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Chapter 3
Ancient Mesopotamia
 “The Land Between Two Rivers”
 Tigris River
 Euphrates River
 Mesopotamia farmers controlled the rivers
 Built levees (dirt walls to hold back water)
 Built dams to control the amount of water
 Dug irrigation canals to water crops
 Located in southern Mesopotamia
 City-states that were isolated by geography and each had its
own government
 City-states often fought in wars against each other
 Built walls around city-states for pretection
Sumer City-States
 The first Mesopotamian city was Uruk – population more
than 40,000
 Other city-states:
 Ur
 Lagash
 Nippur
 Each Sumerian City-State had its own government and law
 Each also had its own main god
Daily Life
 Role of men: head of household
 Role of women: had some rights (buying and selling
property, running businesses)
 Children: had little or no education (only wealthy boys could
attend school)
Social Classes
 3 distinct classes based on the
specialized jobs people had
 Religious beliefs helped support this
social order
Government officials
Farmers / Fishers
Sumerian Religion
 Ziggurats were built top honor
the main god
 Grand temples built in each city-
 The shrine on top is a special
place of worship
 Only priests and priestesses
could enter
Sumerian Religion
 Polytheistic – believed in many gods
 Gods controlled everything in nature and all human activity
 Mesopotamians worshipped their gods by making statues,
praying to their gods, and food sacrifices were left at temples
Sumerian Religion
 Priests / Priestesses:
 powerful, controlled much of the land
 most important people in society
 They were the link between the gods and the people
 Kings
 Controlled, led, and organized armies
 Organized building projects
 When 1 god died, his son took over
Sumerian Achievements
• The Sumerians made many advances that helped their
society develop.
• The Sumerians invented the world’s first writing system.
• Advances and inventions changed Sumerian lives.
• Many types of art developed in Sumer.
The Sumerians invented the world’s first writing system
 The cuneiform system involved the use of sharp tools called
 The Sumerians first used cuneiform to keep business records.
 The Sumerians also used their writing skills to write books about
history, poems, and math.
Invention of Writing
• World’s first
system of writing
• Cuneiform
symbols could
syllables. Earlier
pictographs had
represented only
• The Sumerians
wrote on clay
tablets with a
• Writers
• Kept track of
items people
traded and
wrote down
• Scribes could
move up in
social class.
Other Uses
• Wrote works of
literature, stories,
proverbs, and
• Wrote poems
about the gods
and military
• Created epics,
long poems that
tell the stories of
Advances and inventions changed Sumerian lives
 Development of the wheel
 Used for carts and wagons
 Potter’s wheel
 The plow increased farm production.
 Sewers under city streets
 Math and science
 Number system based on 60
 Names of animals, plants, and minerals
 Used medicines for healing and catalogued medical knowledge
Conflict in Sumer
 Years of frequent fighting between city-states made them
grow weaker
 Example: Umma and Lagash with their allies fought to control a
fertile region on their borders
 Soldiers used bronze axes and long spears with sharp metal
•While the Sumerian city-states struggled for power,
a new society arose in Mesopotamia
•Akkadian ruler who had the first permanent army
•Defeated all the city-states of Sumer
•When his army conquered northern Mesopotamia,
he established the world’s first empire, the
Akkadian Empire
Empire: land with different territories and
peoples under a single rule
•Sargon ruled for 50 years. After his death, his
empire lasted only a century longer.
After the Sumerians…
 many cultures ruled parts of the Fertile
• The Babylonians conquered Mesopotamia
and created a code of law.
• Invasions of Mesopotamia changed the
region’s culture.
 Hammurabi was Babylon’s king.
 During his rule, Babylon became the most
important city in Mesopotamia.
 Hammurabi’s Code was a set of 282 laws he created
that dealt with almost every part of daily life.
Babylon’s king and
the city’s greatest
monarch, or ruler
of a kingdom or
Brilliant war leader
who brought all of
Mesopotamia into
his Babylonian
• Oversaw
building and
projects and
improved the
tax system
• Developed a
set of laws that
was written
down for all to
Hammurabi’s Code
 Hammurabi wrote down 282 laws which contained some ideas
still found in laws today.
 Specific crimes brought specific penalties.
 Social class was taken into account. It was a greater crime to
injure a rich man than a poor one.
 It was unique not only because of how thorough it was, but
also because he wrote it down for all to see.
Example of Hammurabi Law
 “If a son has struck his father, they
shall cut off his hand. If a nobleman
has destroyed the eye of a member of
the aristocracy, they shall destroy his
 Hammurabi was a good ruler,
because he worked to improve
Babylon. He oversaw many
building and irrigation projects
and developed a written code of
Legacy of Sumer
 Sumerian culture stayed alive in Babylonia, just as it did
under Sargon in the Akkadian empire
 Despite Hammurabi’s efforts to build a strong government,
the Babylonian empire collapsed after his death
 The civilization of Sumer disappeared, but the influence
 technology, farming, writing, learning, and the law lived on
Babylonian and Assyrian Empires
The Phoenicians built a trading society in the
eastern Mediterranean region.
• Prized Cedar
trees for timber
• Accessed the sea
for trade
• Built great
Expansion of Trade
• Sailed ships around
the Mediterranean
• Founded several
new colonies along
the trade routes
• Became wealthy
• Recorded their
• Made writing
much easier for
• Is the basis for
the English
Phoenicia, around 800 BC