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Characteristics and Classification of Life Study Guide
True or False
Write true if the statement is true or false if the statement is false.
1. _________ All organisms respond to their environment.
2. _________ Some living things do not need energy.
3. _________ All living things get food by eating other organisms.
4. _________ Some organisms consume dead organic matter such as dead leaves.
5. _________ Cells are the basic units of structure and function of all living things.
6. _________ All organisms grow by increasing the number of their cells.
7. _________ All organisms must mate to produce offspring.
Critical Reading
Read this passage based on the text and answer the questions that follow.
When you exercise on a hot day, you are likely to work up a sweat. Do you know why we
sweat? Sweating helps to keep us cool. When sweat evaporates from the skin, it uses some of
the body’s heat energy. Sweating is one of the ways that the body maintains a stable internal
environment. It helps keep the body’s internal temperature constant. When the body’s internal
environment is stable, the condition is called homeostasis.
All living organisms have ways of maintaining homeostasis. They have mechanisms for
controlling such factors as their internal temperature, water balance, and acidity. Homeostasis
is necessary for normal life processes that take place inside cells. If an organism can’t maintain
homeostasis, normal life processes are disrupted. Disease or even death may result.
1. What is homeostasis? How is sweating related to homeostasis?
2. What are some factors for which the body maintains homeostasis?
3. What might happen if the body did not maintain homeostasis?
Multiple Choice
1. Microscopic organisms include
a. bacteria
b. archaea
c. protists
d. all of the above
2. Which of the following is a characteristic of all organisms?
a. multiple cells
b. need for energy
c. sexual reproduction
d. all of the above
3. Living things can do all of the following except
a. grow
b. create energy
c. respond to stimuli
d. maintain homeostasis
4. How many cells make up your body?
a. hundreds
b. thousands
c. millions
d. trillions
5. An example of a producer is a(n)
a. tree
b. raccoon
c. mushroom
d. earthworm
6. Multicellular organisms include
a. algae
b. plants
c. bacteria
d. two of the above
7. Which statement is true about sexual reproduction?
a. It involves just one parent
b. Offspring are identical to the parent
c. Offspring of both sexes are always produced
d. none of the above
Match each definition with the correct term.
a. reproduction
e. energy
b. response
f. stimulus
c. producer
g. consumer
d. homeostasis
1. _________organism that eats other organisms for food
2. _________condition in which an organism has a stable internal environment
3. _________something in the environment that causes a reaction in an organism
4. _________organism that uses energy to make food
5. _________reaction produced by a stimulus
6. _________production of offspring
7. _________ability to change or move matter
Fill in the Blank
Fill in the blank with the appropriate term.
1. All living things consist of one or more __________________.
2. Human beings get energy from __________________.
3. Plants get energy from __________________.
4. Algae produce food by the process of __________________.
5. The cells of all organisms are enclosed by a(n) __________________.
6. Single-celled organisms grow only by increasing the __________________ of their cells.
7. Reproduction that occurs with just one parent is called __________________ reproduction.
True or False
Write true if the statement is true or false if the statement is false.
1. _________Linnaean classification has been completely replaced by modern classification
2. _________Modern scientists classify organisms on the basis of molecular similarities.
3. _________The name of the human family is the Chordates.
4. _________Each genus is divided into one or more families.
5. _________Organisms that lack cell walls include plants and animals.
6. _________The cells of all Eukarya have a nucleus and other organelles.
7. _________All scientists agree that viruses should be considered living things.
Match each definition with the correct term.
a. species
e. taxonomy
b. binomial nomenclature
f. phylum
c. order
g. kingdom
d. domain
1. _________broadest taxon in the Linnaean classification system
2. _________science of classifying living things
3. _________taxon that includes one or more classes
4. _________taxon that includes one or more families
5. _________group of organisms that can breed and produce fertile offspring together
6. _________taxon broader than the kingdom in a modern taxonomic system
7. _________method of naming organisms introduced by Linnaeus
Multiple Choice
Circle the letter of the correct choice.
1. The human order is the
a. animals.
b. chordates.
c. mammals.
d. primates.
2. Which of the following is not a kingdom in the Linnaean system of classification?
a. Archaea
b. Protist
c. Plant
d. Fungus
3. The second word in an organism’s two-word Latin name is the name of its
a. species.
b. genus.
c. domain.
d. family.
4. The domains of life include
a. Bacteria.
c. Eukarya.
b. Archaea.
d. all of the above
5. Which of the following statements about viruses is true?
a. A virus belongs to the Archaea Domain.
b. A virus is a single-celled organism.
c. A virus has a cell membrane made of proteins.
d. A virus can evolve.
6. What is the name of the domain that contains four kingdoms?
a. Animal
b. Plant
c. Bacteria
d. Eukarya
7. Which trait is found in bacteria?
a. multiple cells
b. cell wall
c. cell nucleus
d. cell organelles
Fill in the Blank
Fill in the blank with the appropriate term.
1. __________________ is called the “father of taxonomy.”
2. The only multicellular domain of life is the __________________ Domain.
3. Human beings belong to the __________________ Kingdom.
4. The human genus name is __________________ .
5. The narrowest taxon in the Linnaean system is the__________________ .
6. The taxon that consists of one or more orders is the __________________ .
7. The taxon that consists of one or more genera is the__________________ .