* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Lecture № 9 Addressing modes. 1. Structure of machinery instruction. 2. Definition of addressing mode. Operands in the assembly. 3. Register addressing mode and list of registers, used in this mode. 4. Direct addressing mode. 5. Direct memory addressing, types of prefixes and their using. 6. Register indirect (base and index) addressing mode. 7. Register indirect addressing mode with an offset (base and index). 8. Base-index addressing mode. Base-index addressing mode with an offset. Literature. 1. Jurov V. Assembler, – SPb.: Piter, 2001. – 624 p. 2. Pustovarov V. I. Assembler. Programming and analysis of machinery programs correctness, Kiev: “Irina”, 2000. - 476 3. Tanenbaum, A.S. Structured Computer th Organization, 4 ed. - Upper Saddle River, NJ : Prentice Hall, 2002. Structure of machinery instruction. Machinery instruction is a coded according certain rules order (indication) to the microprocessor for executing some operation or action. Each instruction includes elements, which determine: what is to be done? (an answer to this question gives an element, which is called Operation Code (OC) ); objects, which are to be processed ( operands ); how must be done? (these elements are types of operands, which are usually given indirectly). One byte prefixes 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Number of bytes ss index base Repetition Size of address Size of operand Substitution of segment 1 or 2 0 or 1 0 or 1 Operation Code Byte of Addressing Mode (modr/m) byte sib (OC) Bus blocking OC 7 6 5 4 2 1 0 7 6 5 w 4 3 2 OC 7 6 5 3 6 5 3 2 OC 7 6 5 6 5 mod 7 6 0 w 1 0 reg 4 OC 7 1 s 4 0 direct operand w 2 OC 7 1 d 4 0,1,2 or 4 offset in the instruction OC 3 0,1,2 or 4 3 2 w 4 3 1 0 reg 2 1 0 Format of Machinery Instruction reg/OC 5 4 r/m 3 2 1 0 The given format is general. Maximal length of machinery instruction may be 15 bytes, but in reality instructions are rather short, and they may include only one field (Operation Code field) . Let’s consider predestination of some of these fields. Prefixes are not compulsory elements of machinery instruction, the length of each prefix is 1 byte. In the memory prefixes precede the instruction. Predestination of prefixes consists in modification of operations, executed by the instruction. There are following types of prefixes: Prefix of segment substitution (exchange). In the direct form it points, which register is used by the given instruction for addressing: the stack or data. It undoes (отменяет) the choice of segment register on default. These prefixes have the following meanings: 2eh – substitution of the segment CS; 36h – substitution of segment SS; 3eh substitution DS; 26h – substitution ES. Prefix of address capacity. It specifies the capacity of address (16 or 32 width; in the real address mode it is always 16 width ). Prefix of operand capacity. It is analogous to the previous one but concerns an operand width. Prefix of repetition. It is used for strings processing. Let’s consider a predestination of some fields: Operation Code. This is a compulsory element for the operation description. There are many instructions, to which several codes of operation correspond; each of codes reflects specifications of operation execution. Let’s consider one of variants: Variant I. It is used for the majority of two-addresses instructions Bits 7 6 5 4 3 2 OC 1 d s v 0 w w w z Bit 0 may be interpreted in two ways: Length (size) of operands: if w=1, then a word is processed; if w=0, then a byte is processed. The meaning of flag ZF (when the repetition prefix is used). Bit 1 may have three interpretations: To set a bit of the direction of information transfer (in this case the byte of addressing mode must be present); if d=1, then r/m ===> reg, if d=0, then r/m <===reg; the meaning of reg is determined from the next table: Reg 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 w=0 AL CL DL BL AH CH DH BH w=1 AX CX DX BX SP BP SI DI Bit of the direct operand size: if s=1, then the size of operand is 8 bits; if s=0, then size of operand is 16 bits. Bit, which determines a meaning of the counter in cycle (loop) instructions: if v=1, then the meaning of the counter is in CL, if v=0, then the meaning of the counter is equal to 1. For example, in the listing of example program Turbo Assembler 1 p0.asm 1 2 3 0000 0000 Version 4.1 B8 0000s 04/01/80 13:51:02 assume CS:CODE, DS:DATA CODE segment BEGIN: mov AX,DATA Page 4 5 6 0003 0005 0007 8E D8 0010 2E: 8B 16 mov prfx dw 16 7 000C 8B DA 8 9 MSG 10 11 12 13 000E 0010 B4 09 BA 0000r mov 0013 0015 0018 001A CD 21 B8 4C00 CD 21 int 0005r DS,AX mov dx,prfx mov bx,dx CODE int ends AH, mov 09h DX, offset 21h mov 21h AX, 4C00h let’s consider the 7-th string: 7 000C 8B DA mov bx,dx OC Byte of Addressing Mode It is clear, that we deal with two-addresses instruction. OC(Operation Code)=8B, in binary scale of notation 8B = 1000 1011; w = 1 (a word is processed); d = 1 (the register BX is a destination) Bits 7 1 Operation Code 5 4 3 0 0 1 OC 6 0 2 0 1 1 d 0 1 w Variant II. It is used for loading direct data in a register. Bits 7 6 5 4 OC 3 w 2 1 reg 0 Example: 11 0015 B8 4C00 OC Direct operand mov AX, 4C00h We deal with a direct addressing mode (the constant 4C00h directly mounted in the machinery instruction); OC = B8 = 1011 1000; w=1; reg = 000 =AX. Bits 7 1 6 0 5 1 OC 4 1 3 1 w 2 0 1 0 reg 0 0 So, in this case we have all(full) information, concerned operands addressing; in the variant I the second operand is a register(it must be concretized), and it should be noted, that in the byte of OC there is an information which is not sufficient for the operands addressing. When OC hasn’t got sufficient information for operands addressing, the Byte of Addressing Mode must be present in the instruction. Byte of Addressing Mode (modr/m). The meaning of this byte determines the used form of operands addresses. Operands may be located in the memory, or in registers, if they are located in the memory, then this byte determines components (offset, base and index registers), which are used for calculation of the effective (efficient) address. The byte sib (Scale-Index-Base) is used in the protected mode. There are tree types of the Byte of Addressing Mode: 1. For usual two-addresses instructions: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Bits mod reg r/m 2. For instructions, which work with segment registers: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Bits mod 0 rs r/m 3. For instructions, which work with the secondary Operation Codes: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Bits mod Secondary OC r/m The field mod (6-7 bits) determines the addressing mode. This field is used jointly with the field r/m: subject to the meaning of mod the microprocessor discerns meanings of bits 0-2 . For example, if mod = 00, it means that the field offset in the instruction is absent, and in this case the address of operand is determined by content of base or (and) index register. If mod = 11, it means that there are no operands in the memory, and they are stored in registers. The field Secondary OC determines either register, which is in the instruction on the place of the second operand, or possible extension of OC. As an example let’s consider the 7-th string once more: 7 000C 8B OC DA mov bx,dx Byte of Addressing Mode (BAM) DA =1101 1010 Bits 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 1 o 1 1 0 1 0 mod reg r/m From the analysis of BAM it follows, that mod = 11 (register addressing), r/m = reg = 010 = DX, and reg = BX = 011. The field index is used for storing a number of the index register, which is necessary for calculation of efficient address. The field base is used for storing the base register, which is also necessary, as you know, for calculation of efficient address of operand. The field of offset in the instruction is 8-th, 16th or 32-nd signed integer, which represents partially or as a whole the meaning of the operand’s efficient address. The field of direct operand, it represents 8-th, 16-th, or 32-nd direct operand. Definition of addressing mode. Operands in the assembly. Def.1 The mode of addressing is a procedure of searching operand(s) for the program execution. If an instruction has got two operands, then for each of operands must be given a mode of addressing (these modes may be different). Operands may be located in different places: directly in the instruction’s code, in some of the registers, in the memory cell (in the last situation there are several possibilities of pointing out operand’s address). Strictly speaking, modes of addressing are elements of microprocessor’s architecture, from one point of view, so, as they reflect installed in it possibilities of searching operands. But from the other side, the modes of addressing are designated by special manners in the Assembly language, and from this point of view they may be considered as a part of the language. It should be noted, that the term “operand” is not unique applying to programs, written in Assembly: for the machinery instruction operands are those data (binary digits) which it processes ( these data may be in the registers or in the memory); for the translator operands (but better to say parameters) are those designations, which help it to find places of location of the machinery operands. For example, in the Assembly instruction mov mem, Ax operands (parameters) for the translator are designations mem (designation of certain memory cell) and AX (designation of concrete register); for machinery instruction operands are contents of the memory cell with a name mem and the register AX, correspondingly. Problems. 1. Describe the general structure of machinery instruction. 2. Give a definition of addressing mode and operands in the assembly. 3. What’s the register addressing mode. List registers, used in this mode? 4. What’s the direct addressing mode? 5. What’s the direct memory addressing? List types of prefixes and their using. 6. What’s the register indirect (base and index) addressing mode?