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Unit 4 Test:
Southwest/Central Asia
Study Guide
___dry_________ region with
very valuable __oil____
Name: ________________
7. Who was Kemal Ataturk?:
Turkey’s first president and
wanted to Europeanize Turkey
To help you the most, write
out answers in complete
1. What is the name of Israel’s
unusual feature, where there is
so much salt you can float on
top of the water?
Dead Sea
2. Byzantium and
Constantinople are both names
for what modern day city?
3. Define diaspora:
spreading out of Jewish
4. Jerusalem is home to holy
sites of what three religions:
Islam, Christianity, Judaism
5. Why is Jerusalem important
in the Bible?
-King David established the
kingdom of Israel there.
-the ministry of Jesus and last
days happened there
-the temple of the Lord was
5. Describe Bedouin:
Arabic speaking nomads that
are sheep and goat herders
6. The Arabian Peninsula, Iraq
and Iran make up mostly a
8. Who was Sadaam Hussein?:
Iraq’s cruel dictator who
restricted people’s freedoms
9. Who was Muhammad:
the founder of Islam
10. The term “jihad” means:
struggle and holy war
11. Define Destabilize:
to make a government easily
fall apart or be overturned
12. Who are Al-Queda?:
A radical Muslim terrorist group
13. ISIS stands for..?:
Islamic State (of Syria)
14. A caliphate is…?
a Muslim government with a
Muslim leader
15. Israeli Jews and Palestinian
Arabs are mainly fighting over:
16. The Balfour Declaration
The Jews a homeland in Israel
17. Right after Israel became a
state, what happened?
All the countries around Israel
attacked Israel, because they
are enemies and don’t want a
Jewish state to exist.
18. What do Muslims believe?
-That there is no god but Allah
and Muhammad is his prophet
-That Jesus was only a prophet
and was never crucified
-That people must work their
way to Heaven (Paradise)
26. One country that Afghan
refugees fled to was:
27. The Tigris and Euphrates
Rivers are located in what
country? Iraq
19. What is an oasis?
a wet, fertile area in the middle
of a desert
29. Bahrain is an example of
what geographical feature?
20. Shia and Sunni Muslims
disagree over:
who should be the next Muslim
leader (imam)
30. The Ottoman Empire was
__Muslim________ and the
Byzantine Empire was Greek
21. The official language of Iran
is: Farsi
Essay (3-5 sentences):
22. Central Asia has a harsh,
dry climate with rugged_
23. Nomads are: People who
move often from place to place
24. What three things are
common exports of Central
Asia? oil, gas and cotton
25. The Taliban in Afghanistan
restricted many freedoms
including what?:
-the rights of the media
-the right for women to attend
-the right of the people to
oppose the government
31. Name one country in
Central/Southwest Asia and
explain a current issue the
country is facing and one
realistic, possible solution for
the problem. As a Christfollower, what is one way you
could practically help make the
solution a reality.
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