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Content-specific Assignment
Social Studies ~ Grade 6
Content Assignment
Impact of innovations on ancient civilizations
Throughout history, new innovations have produced more food, created new tools, made life
easier, and war more devastating. Today, innovations influence and affect every aspect of our
lives. However, we often forget that innovations profoundly affected the lives of past generations
dating back to the beginning of civilization.
Choose an innovation such as irrigation systems, weaponry, and/or transportation from one of the
ancient civilizations studied. Write a magazine article for a geographic magazine that explains
how the selected innovation transformed the civilization, society, or region over a period of time.
Include in your report an explanation of why the innovation was developed as well as the lasting
impact of the innovation.
Support resources
As you create your informational piece, remember to:
Follow directions and answer all steps and questions presented in the task.
Use details and evidence from your readings to support the topic.
Make sure your informational piece is complete and includes information about the
innovation and how it was developed.
Use sound reasoning and support.
Use your best grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization.
Content-specific Assignment
Social Studies ~ Grade 6
Content Assignment
The Importance of Geography
To understand how our world is connected, geographers have categorized the study of geography
into five themes. The Five Themes of Geography are (1) location, (2) place, (3) humanenvironment interaction, (4) movement, and (5) regions. Geographers often study conditions at
different places on the planet. Since ancient times, explorers have wanted to learn the
characteristics of different parts of the world. In fact, the word “geography” comes from two
ancient Greek words, “geo” (of the earth) and “graphica” (descriptions).
Geography helps us understand the relationships among people, places, and environments. Using
the information you have learned in class and/or have researched on your own, write an essay
about the role geography played in the development of early civilizations. Explain how the
physical features and human characteristics of a place influenced the development of
civilizations, societies, and regions.
Support resources
As you create your informational piece, remember to:
Follow directions and answer all steps and questions presented in the task.
Use details and evidence from your readings to support the topic.
Make sure your informational piece is complete and includes information about the
importance of geography.
Use sound reasoning and support.
Use your best grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization.
Content-specific Assignment
Social Studies ~ Grade 7
Content Assignment
Enlightenment writers influenced the French and American Revolutions
By the early 1700s, European thinkers felt that nothing was beyond the reach of the human mind.
These philosophers asserted that through the use of reason, people and governments could solve
every social, political, and economic problem. In essence, Enlightenment writers felt they could
change the world.
After reading excerpts from various Enlightenment writers (i.e., Locke, Rousseau, Voltaire, and
Montesquieu), construct an essay that discusses their views on equality. Describe how the
popularity of these ideas influenced French and American revolutionaries. Be sure to support
your discussion with evidence from your research.
Support resources
As you create your essay, remember to:
Follow directions and answer all steps and questions presented in the task.
Use details and evidence from your readings to support the topic.
Use sound reasoning and support.
Use your best grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization.
Content-specific Assignment
Social Studies ~ Grade 7
Content Assignment
Age of Exploration
The Age of Exploration had a tremendous impact on the history of the world. Before this, there
had been no lasting contact between the New World (the Americas) and the Old World (Europe,
Africa, Asia). Beginning with the Portuguese in the 1400s, European explorers went on voyages
of discovery, searching for riches and glory. Scholars agree that the Age of Exploration had both
beneficial and harmful effects on the global community.
Using the information you have learned in class and/or have researched on your own, construct
an essay identifying at least three causes for European exploration and at least three effects
which resulted from that exploration.
Support resources
As you create your informational piece, remember to
Follow directions and answer all steps and questions presented in the task.
Use details and evidence from your readings to support the topic.
Make sure your informational piece is complete and includes information about the product and
how it was developed.
Use sound reasoning and support.
Use your best grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization.
Content-specific Assignment
Social Studies ~ Grade 8
Content Assignment
United States and North Carolina Historical Documents
Historical documents have played a vital role in every aspect of life since the founding of both
the United States and the state of North Carolina. Historical documents have given them both
their identity and have shaped their social, political and economic structures.
After studying various historical documents from North Carolina and the United States select
one historical document that does or does not reflect adherence to democratic ideals. Write a
speech to argue why the historical document you have studied does or does not reflect these
ideals. Support your position with evidence from multiple texts.
Support resources
As you create your argumentative piece, remember to:
Follow directions and answer all and steps questions presented in the task.
Use details and evidence from your readings to support your argument.
Use sound reasoning and support.
Use your best grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization.
Content-specific Assignment
Social Studies ~ Grade 8
Content Assignment
The American Revolution
In the mid-1700s, Great Britain and France fought a war over control of North America. Great
Britain defeated France in what would be known as the French and Indian War. After the war,
British Parliament’s attempt to raise revenue from the colonies was met with resistance and
protest. After years of escalating tensions, a revolt against British rule began in the colonies in
the 1770s. Eventually, the Americans were able to thwart the British war strategy and win
Using the information you have learned in class and/or have researched on your own, construct
an essay identifying at least three causes of the American Revolution and at least three reasons
the colonists defeated the British.
Support resources
As you create your essay, remember to:
Follow directions and answer all steps and questions presented in the task.
Use details and evidence from your readings to support the topic.
Use sound reasoning and support.
Use your best grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization.