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1. Pangaea is a supercontinent that existed long time ago. All continents where ones joined
1.1 What is Pangaea? Draw a picture of Pangaea.
2. The theory of plate tectonics describes that Lithosphere is divided into plates.
2.1 What does the theory of plate tectonics describe? Draw a picture of PLATE TECTONICS
3. The tectonic plates consist (made off) Lithosphere and Uppermost Mantle.
3.1 What does tectonic plates consist (made off)? Draw a picture of Lithosphere and upper mantle -
TECTONIC PLATES. Draw a picture of Tectonic Plates
4. The driving forces of for the movement of Lithospheric Plates (Tectonic Plates) are CONVECTION
4.1 What are the driving forces for the movement of the Lithospheric Plates (Tectonic Plates)? Draw a
5. The Earth’s Mantle is made up of very hot material that rises to the top of the mantle, cools, than
5.1 What are CONVECTION CURRENTS? Draw a picture as well.
6. Convection currents occur (happen) in the Earth’s Mantle.
6. 1. In which layer of the Earth do Convection Currents occur (happen)? Draw a picture as well.
7. Label layers of the Earth.
7.1 Draw and label your own Model of Earth’s inside layers.
8. When two plate boundary slide horizontally against each other without destroying the new crust,
the boundary is called TRANSFROM BOUNDARY.
8. 1. Which boundary slides horizontally against each other without destroying the new crust? Draw a
picture as well.
8. The San Andreas Faults in California is a result of (created) Transform boundary.
8. 2. Faults are results of (created) _________________ ____________. Draw a picture as well.
9. When two plates separate from each other the boundary is called Divergent boundary. New crust is
created (new Lithosphere is created) when divergent boundary happens (occurs).
9. 1. What type of boundary occurs when two plate separate from each other? What type of boundary
creates a new crust (new Lithosphere)? Draw a picture as well.
9. When divergent boundary happens (occur) a volcano can erupt and when the lava cools off mid
ocean ridges are created.
9.2. What type of boundary creates mid ocean ridges?
10. When two boundaries move toward each other the boundary is called Convergent boundary. The
Earth’s crust is destroyed, mountains are created.
10.1 What type of boundary occurs when two plates move toward each other? What happens to the
Earth’s lithosphere? Draw a picture as well.
10. The mountains are results of (created) convergent boundary.
10.2 The Himalayan mountains are results of (created) _________________ ___________________.
Draw a picture as well.
11. When a convergent boundary between an oceanic plate and a continental plate, the oceanic plate
is sinks beneath continental plate, because oceanic plate is denser. This process is called seduction.
11.1 What is it called when one oceanic plate is forced beneath another plate? Draw a picture as well.
12. The difference between lava and magma is: Magma is located inside the Earth, Lava is located in
surface of Earth.
12. 1 What is the difference between magma and lava? Draw a picture as well.
13. Earthquake Terms: Earthquake’s focus is located inside the Earth- the Earthquake starts there;
Earthquake’s epicenter is located in the surface of the Earth.
13. 1. What is the name of the point inside the Earth where the Earthquake stats? What is the name of
the point located in Earth’s surface, directly above the focus? Draw a picture as well.
13. The instrument that measures and records the vibration of earthquakes is called Richter scale?
13. 2 What is the instrument that measures and records Earthquake vibration?
14. The p waves are the first Earthquake waves to start, the fastest, and they travel in solids and liquids.
They are called longitudinal waves.
14. 1 What type of waves are P waves? Draw a picture as well.
14. The S waves are the second Earthquake waves, they are not as fast as P waves, they travel only in
solids; they do not travel in liquids. They are called transverse waves.
14. 2 What are S waves? Draw a picture as well?
15. The S-P waves are measured to determine the Epicenter of an Earthquake. Find the S-p time