 = v2
2)  2 v1 = v2
3) 4 v1 = v2
4) v1 = v2
5) 8 v1 = v2
Kinetic Energy II
Car #1 has twice the mass of
car #2, but they both have
the same kinetic energy.
How do their speeds
1) 2 v1 = v2
2)  2 v1 = v2
3) 4 v1 = v2
4) v1 = v2
5) 8 v1 = v2
Since the kinetic energy is 1/2 mv2, and the mass of car #1 is
greater, then car #2 must be moving faster. If the ratio of
m1/m2 is 2, then the ratio of v2 values must also be 2. This
means that the ratio of v2/v1 must be the square root of 2.
ConcepTest Slowing Down
If a car traveling 60 km/hr can
brake to a stop within 20 m,
what is its stopping distance if
it is traveling 120 km/hr?
Assume that the braking force
is the same in both cases.
1) 20 m
2) 30 m
3) 40 m
4) 60 m
5) 80 m
ConcepTest Slowing Down
If a car traveling 60 km/hr can
brake to a stop within 20 m,
what is its stopping distance if
it is traveling 120 km/hr?
Assume that the braking force
is the same in both cases.
F d = Wnet = DKE = 0 – 1/2 mv2
|F| d = 1/2 mv2
Therefore, if the speed doubles,
the stopping distance gets four
times larger.
1) 20 m
2) 30 m
3) 40 m
4) 60 m
5) 80 m
ConcepTest Speeding Up I
A car starts from rest and accelerates to
30 mph. Later, it gets on a highway and
1) 0  30 mph
accelerates to 60 mph. Which takes
2) 30  60 mph
more energy, the 030 mph, or the
3) both the same
3060 mph?
ConcepTest Speeding Up I
A car starts from rest and accelerates to
30 mph. Later, it gets on a highway and
1) 0  30 mph
accelerates to 60 mph. Which takes
2) 30  60 mph
more energy, the 030 mph, or the
3) both the same
3060 mph?
The change in KE (1/2 mv2 ) involves the velocity squared.
So in the first case, we have: 1/2 m (302 - 02) = 1/2 m (900)
In the second case, we have: 1/2 m (602 - 302) = 1/2 m (2700)
Thus, the bigger energy change occurs in the second case.
ConcepTest Speeding Up II
The work W0 accelerates a car
1) 2 W0
from 0 to 50 km/hr. How much
2) 3 W0
work is needed to accelerate the
3) 6 W0
car from 50 km/hr to 150
4) 8 W0
5) 9 W0
Speeding Up II
The work W0 accelerates a car
1) 2 W0
from 0 to 50 km/hr. How much
2) 3 W0
work is needed to accelerate the
3) 6 W0
car from 50 km/hr to 150
4) 8 W0
5) 9 W0
Let’s call the two speeds v and 3v, for simplicity.
We know that the work is given by: W = DKE = KEf – KEi
Case #1: W0 = ½ m(v2 – 02) = ½ m(v2)
Case #2: W = ½ m((3v)2 – v2) = ½ m(9v2 – v2) = ½ m(8v2) = 8W0
ConcepTest Work and Energy II
A golfer making a putt gives the ball an
initial velocity of v0, but he has badly
misjudged the putt, and the ball only travels
one-quarter of the distance to the hole. If
the resistance force due to the grass is
constant, what speed should he have given
the ball (from its original position) in order
to make it into the hole?
1) 2 v0
2) 3 v0
3) 4 v0
4) 8 v0
5) 16 v0
Work and Energy II
A golfer making a putt gives the ball an
initial velocity of v0, but he has badly
misjudged the putt, and the ball only travels
one-quarter of the distance to the hole. If
the resistance force due to the grass is
constant, what speed should he have given
the ball (from its original position) in order
to make it into the hole?
1) 2 v0
2) 3 v0
3) 4 v0
4) 8 v0
5) 16 v0
In traveling 4 times the distance, the resistive force will do 4
times the work. Thus, the ball’s initial KE must be 4 times
greater in order to just reach the hole — this requires an
increase in the initial speed by a factor of 2, since KE = 1/2 mv2.
Follow-up: What speed do you need to hit the ball at
from where it is at to get it into the hole?
Numerically finding areas of graphs
What area are we interested in?
Numerically finding areas of graphs
Area = ½bh1
Area = ½b(h3+h4)
Area = ½b(h1+h2)
Area = ½b(h2+h3)
Trapezoid Rule
A3=½b(h2+h3) A4=½b(h3+h4)
Area = b(0.5h0+h1+h2+h3+0.5h4)