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Prepared for: Dr. Valentina Korzhova
Prepared by:
Bushra AlMansour – 200800802
Rawan AlAyed - 200600420
Date: Spring 2011/2012
Term project: phase #2
Zain Group, mobile telecommunications company
Table of Content
3.Network classification…………………………………………….3
3.1 Connection methods…………………………………………3
3.2 Wired technologies ………………………………………….3
3.3 Wireless technologies………………………………………..4
3.4 Scale…………………………………………………………5
4.Types of network based on physical scope……………………....5
4.1 Local area network…………………………………………..5
4.2 Campus Area Network……………………..………………..5
5.Network architecture………………………………….......……..6
5.1 Peer-to-peer..…………………………………………….6
6.Network topology.…………………………………….………….7
6.1 Bus network..…………………………………….………….8
6.2 Star network..…………………………………….………….9
3. Network Classification
3.1 Connection methods
Wireless network technology uses electromagnetic waves, such as radio
signal frequency, to allows two or more computers to communicate and
exchange data. However ZAIN Company use the (WLAN) is a wireless
local area network is to linking two or more computers without using
cables and usually providing a connection through an access point to the
wider Internet. Also, (WLAN) its carry the signal over all communication
parts which is coverd all the local area and gives the ability to move aroud
still connected to the network. And this mode allowed to trasmate voice,
music, television redation and data communication. Example of wirless
service that ZAIN Company that proved it, cellular for phone calls, global
postioning system (GPS), cordless telephone sets wich is accept big range
of phone calls. Wireless local area networks have become popular for the
home user and small because of easy installation and mintance and the
increasing popularity of using computers. Public businesses such as coffee
shops, malls, and hotels have begun to offer wireless access to their
customers, sometimes for free.
3.2 Wired technologies
“Dial up” Wired it was the first technology created to share date by linked
tow computers with each other directly through wire. And it should run
from each computer to another computer or to the central device. And it’s
expansive and its extremely reliable, because manufacturers have been
continually improving them to prove good service and quality. Moreover
wired technologies do not prove firewall, which makes it less secure.
telecommunication such as twisted pair and optic fiber cable.
Zain uses two types of wires; twisted pair and optical fiber. Twisted pair
cable Connecting devices to the server and is divided into types; Shielded
Twisted Pair (STP) is batter thane UTP, and Unshielded Twisted Pair
(UTP) the most commonly used in local networks. Optical fiber cables that
can be used as a medium for telecommunication and networking because it
is flexible and can be bundled as cables. It is especially advantageous for
long-distance communications, because light propagates through the fiber
with little attenuation compared to electrical cables. It can be breakable
essay and its need allot of expensive equipment.
3.3 Wireless technologies
Wireless network is a technology that uses electromagnetic waves, such as
radio signal frequency, to allows two or more computers to communicate
and exchange data. However ZAIN Company use the (WLAN) is a
wireless local area network is to linking two or more computers without
using cables and usually providing a connection through an access point to
the wider Internet. Also, (WLAN) its carry the signal over all
communication parts which is coverd all the local area and gives the
ability to move aroud still connected to the network. And this mode
allowed to trasmate voice, music, television redation and data
3.4 Scales
This refers to a network where the network nodes are connected to a
central node. This central node rebroadcasts all transmissions received
from any peripheral node to all peripheral nodes on the network, including
the original node. This way, all peripheral nodes can communicate with all
others by transmitting to, and receiving from, that central node.
4. Types of network based on physical scope
4.1 Local area network
ZAIN Company uses LANs, which is designed to use inside the
origination and between employees in physical locations. Local area
networks (LANS) – is defined as a group of computers and devices that
share a common communication wireless or line to exchange the
information. Like share one resource, server or signal processor in
small area. For example home network and hospital network etc. LAN
is one of the most used and basic types of networks. It is common to
use such network that is connected to a group of computers through
cables that are spread around the companies building.
4.2 Campus Area Network
ZAIN Company also uses Campus Area Network (CAN), which is a
computer network that connects a few local area networks (LANs)
network used in large universities or local business offices and
buildings. This type of network is considered to be larger than the local
area network, but smaller than the metropolitan area network (MAN)
or wide area network (WAN).
5.Network architecture
5.1 Peer-to-peer
A network architecture provides a framework and technology
foundation for designing, building and managing a communication
network. It is considered as a blueprint of the complete computer
communication network. IT helps gaining technical leadership
skills a company needs to design and implement high quality
networks that support business needs. Zain Company uses the
peer-to-peer networks. In this network structure, peers are
organized to follow a specific criteria and algorithms, which leads
to an overlay with specific topologies and properties. Zain uses
distributed hash table indexing, such as in the Chord system. In
organization or optimization of network connections is provided.
In particular, there are three models of unstructured architecture.
The entire network consists solely of equipotent peers in pure
peer-to-peer systems. In hybrid peer-to-peer systems, such
infrastructure nodes to exist is allowed, and often called super
nodes. In the centralized peer-to-peer systems, central servers are
used for indexing functions as well as to bootstrap the entire
system. Although structured architecture is similar, any algorithm
does not determine the connections between the peers. An
example of the centralized model would be Napster, the first
prominent and popular peer-to-peer file sharing system. Gnutella
and Free net. Moreover, Network Operating Systems are classified
according to whether they are peer-to-peer or client-server
NOSs. Peer-to-peer network would allow two or more PCs to pool
their resources together. An individual resource like disk drives,
CD-ROM drives, and even printers are transformed into shared,
collective resources that are accessible from every PC. Because
peer-to-peer personal computers have their own hard disk drives
that are accessible by all computers, each PC would act as both a
client and a server; (information requestor) and (information
6.Network topology
6.1 Bus network
Bus network topology uses common backbones to connect all network
devices in a network in a linear shape. One single cable will function
as the shared communication medium for all the devices attached with
this cable with an interface connector. The device communicates and
sends the broadcast message to all the devices attached with the shared
cable. However, only intended recipient actually accepts and processes
the received message. The Ethernet bus topology is easy to install and
don’t require much cabling. Only one main shared cable is used for
network communication in the Ethernet bus topology. Two popular
types of the Ethernet cables used in the Bus topology are 10Base-2 and
10BaseT are. Moreover, Bus network works only with limited devices.
If more than 12-15 computers are added in a Bus Network,
performance issues are likely to occur in a bus topology. Also, if the
Backbone cable fails, all networks become useless and there will be no
communication among all the computers. Unlike Star topology, in
which if one computer is detached from a network, then there is no
effect on the other computers in the same network.
6.2 Star network
In computer networking, star topology is the most commonly used type
in LAN networks. Star topologies can be implemented anywhere;
home, offices or a building. All computers in the star topology are
connected to central devices such as hubs, switches or routers. Each of
these devices function differently. Usually, computers in a network are
connected with the hub, switch or router with the Unshielded Twisted
Pair (UTP) or Shielded Twisted Pair Cables. Hub is responsible of
managing every activity in a network. All nodes - file server,
workstations and peripheral devices - in star topology are directly
connected to the hub. Star network requires more devices & cables to
complete a network comparing to the bus topology. Each node failure
or cable in a star network won’t take down the entire network.
However if the central connecting device such as the hub switches or
router fails for any reason, all network can go down or collapse.
Progress Report
Zain Company has succeeded in moving forward to a new horizon,
where broadband and other integrated services are provided. Now, Zain
competes with STC the top Internet Service Providers in the region, and
enhanced Saudi Arabia, one of the most progressive countries in the field of
Internet services. In the recent years, Zain experienced unparalleled
development in in its growth in the sum of broadband customers and the
volume of data exchanged by the company‚customers. Both using wired and
wireless services. The quantity of data exchanged, by the end of 2011 was
increased by 80% that year end 2010. The number of ‚wired and wireless‚
broadband customers reached is increasing, and more sites are provided with
Wi-Fi services. Furthermore, it’s launching a high-speed IP technology that
allows customers to watch videos, TV satellite channels, sports and movies.
Globally, Batelco, as the leading Internet service provider in UAE is
completing a $950 million deal to buy a quarter-stake in Zain Saudi. Also,
Kuwaiti group Zain agreed to sell its 25 per cent stake in Zain Saudi to
Batelco and Saudi billionaire Prince Alwaleed bin Talal's Kingdom Holding.
All of the above developments highlight the continuous improvement of this
company on all levels.. By establishing the integrated IP technology, along
with fiber optic networks, Zain customers will have the benefit of both a highquality service at a price competitive to other Internet providers such as STC
and Mobily.