Download Fourth Nine Weeks Exam Short Answer A chemical that kills bacteria

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Fourth Nine Weeks Exam
Short Answer
1. A chemical that kills bacteria or slows their growth is called a(n)
2. Antibiotic
2Why do hormones cause changes only in specific body organs?
3. A hormone interacts only with target cells, which fit together with that hormone.
4. Which is the function of the cardiovascular system?
To remove waste, deliver needed materiasl, fight diseases
4. Needed substances are carried to the body cells by
5. The function of the atria is to receive blood that comes into the heart.
6. What is the function of the group of cells in the heart called the pacemaker?
sending out signals to make the heart muscles contract
7.. Blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart are called arteries.
8. When blood flows into the right atrium from the body, it contains
Oxygen poor blood
9. In which vessels are materials exchanged between the blood and the body cells?
10. What causes blood pressure?
the force with which the ventricles contract
11. Which component of blood carries oxygen to the body cells? Red blood cell
12. If a person’s blood lacked platelets, what process could not take place?
clotting of blood
13. Blood types are determined by marker molecules on red blood cells
What is the blood type of a person whose plasma contains only anti-B
clumping proteins? type A
15. What eventually happens to fluid that leaks from capillaries into the surrounding tissues?
It returns to the blood through the lymphatic system.
16. What is the function of lymph nodes?
to trap disease-causing bacteria
17. Atherosclerosis is a condition in which
artery walls thicken as the result of a buildup of fatty materials
18. Why is atherosclerosis especially serious when it develops in the coronary arteries?
It can lead to a heart attack
19. Exercise is important for cardiovascular health because it
strengthens heart muscle.
20. Which component of blood is 90 percent water?
21. The function of white blood cells is to
fight disease.
22. How many loops does the human circulatory system contain?
23. An infectious disease is a disease that
is caused by pathogens.
24. Louis Pasteur demonstrated that killing organisms that cause a disease could
prevent the spread of that disease.
25. How are colds and flu usually spread?
by direct or indirect contact with infected persons
26. What type of white blood cells are part of the inflammatory response?
27. The inflammatory response is called a general defense because
it responds in the same way to any kind of pathogen.
28. Which cells in the immune system identify pathogens and distinguish one pathogen from another?
T cells
29. Antibodies destroy pathogens by
binding to antigens on the pathogens.
30. Immunity is the body’s ability to
destroy pathogens before they can cause disease.
31. How does the body acquire active immunity to a disease without getting the disease?
through vaccination
32. If a person’s pancreas does not produce enough insulin, the person has
33. In which disease do a person’s body cells multiply uncontrollably?
34. Radiation treatment kills cancer cells by
killing cancer cells with high-energy waves.
35. Which kind of pathogen causes athlete’s foot?
36. Substances that can cause cancer are called
37. The molecules on pathogens that enable the immune system to distinguish one kind of pathogen
from another are called
38. How does HIV damage the immune system?
by destroying T cells
39. The way the endocrine system maintains homeostasis is often compared to a(n)
heating system that turns a furnace on and off to control a room’s temperature.
40. The endocrine system acts on the body through chemical products called