Download Assembly Line- an arrangement of machines, tools, and workers in

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Assembly Line- an arrangement of machines, tools, and workers in which
a product is assembled by having each perform a specific, successive
operation on an incomplete unit as it passes by in a series of stages
organized in a direct line.
Installment Buying- system of paying for goods in which customers promise to pay small
regular amounts over a period of time
stock- the shares of a particular company or corporation.
isolationism- : A national policy of avoiding involvement in world affairs
laissez-Faire: believing that government should intervene as little as
possible in business affairs.
Prohibition: A nationwide ban on the manufacture, sale, and transportation of liquor in
the U.S. that went into effect when the eighteenth amendment was ratified in 1919.
Radical: Extreme approach
Flapper: A young woman of the 1920s who defied conventions in behavior and dress by
cutting her hair short, wearing short skirts, and drank and smoked in public
Suburbs: Residential areas close to surrounding cities as a result of improvements in
transportationDeport: To send out of a country aliens who are considered dangerous
Deport: To send out of a country aliens who are considered dangerous
Recession: Downward turn in business activity
depression: a period during which business, employment, and stockmarket values decline severely or remain at a very low level of
Dust Bowl: The Great Plains suffered an environmental disaster. A severe drought
struck in 1931. The wheat crops died and the soil dried out. Strong Prairie winds blew the
soil away.
speakeasy: a saloon or nightclub selling alcoholic beverages illegally,
especially during Prohibition.
bootleggers: making of alcoholic liquor unlawfully, made, sold, or
transported, without registration or payment of taxes.
New Deal: Laws and regulations that affected the banking, the stock market, industry,
agriculture, public works, relief for the poor, and conservation of resources.
foreclosure: when the ownership of property is transferred to a lender (bank) when
payments are not made on the mortgage.
Hoovervilles: Pitiful towns where people who lost their houses would live. The people
referred to these towns as Hoovervilles because of President Hoovers failure to act and
try to fix the suffering of the US.
debt: something that is owed that must be paid.