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PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH, Pentecost 5 (July 1, 2012)
A ministry of the Lutheran Coalition for Renewal
A: Let us pray for the whole people of God in Christ Jesus, and for all people according to their
A brief silence
A: Most gracious Lord, have compassion on your Church throughout the world. Heal it from
every false teaching, unkind act, and unfaithful witness. Raise it up from sloth and sin; provide so
generously for its needs that it may be generous in sharing your gifts with others; and by its
winsome and lovely righteousness, draw all people into your Son’s life-giving presence. Lord, in
your mercy,
C: hear our prayer.
A: Your people cry out to you for deliverance from affliction, wrath, danger and need.
Therefore we pray: Raise up earthly rulers who fear and honor your commandments, seek to do
you will, and care for the needs of their people; and grant to us all a measure of your peace. Lord,
in your mercy,
C: hear our prayer.
Fill the people of this congregation with the spirit of gentleness, generosity, and
compassion, so that we reflect Jesus’ goodness to everyone we meet, and our church becomes a
byword among our neighbors for your strong saving love. Deal gently with those among us who
are bereaved, whether recently or for many years, and those for whom death draws near. Have
mercy on them, be their strong help, and turn their mourning and tears into laughter and songs of
joy. Lord, in your mercy,
C: hear our prayer.
A: Incline your ear to your persecuted Church, so that they may never despair of your goodness
but rather give thanks to you forever for your great mercy. We pray also for our sister
congregations and ministries [names]. Lord, in your mercy,
C: hear our prayer.
A: We thank you for those in our military, past and present, who have served God and nation
with honor. Especially we thank you for all who gave their lives to secure the blessings of life,
liberty, and the pursuit not only of happiness, but also of righteousness. Keep our nation always in
your care; and raise up protectors worthy of the great responsibility entrusted to them. Lord, in
your mercy,
C: hear our prayer.
A: Clothe all who wear the sackcloth of suffering with the clean linen of your salvation and joy,
especially [names]. Give them such confidence in you, that they constantly turn to you for help,
and grant to all who love and care for them such tenderness and skill, that suffering and loneliness
are eased and hope and faith are strengthened among us all. Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.
A: There is no profit if we go down to the pit, nor shall dust praise your faithfulness. Therefore
we thank and praise you for your Son’s triumph over the powers of sin, evil and death, and for the
eternal life in him that you promise to all who call upon your name. Give us the full measure of
your Spirit, so that we may trust you most confidently, even when we are surrounded by our
ancient enemies, may encourage and console one another along our common pilgrimage, and may
cling to the Cross of Jesus until it unbars the very gates of your Kingdom and you welcome us
home. Lord, in your mercy,
C: hear our prayer.
Into your hands, merciful Father, we commend all for whom we pray, trusting in your
mercy; for the sake of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Prayers composed by Pr. Cathy Ammlung.
These are not copyrighted, and we encourage you to adapt them to your situation and customs.
Comments and suggestions are welcome.
If you want to help with this project, please contact Pr. Steve Shipman at
[email protected]. There is no compensation except appreciation and a retirement plan
that is out of this world.
Some suggestions: it may be helpful in certain congregations to give worshippers the opportunity
to voice requests. It is also good to provide a time of silence for their specific concerns.
It is good to include in the remembrance of the faithful departed any memorialized by altar
flowers, etc.
You may want to include a petition recognizing any milestones during the week (birth, baptismal,
wedding anniversaries, etc.). This would include those honored by altar flowers or in a similar
PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH, Pentecost 6 (July 8, 2012)
A ministry of the Lutheran Coalition for Renewal
Let us pray for the whole people of God in Christ Jesus, and for all people according to
A brief silence
As you called and sent Isaiah the prophet, Father, call and send us too, that we may
challenge this sinful world to turn from its wicked ways, repent, and turn to you. As we go to make
followers of Jesus, may we constantly be reminded of your strength that lifts us up for these tasks;
Lord, in your mercy,
C: Hear our prayer.
Gracious Lord, though we often foolishly believe that we can ascend to you, we give you
thanks that in Christ, you descended to s. Help us to always believe and trust in your sovereignty
and your mercy alone. May our eyes alwuays be turned upon you; Lord, in your mercy,
C: Hear our prayer.
Lord God, abounding in grace, too often we succumb to the temptations and pull of this
world, as it tells us to accommodate to it and not to you. We humbly ask your forgiveness, but also
are bold to ask for the strength to stand firm in faith over and against the foolish claims of society;
Lord, in your mercy,
C: Hear our prayer.
Heavenly Father, in this day and age, there are many varieties of the apostle Paul’s “thorn
in the flesh.” Keep us struggling against the sins that would weigh us down, but also help us remain
mindful that your grace is sufficient, and your power is made perfect in our weakness; Lord, in
your mercy,
C: Hear our prayer.
Sovereign Lord, it is you alone we humbly worship, acknowledging our failures and sin
before you, and praising you for your goodness and mercy. We lift before you our President
Barack, our Bishop/ President [name], our elected and appointed leaders, and those who work to
protect us both at home and throughout the world. Guide them in making wise, Godly decisions,
and keep us firm in our faith — the faith handed down from one generation to the next; Lord, in
your Mercy,
C: Hear our prayer.
Holy Trinity, One God, we humbly ask for your healing hand upon all who are sick, and
those recovering from surgery or illness, especially .... (Individual names). We also lift before you
all who we now name before you, either silently or aloud.... Grant them healing, grant them
wholeness; Lord, in your Mercy,
C: Hear our prayer.
Into your hands, merciful Father, we commend all for whom we pray, trusting in your
mercy, through your Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ our Lord,
C: Amen.
Prayers composed by Pr. Jeff Cottingham.
These are not copyrighted, and we encourage you to adapt them to your situation and
customs. Comments and suggestions are welcome.
If you want to help with this project, please contact Pr. Steve Shipman at
[email protected]. There is no compensation except appreciation and a
retirement plan that is out of this world.
Some suggestions: it may be helpful in certain congregations to give worshippers the
opportunity to voice requests. It is also good to provide a time of silence for their specific
It is good to include in the remembrance of the faithful departed any memorialized by altar
flowers, etc.
You may want to include a petition recognizing any milestones during the week (birth,
baptismal, wedding anniversaries, etc.). This would include those honored by altar flowers
or in a similar manner.
PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH, Pentecost 7 (July 15, 2012)
A ministry of the Lutheran Coalition for Renewal
A: Let us pray for the whole people of God in Christ Jesus, and for all people according to their
A brief silence
A: Father, you are just and merciful. We thank you that you measure us not by the plumb line of
our sins but by the righteousness of your Son, so graciously reckoned to us. Let the saving gospel
of justification by faith go forth into the whole world, that all may hear and believe. Lord, in your
C: hear our prayer.
A: Herod was not the last cruel tyrant, oppressing both his subjects and the proclaimers of your
Word. We pray for those who live under tyrants and in situations of oppression and persecution in
our time, especially our brothers and sisters in Christ who are tortured, imprisoned, afflicted, and
in danger of death for their faithful confession. Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.
Remember this and every nation and our leaders, that they may work for justice and peace
for all people. Provide meaningful work for the unemployed and underemployed. Remember
pastors who are without calls and congregations seeking faithful pastors. Protect and keep all who
work for the safety and protection of others. Lord, in your mercy,
C: hear our prayer.
A: Visit the sick, the sorrowing, the homebound, and all who have asked for our prayers,
especially [names[. Lord, in your mercy,
C: hear our prayer.
A: Keep this congregation [name] and our pastor/s [names] under your gracious care. Let us
witness boldly and faithfully to that love which called us in Christ before the foundation of the
world. Open the hearts of our unchurched neighbors, friends, co-workers, and family members to
the promises of the Gospel. Lord, in your mercy,
C: hear our prayer.
A: Until we acquire full possession of the inheritance Christ won for us, keep us united in faith
and hope with all the saints who have gone before us. We praise you for all faithful witnesses, and
ask that by grace we too may be counted among their number on the day Christ returns in glory.
Lord, in your mercy,
C: hear our prayer.
Into your hands, Father, we commend all for whom we pray, trusting in your mercy; for the
sake of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Prayers composed by Pr. Steve Shipman.
These are not copyrighted, and we encourage you to adapt them to your situation and customs.
Comments and suggestions are welcome.
If you want to help with this project, please contact Pr. Steve Shipman at
[email protected]. There is no compensation except appreciation and a retirement plan
that is out of this world.
Some suggestions: it may be helpful in certain congregations to give worshippers the opportunity
to voice requests. It is also good to provide a time of silence for their specific concerns.
It is good to include in the remembrance of the faithful departed any memorialized by altar
flowers, etc.
You may want to include a petition recognizing any milestones during the week (birth, baptismal,
wedding anniversaries, etc.). This would include those honored by altar flowers or in a similar
PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH, St. Mary Magdalene (July 22, 2012)
A ministry of the Lutheran Coalition for Renewal
A: Let us pray for the whole people of God in Christ Jesus, and for all people according to their
a brief silence
Heavenly Father, we thank you for Mary Magdalene and her love for our Lord Jesus, even
in his death. Grant that we, following her example, might be faithful to love our Lord as well. May
we too, be rewarded to hear our Lord call our name and may we rejoice that he is alive and lives in
us now and forevermore. Lord, in your mercy.
Hear our prayer.
A: Almighty God we pray for your Church, that it may not grow tired of telling others about
Jesus Christ at work in the world and present in word and sacrament. Bless and guide especially
our bishops/president [names] in their service to your Church. Lord, in your mercy.
C: Hear our prayer.
A: Lord God, we pray for the nations of the world, that all who govern may be led by wisdom, to
serve all people and work for peace. Lord, in your mercy.
C: Hear our prayer.
A: O God, we lift up to you all who serve our country in the military, as policemen, firemen or
EMTs, especially [names]. Keep them safe as they carry out their duties. For those serving in
foreign lands, we pray an extra blessing and that when their tour of duty is over, you would reunite
them safely with their loved ones. Lord, in your mercy.
C: Hear our prayer.
A: Heavenly Father, we pray for those in need: the poor, the homeless, the hungry, the victims
of violence and abuse. Be gracious to supply their needs, O Lord and use us, your people, to be the
means by which you do so. Lord, in your mercy.
C: Hear our prayer.
Gracious God, we pray for the sick that you would work your healing power in their lives–
especially …. We pray for those who are sadden by the death of a loved one – especially ….
Comfort them with your Holy Spirit. Lord, in your mercy.
C: Hear our prayer.
A: Father, we lift up to you all gathered here in this place and in churches all over the world, that
we may be drawn to the wonder of Christ's gracious presence in our lives, and that we might share
that wonder with others. Lord, in your mercy.
C: Hear our prayer.
Into your hands, O Lord, we commend all for whom we pray, trusting in your mercy;
through your Son Jesus Christ, our Lord.
C: Amen.
Prayers composed by Pr. Carl Haynes..
These are not copyrighted, and we encourage you to adapt them to your situation and customs.
Comments and suggestions are welcome.
If you want to help with this project, please contact Pr. Steve Shipman at
[email protected]. There is no compensation except appreciation and a retirement plan
that is out of this world.
Some suggestions: it may be helpful in certain congregations to give worshippers the opportunity
to voice requests. It is also good to provide a time of silence for their specific concerns.
It is good to include in the remembrance of the faithful departed any memorialized by altar
flowers, etc.
You may want to include a petition recognizing any milestones during the week (birth, baptismal,
wedding anniversaries, etc.). This would include those honored by altar flowers or in a similar
PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH, Pentecost 9 (July 29, 2012)
(Mary, Martha, and Lazarus)
A ministry of the Lutheran Coalition for Renewal
A: Let us pray for the whole people of God in Christ Jesus, and for all people according to their
A brief silence
A: All creatures look to you, O Lord, and you indeed open your hand and provide for all our
needs. Provide the gifts of faith and love to us all, and feed us with the Bread of Life. Lord, in your
C: hear our prayer.
A: Provide renewal to your Church, especially your Lutheran family in North America. Be with
our bishops/presidents [names], with the pastor/s of this congregation [name], and with all who
provide leadership and service in our congregation and community. Lord, in your mercy,
C: hear our prayer.
Provide protection and peace to our nation and all nations. Feed all the hungry, comfort the
discouraged and distressed, open doors for the unemployed and underemployed, and guide all your
people in the coming electoral seasons. Lord, in your mercy,
C: hear our prayer.
A: Provide healing and hope to all who have asked for our prayers and to those whose needs are
known to us, especially [names] and those we name aloud or in our hearts [pause for silent or
spoken petitions]. Lord, in your mercy,
C: hear our prayer.
A: Provide the victory of faith for the persecuted Church, and release to all who suffer for the
cause of freedom and justice. Lord, in your mercy,
C: hear our prayer.
A: We praise you for friends who love us as Mary, Martha, and Lazarus loved Jesus, and we
especially bless us that Jesus calls us his friends. Help us like Mary to chose the better part, and
show us the same love and patience our Lord showed Martha. On the last day, raise us up with the
power that restored Lazarus, and unite us with them around your throne forever. Lord, in your
C: hear our prayer.
Into your hands, merciful Father, we commend all for whom we pray, trusting in your
mercy; for the sake of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Prayers composed by Pr. Steve Shipman.
These are not copyrighted, and we encourage you to adapt them to your situation and customs.
Comments and suggestions are welcome.
If you want to help with this project, please contact Pr. Steve Shipman at
[email protected]. There is no compensation except appreciation and a retirement plan
that is out of this world.
Some suggestions: it may be helpful in certain congregations to give worshippers the opportunity
to voice requests. It is also good to provide a time of silence for their specific concerns.
It is good to include in the remembrance of the faithful departed any memorialized by altar
flowers, etc.
You may want to include a petition recognizing any milestones during the week (birth, baptismal,
wedding anniversaries, etc.). This would include those honored by altar flowers or in a similar