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Unit: Reverence for Life
Name: ______________
Abortion Distinguishing Fact from Fiction Quiz
1. Abortion is legal through which month of pregnancy?
a. Third
b. Sixth
c. Ninth
2. What age group of women has the greatest number of abortions?
a. 15-19
b. 20-24
c. 25-29
3. Women who have had an abortion have a much higher risk of developing breast cancer than
other women.
a. True
b. False
4. Abortion clinics in B.C. are fully funded by the Federal government in Canada.
a. True
b. False
5. What is the most common reason for why women get abortions?
a. They did not want to be a single parent.
b. The baby would interfere with their lives.
c. They could not afford a child.
d. They were victims of rape.
6. DNA, the genetic blueprint which will determine every detail of human development such as the
child’s sex, height and eye colour exists at what stage of development?
a. At conception
b. 1 week after conception
c. 1 day after conception
7. What is “fetus” the Latin word for?
a. Unborn baby
b. Embryo
c. Young one
8. What is the lightest weight that a baby has been born at and survived?
a. 1 pound 3.6 ounces
b. 8.6 ounces
c. 2 pounds 1.3 ounces
Unit: Reverence for Life
Name: ______________
Your Life in the Womb
Day 1
Day 7
Day 18
Day 21
Day 28
Day 42
7 weeks
8 weeks
9 weeks
11 weeks
12 weeks
16 weeks
18 weeks
20 weeks
– Your life began at the moment of conception
– you implanted in your mother’s uterus
– your heart begins to beat.
– you pumped your own blood through a separate closed circulatory
system with your own blood type
– your eyes, ear and respiratory system began to form
– your brainwaves were recorded, skeleton complete, reflexes present
– you sucked your thumb
– all your body systems are present
– you squinted, swallowed, moved your tongue, and made a fist
– all your body systems working; spontaneous breathing movements,
your fingernails are present
– you weigh one ounce
– your genital organs are clearly differentiated; you grasped with your
hands, swam, kicked, turned, somersaulted, (still not felt by the mother.)
– your vocal cords worked and you can cry
– you have hair on your head; weigh one pound
Using the above timeline, respond to the questions below:
1. When can brain waves be detected and recorded in an unborn child?
2. How soon after conception does this unborn child’s heart begin to beat?
3. When does new life begin?
a. At birth
b. When the fertilized egg is implanted in the uterus
c. At conception
4. How many weeks after conception can the fetus squint, swallow, and wrinkle its forehead?
5. When does the unborn baby start sucking its thumb?
Unit: Reverence for Life
Name: ______________
Misleading Claims about Abortion
Defeat the Pro- Abortion arguments by providing the Pro-Life responses to each claim.
Pro-Abortion/Pro-Choice Argument
1. It’s only an operation. No human being
is present.
2. Abortion is legal; therefore, it must be
3. It is my body. It is a women’s right to
4. Abortion should be permitted in cases
of rape.
5. It’s a woman’s issue. Men should have
no say.
6. Pushing a pro-life argument or law is
forcing your religious beliefs on others.
Pro-Life Response