Download Dr. A. Bowdoin Van Riper Study Guide For World History I Final

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Dr. A. Bowdoin Van Riper
Study Guide For World History I Final Exam
I. Map Questions (5 pts. each; two on exam, you do both)
Map A (Europe/Asia/Africa)
Indicate, by shading or some similar method, the approximate extent of:
1. Muslim expansion to 750 AD (2.5 points)
2. Muslim expansion from 750 to 1500 AD (2.5 points)
Map B (Europe/Mediterranean)
Indicate, by some appropriate symbol, the following:
1. Approximate size of the Western Roman Empire in the late 300s AD
2. Approximate size of the Byzantine Empire in the early 1000s AD
3. Approximate size of the Byzantine Empire in the mid-1300s AD
4. Direction(s) in which the Black Death spread
5. Any two of the following: Athens, Rome, Constantinople
Map C (New World)
Indicate, by some appropriate symbol, the following:
1. Approximate extent of the Aztec Empire
2. Approximate extent of the Inca Empire
3. Approximate location of the first Scandinavian contact w/ New World
4. Approximate location of the first Spanish contact w/ New World
5. Approximate location of the first Portuguese contact w/ New World
Continued on Back --->
II. Short Answer Questions (5 pts. each; six on the exam, you do any four)
Answer the following in about a paragraph each. These questions are open-ended: There is
no single “right answer.” To deal with them, you’ll have to take a logically coherent position and
support it with specific examples whose relevance to your position you clearly establish.
Chinese technological innovations such as movable-type printing, gunpowder, and the
magnetic compass all affected Western Europe. Which was the most significant for
European society? Why?
Compare and contrast the Aztec empire with that of either the Mongols or the Byzantines.
Criticize or defend the following statement: “Major elements of one society’s culture cannot
be transplanted into another society without being transformed by the process.”
Criticize or defend the following statement: “The Song Dynasty’s decision to forego a large
Asian empire was a fatal mistake.”
Eastern and Western Europe shared a Greek/Roman/Christian heritage inherited from the
Roman Empire. Why, then, did their cultures differ so sharply by (say) 1500 AD?
Since 1500 AD, the world’s major urban civilizations have interacted with each other more
or less continuously, forming a single “world system.” Can the same claim be made for any
period before 1500?
New technology can trigger major changes in the society that invents or adopts it. Discuss
one case of this from 1000-1500 AD, explaining how the technology you’ve chosen affected
the society you’ve chosen.
Why did the Muslim conquests that began in the 1300s last, while the Mongol conquests of
the 1200s didn’t?
III. Chronology Questions (5 pts. each; six on the exam, you do any four)
Each question will consist of three items. Your job will be to put indicate their correct
chronological order and explain WHY this is the right order by explaining the relationship
between the items.
Black Death strikes Europe
Chinese voyages of exploration end
Christian reconquest of Spain ends
Columbus leaves Spain for Asia
Da Vinci paints The Last Supper
Dante Aligheri writes Inferno
Eastern Roman Empire falls
Ibn Battuta visits Mali
Islam expands across N. Africa
Islam expands into SE Europe
Korea absorbs Chinese culture
Marco Polo works in China
Ming Dynasty founded
Mongol conquest of China
Portuguese begin exploring Africa
Protestant Reformation begins
Revival of Europe’s economy begins
Song Dynasty founded
Turks capture Constantinople
Western Roman Empire falls