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Unit 1 Test: West vs. East
Directions: For each of the questions, select the BEST possible answer.
Part 1: Content
Directions: Select the best answer for each of the following.
Matching Part 1
a. Patricians
b. Republic
c. Plebians
1. __________ This group of people were citizens of Rome, but they were not allowed
to serve as Senators and did not have as much say in the government.
2. __________ After the people of Rome overthrew the king, Tarquin the proud, they
established this type of government.
3. __________ This group of people were considered to be at the top of the social
hierarchy in Rome.
Matching Part 2
a. Christianity
b. Polytheism
c. Latin
4. __________ This was the language most commonly used to communicate throughout the
Roman Empire.
5. __________ When this religion came to the Roman Empire, its followers were persecuted
and treated unfairly.
6. __________ This term describes the Ancient Roman religion, which included Mars,
Mercury, and Neptune, as well as many other gods and goddesses.
7. What inferences can be made about Roman culture from the Tale of Romulus and
a. War was prevalent in Roman society
b. Women and men were viewed as equals
c. Unpopular leaders remained in power
d. All of the above.
8. Which of the following governments was based on representation of the people in the
Senate and Assembly?
a. Monarchy
b. Aristocracy
c. Democracy
d. Republic
9. As the Roman army conquered more and more people the size of Rome’s territory
grew. Eventually, Rome was no longer a Republic, but a vast ___________.
a. Monarchy
b. Empire
c. Government
d. City
10. The purpose of Roman Coliseum and the Circus Maximus were:
a. to provide a market place for merchants
b. to feed the poor in the countryside
c. to keep the poor and jobless from rebelling
d. to lower taxes
11. Trajan’s Forum was the modern day equivalent of a:
a. Theater
b. Stadium
c. Shopping mall
d. Race track
12. At its height, the Roman Empire stretched from:
a. The northern tip to the southern tip of the Italian peninsula
b. Rome to Constantinople
c. Spain in the West to Judea in the East
d. Athens to Rome
13. A man-made channel constructed to bring water to the cities was called:
a. A forum
b. A legion
c. A censor
d. An aqueduct
14. Which of the following claims supports the idea that people in Ancient India are
concerned with cleanliness?
a. Their homes had sewer systems which carried away human waste
b. The highest members of society were not allowed to have contact with dirt
c. Their homes had garbage chutes so the people didn’t have to deal with trash
d. All of the above
15. According to Hinduism, what happens after someone dies?
a. They go to heaven
b. Their soul is reincarnated into another body
c. They become a god or goddess
d. They do not have any beliefs about the afterlife
16. Which of the following is NOT true about India’s caste system?
a. People are born into their caste, based on their karma from a previous life
b. Through hard work and study of the Vedas, one move up a caste in their next life
c. A person’s caste impacted almost every area of their life
d. Rulers and soldiers were the highest in the caste system
17. Which group of Indians was responsible for completing tasks that were considered
“too unclean” for the rest of society?
a. The Sudras
b. The Untouchables
c. The Aryans
d. The Buddhists
18. Which of the following supports the idea that education was important to Ancient
a. The members of the highest castes learned to read and write so they could study
the Vedas
b. Their study of human anatomy, medicine, and science was advanced for the time
c. The leaders believed that educating the Indian people in Sanskrit was important for
their society
d. All of the above
Part 2: Objectives
Analyze factors that unite civilizations.
19. How did government help to unite people within Rome?
a. The Emperor provided entertainment for his citizens
b. The plebeians and patricians collectively overthrew a tyrant king
c. Citizens had a say in their government under the republic
d. All of the above.
20. How did government help unite the people of Rome during the Republic?
a. Before the Republic, the people in Rome were all united behind the king, Tarquin
the Proud, because he was a tyrant.
b. During the days of the Republic, the people of Rome felt that they were a part of the
government because they were allowed to vote.
c. The people of Rome were united during the Empire because the government took
good care of all the people and they got to vote.
d. All of the above
21. How did cities help unite the people of Rome?
a. The people in cities throughout the Empire resented the people of Rome, who were
all wealthy.
b. Cities were centers for trade and culture throughout the Empire, which helped the
people unite under common economic goals.
c. The cities throughout the Empire divided the people because they were so far away
from each other, and they had no way to get to one another.
d. All of the above
22. How does a homogenous culture help unite people in a civilization?
a. Because they all have similar cultural connections, they are united by a common
b. Because they all have very different viewpoints, they are united in their celebration
of diversity.
c. Because the people all have different ethnic backgrounds they unite together to get
rid of those who are trying to make everyone the same.
d. All of the above
23. Religion was a unifying force in the Roman Empire because:
a. Christians were willing to worship the Emperor as a god
b. Romans were religiously tolerant of other polytheistic religions
c. Christians were treated fairly by the early Roman emperors
d. Jews were granted political control over the nation of Israel
24. How did language help unite the people of India?
a. Most people did not know how to read or write in Sanskrit, so they were united
because they all only had spoken language.
b. Most people were encouraged to use Sanskrit to communicate ideas, allowing those
ideas about medicine and science to spread.
c. Most people in India rejected the language brought to their society by the Aryans.
d. All of the above
25. How did religion help unite the people of India?
a. For the most part, the people of India all had the same religion, which gave them
the same basic beliefs.
b. The people of India had various religions, which led to arguments over whose
beliefs were the best.
c. The religion in India divided the people into social classes, causing centuries of
tension between the people.
d. All of the above
26. How did social hierarchy help unite the people of India?
a. Every person had a clearly defined role by their social status, and each of the castes
relied on the others for society to survive.
b. The people of India united under a social hierarchy that allowed the people to hope
they would move up in society through hard work in their lifetime.
c. The social hierarchy in India divided the people because they resented their place
in society, due to the large differences between those at the top and those at the
d. All of the above
Analyze factors that divide civilizations.
27. How did religion divide the people of Ancient Rome?
a. There were many different religions in Ancient Rome, which caused the people to
argue over whose religion was the best.
b. Roman religion actually united the people in Ancient Rome because the people
were very accepting of Christianity and eager to learn about them.
c. While the people of Rome were united while polytheism was the dominant religion,
when Christianity came to Rome, the Christians were persecuted for their religious
d. All of the above
28. How did culture drive the Roman civilization apart?
a. As the Empire grew, it incorporated people with no allegiance to Rome
b. Romans refused to incorporate foreign gods into their religion
c. Roman in general disagreed about the violence of the Coliseum
d. All of the above.
29. How did social hierarchy divide the people of India?
a. The people of Ancient India were literally divided into different groups.
b. Some people, like the Untouchables, were shunned from society in Ancient India
due to their social status.
c. People of different social classes had very little interaction with each other because
they were only allowed to associate with people in their own caste.
d. All of the above
Evaluate the ability of civilizations to endure overtime.
30. Which of the following explains why the Roman civilization no longer exists today?
a. The people of Rome were not able to make progress in technology or education, so
their civilization could not continue.
b. Too many factors divided the people of Rome, causing the civilization to fall apart.
c. The Roman civilization slowly evolved into the European culture that we know
d. All of the above
31. All of the following are reasons why the Roman Empire did not endure over time
a. Continuous invasion by barbarian armies.
b. The political division of Rome into two separate empires
c. Political disagreement within the republic
d. Inclusion of disloyal barbarians into the military
32. Which of the following explains why the Indian civilization has continued to today?
a. The people of India had many common bonds, including culture, religion, and
beliefs, which allowed them to continue, regardless of their government.
b. The people of India have had the same family ruling the monarchy since the
beginning, which has allowed for stability in their country for centuries.
c. Indian society has constantly changed, allowing the people to continue to make
progress for centuries.
d. All of the above
Part 3: Skills
33. What could one infer from the social hierarchy to the right?
a. That religion was important to the people of Ancient India
b. That Aryans were a preferred group of people in Ancient India
c. That Sudras were not wealthy
d. All of the above
34. Which of the following is true about the source above?
a. It is a primary source
b. It is a secondary source
c. It was written by Swami Vivekananda
d. It was originally written in Sanskrit
The cities of India, while great, often showed the divisions amongst the people.
35. Which of the following quotes best supports the claim above?
a. “Cities like Harappa were well organized and far more advanced than any other city
at its time.”
b. “The untouchables could not live in cities or villages and, instead, lived on the
outskirts of town as outcastes.”
c. “A typical home in Mohenjo-Daro had sewers which took away garbage and human
waste, as well as a water source for each family.”
d. All of the above
The Arthasastra states,
The welfare of the kind does not lie in the fulfillment of what is dear to him:
whatever is dear to the subjects constitutes his welfare.
Although this sounds noble, the Arthasastra is better known for proposing toughminded policies. For example, the manual suggests that the king hire an army of spies
to gather information about his subjects by posing as priests, students, beggars, or
merchants. The Arthasastra also urges the king to make war against neighboring
kingdoms that are weak.
36. According to the excerpt above, what type of government did they have in Ancient
a. Monarchy
b. Republic
c. Empire
d. Democracy
37. Which quote best supports your conclusion about the type of government they had?
a. “… whatever is dear to the subjects constitutes his welfare.”
b. “The Arthasastra also urges the king to make war against neighboring kingdoms
that are weak.”
c. “Although this sounds noble, the Arthasastra is better known for proposing toughminded policies.”
d. All of the above