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Prayer of the Church
Fourth Sunday after Trinity (One Year)
23 June 2013
Let us pray for the whole people of God in Christ Jesus and for all people according to
their needs.
Almighty and everlasting God, in Christ Jesus You have given unsearchable riches to
Your Body, the Church. Send servants to reveal this mystery throughout the world, that
as Your Gospel is proclaimed all may be called to faith. Gracious Father, have mercy on
us and hear our prayer.
Good Shepherd, Your Spirit has provided overseers for Your flock, the Church. Bless all
pastors with strength, wisdom and courage, that they may care for Your congregations
and faithfully serve You. Gracious Father, have mercy on us and hear our prayer.
Merciful Lord, bring our hearts to true repentance, that in faith we may taste and see
Your goodness in the Eucharist. Grant us forgiveness in this heavenly meal, that Christ
may dwell in us and we in Him. Gracious Father, have mercy on us and hear our
Eternal God, Protector of the nations, be with all who work in our armed forces. Spread
Your protection over them, that they may take refuge in You and rejoice. Gracious
Father, have mercy on us and hear our prayer.
Lord God, in gracious mercy You provide blessings to Your whole creation. Bless all
who work in business and commerce, that our economy may be strengthened and Your
name may be praised. Gracious Father, have mercy on us and hear our prayer.
Loving and Majestic God, You alone cause all things to grow. Grant favorable weather
among us, that we may receive an abundant and plentiful harvest. Gracious Father, have
mercy on us and hear our prayer.
O Healer and Redeemer, care for all who are sick and suffering, [especially, _________].
Comfort them with Your love, that for Your name’s sake they may receive peace and joy.
Gracious Father, have mercy on us and hear our prayer.
King of love, receive this day our thanks and praise for all Your servants who have died
in the true faith, whose souls rest in You and whose bodies await the resurrection. Help
us to look forward with them to our Savior’s glorious appearing. Gracious Father, have
mercy on us and hear our prayer.
Into Your hands, O Lord, we commend all for whom we pray, trusting in Your mercy,
through Your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.