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WWI Study Guide Answers
1. Eastern Front-in Russia; Germany, Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria fought against Russia
2. Western Front-in France; where trench warfare occurred; French and British vs. Germany
3. Italian Front-Italy and France vs. Germany and Austria-Hungary
4. Franklin D. Roosevelt-US President that helped the US get out of the Great Depression
5. Allies (Allied Powers)-Britain, France, Russia, US, Italy
6. Central Powers-Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, Ottoman Empire
7. Triple Alliance-Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy
8. Triple Entente-Britain, France, Russia
9. Militarism-the fascination with the military and the glory of war
10. Alliances-sides that a nation chooses
11. Imperialism-establishing colonies by getting natural resources
12. Nationalism-desire for self-rule
13. Trench Warfare-led to stalemate because people were using ditches as hideouts
14. Czar Nicolas II-absolute monarch that ruled over Russia and was executed
15. Zimmerman Telegram-offered Mexico a deal to gain lost lands in exchange for an attack on the US during WWI
16. League of Nations-an international organization designed to resolve disputes between nations and prevent
future wars
17. New Deal-program focused on relief and reform to increase employment and regulated the stock market, banks,
and businesses
18. Treaty of Brest-Litovsk-the treaty between Russia and Germany to end WWI between those two nations
19. Propaganda-communication to influence the attitude of the citizens to support the war
20. Self-determination-allowing a country to choose their governments
21. War Guilt Clause-forced Germany to: accept responsibility for starting the war, pay reparations, decrease the
size of their army, take away their air force and submarines, demilitarize the Rhineland, and lose territory
22. Black Tuesday- stocks “crashed” to record lows
23. Great Depression- period of low economic activity and high unemployment
24. Overproduction- producing more goods than consumers will buy
25. credit/Installment plan- purchasing goods with no real wealth to make payments
26. Smoot-Hawley Tariff- tax that forced Americans to buy local goods
27. Banking Crisis-when banks demanded repayment of loans, ran out of money, and closed its doors
28. US International Relief- loaned money to European Nations to help with war rebuilding
Answer the following questions:
29. Why did the United States enter World War I?
German U-Boats were sinking American ships.
30. What was the “spark” that started World War I?
The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary
31. How did weapons affect the number of casualties/deaths in WWI?
It led to many causalities or deaths in a battle.
32. Why were alliances dangerous?
It would drag nations into a war.
33. How did the US respond to the sinking of the Lusitania?
Did not declare war/stayed neutral
34. What things caused high unemployment during the depression?
Banks closed, people were laid off from their jobs, people lost their life savings
35. How did the depression lead to the rise of dictators?
Dictators took advantage of poor economies and people’s frustration with the economies of their
36. How did the US contribute to the failure of the League of Nations?
The US didn’t join.
37. Who did the Treaty of Versailles place blame on for starting WWI?
38. How did the US become connected to European nations after WWI?
The US loaned money to European nations.
39. How did the US react to the beginning of WWI?
The US wanted to remain neutral.
40. Why did the League of Nations fail?
It was weak and unstructured, not all major powers were members, the US didn’t join, the League had
no authority over other countries, it had volunteer troops, it required all members to agree on every
41. What nation had a communist government after WWI?
Soviet Union
42. Why did the Russian Revolution begin?
Russians were angry over high taxes, working conditions, and political rights
43. What was the main cause of the depression in the United States?
Crash of the US stock market
44. How was Woodrow Wilson’s 14 Points different from the Treaty of Versailles?
Wilson wanted to create a lasting peace and the Treaty of Versailles was set up to punish Germany.
45. What was a result of Germany printing money?
It caused high inflation (high prices) and the value of money decreased.
46. How did the map of Europe change after WWI?
Ottoman Empire and Austria-Hungary disappeared, Germany lost territory, and new nations were
47. Why did Japan’s economy suffer after WWI?
No one was buying their exports.
48. Why was Italy unhappy with the Treaty of Versailles?
They didn’t receive a lot of land like Britain and France.
49. What caused unemployment?
Soldiers returning home from WWI and a lack of jobs.
50. What is inflation?
When money loses value and prices go up.
51. How did the American economy of the 1920s differ from the economy of the 1930s?
The 1920s saw increased consumer borrowing and speculation, while the 1930s saw a rise in unemployment
and business failures
52. In the 1930s, the enactment of New Deal programs demonstrated a belief that
the Federal Government must concern itself with the people’s economic well-being