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NAME____________________________________ _________________________________________
(30 total points!)
Kids Health Website Questions:
1. Are muscle twitches voluntary or involuntary?_________________________________________
2. Name three reasons why twitches can occur __________________, ______________________,
and______________________________ .
3. When should you talk to a doctor about a muscle twitch? (3)
Read the intro to Fibromyalgia
4. What is Fibromyalgia?
5. How many people in the United States have fibromyalgia?
6. What are the conditions like for this muscle problem?
7. Is there a cure for fibromyalgia? Where is a common tender spot?
8. What causes fibromyalgia?
9. Which medications might a doctor prescribe to help with fibromyalgia?
Muscular Dystrophy
10. How many muscles do we have?
11. Is this disease contagious? How do you get it?
12. Which version of MD affects both boys and girls equally?
13. What is a muscle biopsy?
14. What does a contracture do?
15. What can you do for an MD teen when the illness gets worse over time?
Women’s and Children’s Health Network
16. What can cause your muscle to develop a cramp?
17. What does Dr. Kim say about lifting weights?
18. What are the four shapes of muscles?
19. Where do muscles get most of there energy?
20. What is the name of the muscle disease that attacks the spinal cord?(full name)
Find the Interactive Human Body:
21-30. At the bottom of the page is "FLEX SOME MUSCLES" activity. Click on this link.
Choose male or female. Click on the muscles in the box on the left. Read the description of this muscle in
the box on the right. Click on the muscle on the right and drag it to the human body. Write down the ten
muscles that you have found.