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Terrestrial Vertebrate Fauna of the Greater Southern Sydney Region -Fauna of Conservation Concern & Priority Pest Species
Appendix A. Key Threatening Processes in the
Greater Southern Sydney Region
Key Threatening Process - Final Reference Threatened fauna from region that are potentially affected
following 2005a
subsidence due to longwall mining
Black Bittern, Blue Mountains Water Skink, Broad-headed Snake,
Eastern Pygmy-possum, Giant Burrowing Frog, Grey-headed
Flying-fox, Large-footed Myotis, Littlejohn's Tree Frog, Long-nosed
Potoroo, Red-crowned Toadlet, Rosenberg's Goanna, Southern
Brown Bandicoot
Alteration to the natural flow regimes 2002f
of rivers, streams, floodplains and
Black Bittern, Australasian Bittern, Osprey, Magpie Goose, Blacknecked Stork, Blue-billed Duck, Freckled Duck
Bushrock removal
Broad-headed Snake, Red-crowned Toadlet, Spotted-tailed Quoll
Clearing of native vegetation
Australasian Bittern, Barking Owl, Beautiful Firetail, Black Bittern,
Broad-headed Snake, Bush Stone-curlew, Eastern Bristlebird,
Eastern Pygmy-possum, Glossy Black-cockatoo, Greater Broadnosed Bat, Green and Golden Bell Frog, Grey-headed Flying-fox,
Ground Parrot, Koala, Large-eared Pied Bat, Littlejohn's Tree Frog,
Masked Owl, Pink Robin, Powerful Owl, Regent Honeyeater, Rosecrowned Fruit-dove, Southern Brown Bandicoot, Spotted-tailed
Quoll, Square-tailed Kite, Squirrel Glider, Sooty Owl, Superb Fruitdove, Swift Parrot, Turquoise Parrot, Wompoo Fruit-dove, Yellowbellied Glider, Black-chinned Honeyeater, Brown Treecreeper,
Diamond Firetail, Hooded Robin, Olive Whistler
Competition and grazing by the feral 2002d
European Rabbit
Brush-tailed Rock-wallaby
Competition and habitat degradation 2004d
by Feral Goats
Broad-headed Snake, Brush-tailed Rock-wallaby, bats using
Competition from feral honeybees
Glossy Black-cockatoo, Squirrel Glider, Yellow-bellied Glider, Brown
Treecreeper, tree-hollow roosting bats
high- 2000a
Eastern Bristlebird, Glossy Black-cockatoo, Ground Parrot, Longnosed Potoroo, Brown Treecreeper, Southern Brown Bandicoot,
Spotted-tailed Quoll, Squirrel Glider, Olive Whistler, Pink Robin,
tree-hollow roosting bats
Feral Pigs – predation, habitat 2004b
degradation, competition and disease
Long-nosed Potoroo, Southern Brown Bandicoot, frogs, wetland
environmental 2004e
degradation caused by feral deer
Long-nosed Potoroo, Southern Brown Bandicoot
Human-caused climate change
Pink Robin, Sooty Owl, Gang-gang Cockatoo, Flame Robin, Upland
Swamp species (Blue Mountains Water Skink, Giant Burrowing
Frog, Littlejohn’s Tree Frog, Beautiful Firetail, Southern Emu-wren,
Ground Parrot, Eastern Bristlebird, Long-nosed Potoroo)
Ecological consequences
frequency fires
Infection by Psittacine circoviral (beak 2002b
endangered psittacine species and
Gang-gang Cockatoo,
Turquoise Parrot
Infection of frogs by amphibian chytrid 2003a
causing the disease chytridiomycosis
Green and Golden Bell Frog, Stuttering Frog, Booroolong Frog,
Littlejohn’s Tree Frog
Invasion of native plant communities 2003c
by exotic perennial grasses
Diamond Firetail, Hooded Robin, Speckled Warbler
Predation by feral cats
Southern Brown Bandicoot, Brush-tailed Rock-wallaby, Long-nosed
Potoroo, ground-nesting birds (Eastern Bristlebird, Ground Parrot),
reptile and frog species, other ground mammals
Predation by the European Red Fox
Brush-tailed Rock-wallaby, Southern Brown Bandicoot, Long-nosed
Potoroo, ground-nesting birds (Eastern Bristlebird, Ground Parrot),
reptile and frog species, other ground mammals
Predation by the plague minnow 1999c
(Gambusia holbrooki)
Green and Golden Bell Frog, Littlejohn’s Tree Frog, Booroolong
Frog, Green Tree Frog, Giant Burrowing Frog
Terrestrial Vertebrate Fauna of the Greater Southern Sydney Region -Fauna of Conservation Concern & Priority Pest Species
Key Threatening Process - Final Reference Threatened fauna from region that are potentially affected
Invasion, establishment and spread of 2006a
Lantana (Lantana camara).
Eastern Bristlebird
Invasion and establishment of exotic 2006b
vines and scramblers
Long-nosed Potoroo, Sooty Owl
Removal of dead wood and dead 2003d
Barking Owl, Broad-headed Snake, Brown Treecreeper, Eastern
False Pipistrelle, Eastern Freetail-bat, Glossy Black-cockatoo,
Masked Owl, Red-crowned Toadlet, Rosenberg's Goanna, Spottedtailed Quoll, Squirrel Glider, Turquoise Parrot
Terrestrial Vertebrate Fauna of the Greater Southern Sydney Region -Fauna of Conservation Concern & Priority Pest Species
Appendix B. Model Outputs
Terrestrial Vertebrate Fauna of the Greater Southern Sydney Region -Fauna of Conservation Concern & Priority Pest Species
Terrestrial Vertebrate Fauna of the Greater Southern Sydney Region -Fauna of Conservation Concern & Priority Pest Species
Terrestrial Vertebrate Fauna of the Greater Southern Sydney Region -Fauna of Conservation Concern & Priority Pest Species
Terrestrial Vertebrate Fauna of the Greater Southern Sydney Region -Fauna of Conservation Concern & Priority Pest Species
Lygisaurus foliorum
Maximum temperature
Tall Forest – tree height
6,7 (mean within 500m)
Low elevation Dry Grassy
Woodlands (mean within
Slope (degrees)
Rainforest (mean within
Terrestrial Vertebrate Fauna of the Greater Southern Sydney Region -Fauna of Conservation Concern & Priority Pest Species
Terrestrial Vertebrate Fauna of the Greater Southern Sydney Region -Fauna of Conservation Concern & Priority Pest Species
Callocephalon fimbriatum
Canopy Height (mean)
Elevation (m)
Shrub cover (mean
within 500m) (log)
Rainforest (mean within
Slope (degree)
Calyptorhynchus lathami
All records 187 Total pseudo sites 729
Null deviance 518.47 on 728 dif
Residual dev. 394.58 on 723 dif
Deviance explained 23.9%
Model type: GAM
Glossy Black Cockatoo
feed trees (index)
Topographic Position
(mean within 500m)
Low elevation grassy box
woodlands (mean within
Terrestrial Vertebrate Fauna of the Greater Southern Sydney Region -Fauna of Conservation Concern & Priority Pest Species
Terrestrial Vertebrate Fauna of the Greater Southern Sydney Region -Fauna of Conservation Concern & Priority Pest Species
Origma solitaria
Ruggedness (mean within
Shrub cover (mean within
500m) (log)
Moist Forest (mean within
Fertility Index
Disturbance (Class)
Mean annual rainfall (mm)
Elevation (m)
Ptilonorhynchus violaceus
Mean annual temperature
Canopy Height (Class)
Slope (degrees)
Terrestrial Vertebrate Fauna of the Greater Southern Sydney Region -Fauna of Conservation Concern & Priority Pest Species
Cinclosoma punctatum
Topographic Position
(mean within 500m)
Mean annual
temperature (oC)
Canopy Cover (Class)
Slope (degrees)
Sandstone Woodland
(mean within 500m)
Terrestrial Vertebrate Fauna of the Greater Southern Sydney Region -Fauna of Conservation Concern & Priority Pest Species
Menura novaehollandiae
Canopy Cover
Mean Rainforest (within
Glossy Black Cockatoo
Feed tree Index
Mean annual rainfall
Tall Forest tree height
5,6,7 (mean within 500m)
Terrestrial Vertebrate Fauna of the Greater Southern Sydney Region -Fauna of Conservation Concern & Priority Pest Species
Daphoenositta chrysoptera
Canopy Height (Class)
Slope (degree)
Low elevation grassy box
woodlands (mean within
Corcorax melanorhamphos
Grassiness Index
Mean annual rainfall
Canopy Height (Class)
Slope (degrees)
Allocasuarina Class
(mean within 500m)
Terrestrial Vertebrate Fauna of the Greater Southern Sydney Region -Fauna of Conservation Concern & Priority Pest Species
Tyto novaehollandiae
Open Woodland/Forest on
fertile soil (mean within
Ninox strenua
Taller Woodland & Forest
Terrestrial Vertebrate Fauna of the Greater Southern Sydney Region -Fauna of Conservation Concern & Priority Pest Species
Tyto tenebricosa
Distance to Moist Forest
Grassiness Index (Mean
within 500m) (log)
Annual Radiation
Terrestrial Vertebrate Fauna of the Greater Southern Sydney Region -Fauna of Conservation Concern & Priority Pest Species
Petauroides volans
Minimum temperature
( C)
Distance to Tall Forest
Tall Forest – tree height
6,7 (Mean within 500m)
Maximum temperature
Distance to Rainforest
Terrestrial Vertebrate Fauna of the Greater Southern Sydney Region -Fauna of Conservation Concern & Priority Pest Species
Terrestrial Vertebrate Fauna of the Greater Southern Sydney Region -Fauna of Conservation Concern & Priority Pest Species
Petaurus australis
Mean annual rainfall
Yellow-bellied Glider feed
tree index
Distance to Tall Forest
Terrestrial Vertebrate Fauna of the Greater Southern Sydney Region -Fauna of Conservation Concern & Priority Pest Species
Miniopterus schreibersii
Mean annual rainfall
Slope (degree)
Canopy Height (Class)
Rivers (Class)
Terrestrial Vertebrate Fauna of the Greater Southern Sydney Region -Fauna of Conservation Concern & Priority Pest Species
Scoteanax rueppellii
Ruggedness (mean
within 100m)
Canopy Height Class
Banksia ericifolia habitatmodel
Chalinolobus dwyeri
Low elevation dry grassy
woodlands (mean within
Canopy Height (Class)
Disturbance (Mean within
Rivers (Class)
Terrestrial Vertebrate Fauna of the Greater Southern Sydney Region -Fauna of Conservation Concern & Priority Pest Species
Acridotheres tristis
Minimum temperature
Grassiness Index
Maximum temperature
Slope (degrees)
Maximum temperature
Slope (degrees)
Sturnus vulgaris
Minimum temperature
Mean Canopy Height
Sandstone Woodland
(mean within 500m)
Tree Height 6,7 (Mean
within 500m)
Terrestrial Vertebrate Fauna of the Greater Southern Sydney Region -Fauna of Conservation Concern & Priority Pest Species
Pycronotus jocosus
Mean annual
temperature ( C)
Rock Cover Index
Tall forest – free height
5,6,7 (mean forest
Maximum temperature
Grassiness Index
Moist Forest (mean within
Minimum temperature
Terrestrial Vertebrate Fauna of the Greater Southern Sydney Region -Fauna of Conservation Concern & Priority Pest Species
Grasslands & Grassy
woodlands on deep
Mean annual
temperature (oC)
Mean annual rainfall
Slope (degrees)
Tall Forest – tree height
5,6,7 (mean within
Terrestrial Vertebrate Fauna of the Greater Southern Sydney Region -Fauna of Conservation Concern & Priority Pest Species
Mean annual rainfall
Disturbance (mean
within 100m)
Banksia ericifolia habitat
Upland Swamp (mean
within 100m)
Grasslands & Grassy
woodlands on deep
Koala Feed tree index
(mean within 500m)
Maximum temperature
Oryctolagus cuniculus
Disturbance (mean
within 100m)
Cervus timorensis
Fertility Index
Banksia ericifolia habitat
Moist Forest (mean
within 500m)
Terrestrial Vertebrate Fauna of the Greater Southern Sydney Region -Fauna of Conservation Concern & Priority Pest Species
Canis lupus
Level of exposed rock
Rainforest (mean within
Minimum temperature
Terrestrial Vertebrate Fauna of the Greater Southern Sydney Region -Fauna of Conservation Concern & Priority Pest Species