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NAME ________________________________________________________ ASTRONOMY TEST # 3
___ 1. Prominences occur ? frequently than flares. A.more B.less
___ 2. The number of sunspots increases and decreases during an approximately ?-year Sunspot Cycle. A.5 B.8
C.11 D.13 E.17
___ 3. Most stars whose masses have been found have been holes B.neutron stars C.pulsars D.white
dwarfs E.visual binaries
___ 4. Which of the following is a compact object? hole B.neutron star C.white dwarf D.all of the
above are compact objects
___ 5. A ? spectrum consists of narrow, bright regions separated by dark regions. A.emission line
B.absorption line C.continuous
___ 6. ? indicate the directions in which matter can flow in a binary system and the shapes of the stars in each
binary. A.equipotentials B.accretion disks C.supernovas holes E.neutron stars
___ 7. Warm, large cloud cores tend to favor the formation of ? massive stars. A.less B.more C.stars of both
large mass and small mass tend to form in warm, large cloud cores
___ 8. Which of the following planets has a ring system? A.Saturn B.Neptune C.Uranus D.Jupiter E.all of
the above planets have ring systems
___ 9. ? stars are members of binary or multiple star systems. A.very few B.some C.most
___ 10. The orbital period of ? is 164.783 years and its period of rotation is 16 hours, 3 minutes. It has a
strongly inclined magnetic field. A.Saturn B.Uranus C.Pluto D.Neptune E.Jupiter
___ 11. The temperature of the Sun's corona is due to interactions with the Sun's A.core B.photosphere
C.magnetic field D.spicules E.granules
___ 12. A thin gas, seen against a cooler background, produces a ? spectrum. A.emission line B.absorption line
___ 13. The "iridium layer" and "shocked quartz" have been used as evidence of A.supernovas B.origin of the
Sun C.origin of the Solar System D.extinction causes E.formation of black holes
___ 14. Sunspots are ? than the surrounding surface of the Sun. A.cooler B.hotter C.some sunspots are cooler
than their surroundings, others are hotter
___ 15. Sunspots are due to A.helioseismology B.revolution of the planets around the Sun C.Sun magnetism
D.subduction of hydrogen into the Sun's surface E.rising plumes of dark, hot material
___ 16. The atmosphere of ? is mostly molecular nitrogen; it may have a liquid nitrogen, ethane and methane
ocean up to a depth of one kilometer, beneath which may be a layer of acetylene. A.Iapetus B.Triton
C.Miranda D.Titan E.Mimas
___ 17. Parsecs represent ? measures of distance than light years. A.greater B.smaller
___ 18. Gustav Kirchoff made important discoveries concerning's masses B.fusion reactions
C.gravitation D.spectroscopy E.stellar evolution
___ 19. Widmanstatten patterns are especially characteristic of A.stony meteorites B.carbonaceous chondrites
C.iron meteorites
___ 20. ? are objects that resemble stars in some respects and planets in others. A.white dwarfs B.brown
dwarfs C.neutron stars D.pulsars giants
___ 21. The proton-proton chain refers to A.formation of planets through homogeneous accretion B.creation of
a black hole by collapse of atomic structure C.the creation of neutron stars by collapse of protons with
electrons to form neutrons D.nuclear fusion E.the formation of spicules in the Sun's corona
___ 22. A star's luminosity is A.summed over the entire electromagnetic spectrum B.measures the total radiant
energy of the star C.measures the intrinsic brightness of a star D.all of the above are true E.none of the
above is true
___ 23. ? binaries often show periodic drops in brightness. A.visual B.eclipsing C.spectroscopic
___ 24. Ganymede and Callisto are moons of A.Saturn B.Uranus C.Pluto D.Neptune E.Jupiter
___ 25. ? generates more energy than it receives from the Sun. A.Jupiter B.Saturn C.Neptune D.all of the
above generate more energy than they receive from the Sun
___ 26. The Solar Limb is ? than the layers immediately below. A.hotter B.cooler
___ 27. The ? is the direction from which the Sun is moving. A.antapex B.apex
___ 28. The Sun's complete spectral classification is A.K3I B.F4II C.G2V D.O2IV E.B3V
___ 29. ? was discovered in 1930 by Clyde Tombaugh. A.Saturn B.Uranus C.Pluto D.Neptune E.Jupiter
___ 30. The magnetosphere of the Jovian planets is primarily generated by movement of A.iron material in the
core B.liquid metallic hydrogen C.both iron material in the core and liquid metallic hydrogen are
important in the generation of the magnetosphere in Jovian planets
___ 31. A thin gas in front of a hotter source of continuous radiation produces a ? spectrum. A.emission line
B.absorption line C.continuous
___ 32. According to the ? Accretion Theory, the Earth heated up by radioactive decay and planetesimal impact
following accretion of protoplanets. A.homogeneous B.heterogeneous
___ 33. Comets are mostly made of A.water B.methane C.ammonia D.amino acids
___ 34. Our solar system is probably about ? years old. A.4.6 million B.200 million C.570 million D.4.6
billion E.12 to 20 billion
___ 35. The Sun has consumed about ? its hydrogen.
___ 36. The region of space affected by the solar wind is termed the A.core B.photosphere C.corona
D.chromosphere E.heliosphere
___ 37. The brightest star in the constellation Cygnus is often referred to as ? Cygni.
numerous than faint stars. A.more B.less
Bright stars are ?
___ 39. ? has a relatively strong magnetic field inclined 60° to the axis of rotation. Its period of rotation is 17
hours, 14 minutes; the equatorial diameter is 51,118 kilometers. A.Saturn B.Uranus C.Pluto
D.Neptune E.Jupiter
___ 40. Iron-nickel asteroids are ?-Type. A.S B.M C.C
___ 41. Spectra ? be used to identify particular elements or chemical compounds in a cloud of gas. A.can
___ 42. ? is now the farthest planet from the Sun. A.Saturn B.Uranus C.Pluto D.Neptune E.Jupiter
___ 43. ? lines fall in the visible part of the spectrum. A.Lyman B.Paschen C.Brackett D.Balmer E.all of the
above lines fall in the visible part of the spectrum
___ 44. ? magnitude measures the star's intrinsic brightness. A.apparent B.absolute C.both apparent and
absolute magnitudes measure the star's intrinsic brightness
___ 45. ? is a very messed up moon, probably due to impact. Part of its surface has undulating cratered plains,
and part has regions of scarps that show as dark bands. A.Titania B.Oberon C.Miranda D.Triton
___ 46. The atmospheric bands and zones of Saturn are ? than those on Jupiter. A.fainter B.more pronounced
C.the atmospheric bands and zones of Saturn and Jupiter are equally well developed
___ 47. ? are small rocks in space. A.meteoroids B.meteorites C.meteors
___ 48. ? may have been "knocked on its side" by collision with a planet-like object. A.Saturn B.Uranus
C.Pluto D.Neptune E.Jupiter
___ 49. Most meteors are made of B.rock C.both rocks and ice are found in meteors in approximately
equal abundance
___ 50. ? is a very active moon. There are many cracks on the surface, which seem to suggest that liquid water
is present beneath the surface ice. A.Rhea B.Titania C.Europa D.Ariel E.Miranda
___ 51. Prominences are ? than the photosphere. A.cooler B.hotter C.prominences and the photosphere are the
same temperature
___ 52. ? has an orbital period of 247.7 years and a period of rotation of 6 days, 9 hours and 21 minutes.
A.Saturn B.Uranus C.Pluto D.Neptune E.Jupiter
___ 53. The prefix "al" on a star name probably means that it was named by the A.Romans B.Greeks C.Arabs
D.Chinese E.British
___ 54. Parallax is often used to determine the ? of stars. A.distance B.temperature C.composition D.rotation
E.parallax is often used to determine all of the above
___ 55. Solar flares produce A.magnetic energy B.energetic particles C.high-energy radiation D.all of the
above result from the action of solar flares
___ 56. The brightest astronomical objects have ? apparent magnitudes. A.negative B.positive C.some very
bright objects have negative magnitudes, others have positive magnitudes
___ 57. ? has a retrograde orbit and a thin nitrogen and methane atmosphere. A.Titan B.Callisto C.Enceladus
D.Charon E.Triton
___ 58. Asteroids have been proposed as causes of extinctions at the end of the A.Triassic B.Permian
C.Cretaceous D.Pleistocene E.asteroids have been proposed as causing extinctions at the end of all of
the above periods of Earth history
___ 59. The "Tunguska Event" in Siberia in 1908 was most likely due to a hole B.matter and
antimatter C.meteorite D.asteroid E.comet
___ 60. In order for our Solar System to form, there ? to be a supernova explosion preceeding it. A.had B.did
not have
___ 61. Pluto has a ? rotation. A.prograde B.retrograde
___ 62. Planetesimals are important in formation of A.neutron stars holes C.pulsars D.white dwarfs
___ 63. The ? of a star is the region in which its gravity dominates. A.Roche Lobe B.accretion disk
C.supernova hole E.nova
___ 64. ? has the strongest magnetosphere in solar system. A.Saturn B.Uranus C.Pluto D.Neptune E.Jupiter
___ 65. Type Ia Supernovas are formed where hydrogen-rich gas accumulates on a hole B.neutron star
C.pulsar D.white dwarf giant
___ 66. Hydrogen constitutes about ? percent of the Sun's gases. A.0.03 B.21 C.28 D.35 E.71
___ 67. ? has an equatorial diameter of about 2294 kilometers. It is probably made of more than 50% rock
mixed with ices. A.Saturn B.Uranus C.Pluto D.Neptune E.Jupiter
___ 68. The Algol Paradox is a phenomenon when more massive stars evolve ? quickly than less massive stars.
A.less B.more
___ 69. ? may have played a role in the origin of life on Earth. A.stony meteorites B.carbonaceous chondrites
C.iron meteorites
___ 70. ? has an intense radiation belt. There are spectacular aurora displays, strong radio emission, and
tremendous lightning generated by the planet. A.Saturn B.Uranus C.Pluto D.Neptune E.Jupiter
___ 71. Nereid and Triton are moons of A.Saturn B.Uranus C.Pluto D.Neptune E.Jupiter
___ 72. Through most of the Sun's radius, energy flows outward by means of A.convection B.radiative
diffusion C.conduction
___ 73. T Tauri, Ae and Be stars are at the ? of their life cycles. A.beginning B.end C.there is no correlation
between these stars and their ages
___ 74. On ?, the clouds are organized into belts and zones. The Great Red Spot is a spectacular atmospheric
feature of this planet. A.Saturn B.Uranus C.Pluto D.Neptune E.Jupiter
___ 75. The deepest layer we see on the Sun is the A.core B.chromosphere C.corona D.photosphere
___ 76. Hertzsprung-Russell Diagrams plot the luminosities of stars versus their A.composition B.magnitudes
C.temperature D.rotational speed expectancies
___ 77. The asteroid belt is between A.Venus and Earth B.Earth and Mars C.Mars and Jupiter D.Jupiter and
Saturn E.Saturn and Neptune
___ 78. A hot solid, liquid or dense gas produces an ? spectrum. A.emission line B.absorption line
___ 79. Carbonaceous chondrites probably correspond to ?-Type Asteroids. A.S B.M C.C
___ 80. ? has an orbital period of 29.461 years and a period of rotation of 10 hours, 13 minutes and 59 seconds.
The average density is less than that of water. A.Saturn B.Uranus C.Pluto D.Neptune E.Jupiter
___ 81. ? is a bluish color. It is sometimes characterized by deep blue spots, like the Great Dark Spot. A.Saturn
B.Uranus C.Pluto D.Neptune E.Jupiter
___ 82. Helioseismology is useful for determining the Sun's A.temperature B.composition C.rotation D.all of
the above may be discovered by means of helioseismology
___ 83. ? has a ring system, which is denoted by a series of letters (A,B, etc.). The ring system is made of
pieces of ice. A.Saturn B.Uranus C.Pluto D.Neptune E.Jupiter
___ 84. The Sun's rate of rotation ? from the Sun's equator to its poles. A.differs B.does not differ
___ 85. ? has more mass than all other planets combined. A.Saturn B.Uranus C.Pluto D.Neptune E.Jupiter
___ 86. Spicules develop within the Sun's A.core B.photosphere C.corona D.chromosphere E.heliosphere
___ 87. Mimas, Tethys, Dione and Rhea are moons of A.Saturn B.Uranus C.Pluto D.Neptune E.Jupiter
___ 88. Star formation favors the production of ? massive stars. A.less B.more
___ 89. Charon is a moon of A.Saturn B.Uranus C.Pluto D.Neptune E.Jupiter
___ 90. The coma refers to a portion of the ? of a comet. A.head B.tail
___ 91. ? has a molten silicate interior and active sulfur crust. Volcanism on this moon is due to tidal heating.
A.Europa B.Triton C.Europa D.Io E.Mimas
___ 92. One light year is about ? meters per year. A.9.46 X 1015m B.3.09 X 1016m C.4.6 X 1015m D.8.1 X
1011m E.6.6 X 109m
___ 93. ? has an orbital period of 84.013 years. Its axis of rotation lies nearly in the plane of its orbit. A.Saturn
B.Uranus C.Pluto D.Neptune E.Jupiter
___ 94. The rate at which a star appears to move across the celestial sphere with respect to very distant objects is
termed A.parallax B.parsecs C.light years D.proper motion E.revolution
___ 95. The Oort Cloud is believed to be the source of A.asteroids B.meteorites C.comets D.all of the above
E.none of the above
___ 96. ? are rising columns of hot gas on the Sun's photosphere. A.sunspots limbs C.spicules D.rays
___ 97. ? move in elliptical orbits that cross the orbits of Mars and Earth. A.Amor and Apollo Asteroids
B.Trojan Asteroids C.all of the above cross the orbits of Mars and Earth
___ 98. Class ? stars have the highest temperatures. A.K B.B C.F D.G E.O
___ 99. The layer that we see in visible images of the Sun is the A.core B.chromosphere C.corona
D.photosphere E.heliosphere
___ 100. The most luminous stars belong to Luminosity Class A.I B.II C.III D.IV E.V