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Vocabulary Lesson I:
John Smith’s “The New Land”
Diction Define the following vocabulary words by analyzing context clues…be aware of the
modification (assimilation) process that occurred over the last three centuries.
1. In early New England, fowlers added turkey and other wild birds to the colonists’
food supply. These hunters enjoyed their work because it gave them the
opportunity to recreate, or refresh themselves in their hard lives.
~ both used more prevalently in the 17th Century
2. Mounted on walls were divers fish the adventurous couple caught while angling
in the waters off the coast on Southern Africa – bigeyes and goatfish. clown
trigger fish, tilapia, scorpion fish, parrot fish, and grouper.
~ both used more prevalently in the 17th Century
3. In colonial times, husbandmen took their grain to millers who ground it into flour
or meal. These farmers would recompense the millers’ work with crops or other
goods, but rarely with money.
~ both used more prevalently in the 17th Century
4. Three peasants were caught hunting deer and other chase in the King’s forest.
With great magnanimity, the King ordered the peasants released and pardoned
their crimes against the royal court, allowing all to return to their respective
~ one used more prevalently in the 17th Century
5. We possess an important responsibility to preserve for posterity the form of
government that suits the original democratic ideals of our founding fathers.
~ still used today…successfully assimilated into modern culture