Download increases, air pressure decreases. a. Pollution b. Radiation c. Water

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As ______ increases, air pressure
a. Pollution
b. Radiation
c. Water Vapor
d. Altitude
A maritime tropical air mass
a. Cold, moist air
b. Cold, dry air
c. Warm, moist air
d. Warm, dry air
The forward edge of a warm air
mass is a ____.
a. Tropical front
b. Stationary front
c. Warm front
d. Cold front
The weather in the eye of a
hurricane is
a. Calm
b. Windy
c. Rainy
d. Cool
The protective ozone layer is
found in the
a. Thermosphere
b. Mesosphere
c. Troposphere
d. Stratosphere
Heat moves through solids by
a. Convection
b. Conduction
c. Absorption
d. Radiation
Water that collects in spaces
between rock and soil particles is
a. Salt water
b. Saturated
c. Groundwater
d. Hard water
What is the most abundant gas in
the air that we breathe?
a. Oxygen
b. Nitrogen
c. Hydrogen
d. Carbon dioxide
The uppermost atmospheric layer
is the
a. Troposphere
b. Stratosphere
c. Mesosphere
d. Thermosphere
Most of the heat from equatorial
regions is moved toward the poles
a. Convection
b. Radiation
c. Conduction
d. Precipitation
Regions of cold, heavy air are
a. Lows
b. Highs
c. Winds
d. Jet Streams
The process by which water
changes from a gas to a liquid is
a. Condensation
b. Evaporation
c. Precipitation
d. The water cycle
The movement of energy through
empty space is
a. Convection
b. Conduction
c. Radiation
d. Absorption
A warm dry air mass forms over
a. Polar ocean areas
b. Polar land areas
c. Tropical ocean areas
d. Tropical land areas
Air masses that form over water
are called
a. Moist
b. Dry
c. Hot
d. Cold
Large thunderhead clouds that
produce precipitation are called
a. Nimbostratus
b. Cumulonimbus
c. Cumulus
d. Stratus
Wind occurs because air tends to
move from regions of higher to
a. Latitude
b. Pressure
c. Nitrogen levels
d. Humidity
The major source of oxygen for
the Earth’s atmosphere is
a. Sea water
b. The sun
c. Plants
d. Animals
At night, cool air sinks into a valley
from the mountain peaks, creating
a. Valley breeze
b. Mountain breeze
c. Land breeze
d. Jet stream
The amount of water vapor in the
air is called
a. Capacity
b. Humidity
c. Saturation
d. Air Pressure
Weather scientists are
a. Petrologists
b. Hurricanologists
c. Meteorologists
d. Station Models
Matter is anything that has mass
a. Weight
b. Volume
c. Pressure
d. Gas
A breeze that blows from the
ocean toward the land is a
a. Monsoon
b. Land breeze
c. Sea breeze
d. Global wind
A wind that blows from the west
toward the east is
a. An east wind
b. A west wind
c. A hurricane
d. A monsoon
The layer of the atmosphere
closest to Earth’s surface is the
a. Troposphere
b. Stratosphere
c. Ozone layer
d. Ionosphere
Unstable atmospheric conditions
lead to the formation of lightning
and thunder from towering
a. Nimbostratus clouds
b. Altocumulus clouds
c. Altostratus clouds
d. Cumulonimbus clouds
Air has less capacity to hold water
a. 5 degrees C
b. 10 degrees C
c. 25 degrees C
d. 50 degrees C
High clouds made of ice crystals
are called ______ clouds.
a. Stratus
b. Cumulus
c. Nimbus
d. Cirrus
The bottom layer of the
atmosphere where almost all
weather occurs is
a. Stratosphere
b. Troposphere
c. Thermosphere
d. Mesosphere