* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
GREEN STUDENT GUIDE Be a great student, be a green student TOP 10 things YOU can do to reduce your carbon footprint: 1. TRANSPORT: walk, cycle, use public transport, carpool, drive slower 2. ELECTRICITY AND HEAT: turn off lights when not in use, use CFL low energy bulbs, turn down heat, turn appliances off and plug out (not Did you know? Ireland is the most cardependent country in the world!! standby or screensaver), reduce amount of printing, only boil amount of water required in kettle 3. ENERGY ON CAMPUS: ask services manager on campus what are the aims for reducing energy consumption, what is the current energy supply (e.g. percentage electricity coming from renewables), and lobby campus authorities for more on-site renewable energy e.g. solar thermal heating 4. WASHING: use the washing machine/dishwasher with full loads on economy cycle, hang clothes to dry, use eco-friendly detergents and washing-up liquid, limit water use when washing dishes etc. 5. FOOD: buy products with as little packaging as possible, buy local produce at local markets (Dublin Food Co-op is great and cheap!), try buy Fair Trade and organic, make your own lunch to prevent packaging waste (usually healthier too!) 6. DRINK: carry around a reusable water bottle/thermo, use a reusable coffee cup (you can get very cool ones!) 7. SHOPPING: bring your own bag shopping, refuse plastic and paper ones, buy clothes in second hand shops (lots of great ones around George’s Street and Temple Bar), recycle old clothes in clothes banks/charity shops 8. PRESENTS: give gifts that can be experienced, like tickets to a concert, gift vouchers for restaurants, for a massage etc. 9. FOSSIL FUEL INVESTMENT: enquire at college, your bank and your work where they have investments – if unethical, such as investment in fossil fuel companies, lobby them to divest, or switch to an ethical provider. More about divestment campaigns to come from Young Friends of the Earth….keep track! 10. INVOLVEMENT: join the Environmental Society and Green Campus Committee and get involved with Young Friends of the Earth.