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The Respiratory System In-Class Essay
Use your respiratory system diagram, notes, and book (pgs. 910-913) to explain how oxygen travels through
the respiratory system.
You must use and underline key vocabulary: respiratory system, nose, mouth, epiglottis, trachea, lungs,
bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli, oxygen, carbon dioxide, water vapor, inhale, exhale, diaphragm, cells.
Part 1: Name and explain the major parts of the respiratory system
Part 2: Lungs and Respiratory Functions
Describe what the respiratory system’s functions are.
Explain the passage of the air we breathe through the respiratory system starting with the nose and
mouth and ending in the lungs. ***Make sure to explain what each part does.
Part 3: O² and CO² circulation
Once the oxygen enters the lungs where does it go?
How does the respiratory system interact with the circulatory system?
What waste product does the circulatory system pick up from the blood?
How does the respiratory system rid itself of the waste?
Extra Credit Paragraph: How does smoking and pollution affect the respiratory system?