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Title: Biology Digital Agenda Sub Plans
Date: 6/7/2012
•Hello, I have listed the activities that the students need to complete below in the daily agenda section, with notes. I have also listed the due
dates and the approximate times. The students are currently working on a final project. At the end of the day tell them to submit their work
through email or they will not get credit for the assignments. Please make a note of any students that are not working. There is a seating
chart on my desk.
Essential question(s):
1.) What are the various defenses your body has against pathogens?
2.) How do antibodies respond to infection in your body?
3.) How do vaccines protect individuals from infection?
4.) How is HIV transmitted? Why do individual with AIDS have a difficult time fighting and surviving infections?
5.) What are STDs and how are they transmitted between individuals?
6.) What are the various methods that can be used to prevent pregnancy? Which methods are the most effective?
Do Now: 6/7-6/8-students will independently research and answer short answer on major topics in Biology, focusing on the power standards.____
CA Standard(s):
BI10. c. Students know how vaccination protects an individual from infectious diseases.
BI10. e. Students know why an individual with a compromised immune system (for example, a person with AIDS) may be
unable to fight off and survive infections by microorganisms that are usually benign.
Learning Objective (s):
 Understand the how the human body is organized starting from the smallest (cells) to the largest (organism) level.
 Explain how different organ systems work together to maintain homeostasis.
 Understand the importance of maintaining a stable internal environment in the human body.
 Explain the various ways your body protects itself from pathogens.
 Understand the role of antibodies in protecting your body against infection.
 Explain how a vaccination protects an individual from infectious diseases.
Understand how HIV weakens and individuals immune system causing AIDS.
 Exit Slips-students will complete multiple choice items on the major organ systems.
Bloom’s level of this assessment:
Quizzes and Exit Slips-Comprehension, Synthesis, Analysis
Daily Agenda: (check off each assignment after completion)
(10 min) Do Now: 6/7-6/8-students will independently research and answer short answer on major topics in Biology, focusing on the power
standards.____ .____ (Have the students work on this on their own and then share answers with their tablemates).
(Whole Group)Biology Final Project-(due-6/7-6/8)- These projects will be summative and require the students to reflect on and apply
the knowledge they gained throughout the year. The students will be developing a timeline to complete the project.______Students
who have not submitted their project yet, must complete it today and email it in with the following information in the subject “Final
Project Group Members Names”(one per group).
(Independent Station)-High Priority Assignment Self-Assessment Weeks 39-40-Students will independently complete a self-assessment
on the high priority assignments. These assignments are due 6/11/2012.______Students that have submitted their final projects will
spend the remainder of their time completing any missing work or enrichment activities. DO NOT ALLOW THE STUDENTS TO HAVE
 Biology Final Project-(due-6/7-6/8)- Complete the necessary requirements for your final project by 6/7-6/8.____
How will students reflect on what they’ve learned?
 Exit Slip 10 E