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Please reply to: Charles Uzzell
Environment Commissioner
Town Hall, Torquay. TQ1 3DR
Mr Drysdale
Garage 14
St Mary’s Yard
Horsepoll Street
My ref:
Your ref:
01803 207701
01803 207006
[email protected]
5 August 2010
Dear Mr Drysdale
Re: Petition requesting the Council to re-evaluate the number of facilities provided
at Breakwater Beach public toilets at Brixham and to install porta-loos as soon as
possible, as an immediate temporary measure for this summer season (2010)
I refer to the petition you submitted to the Council on the 1 st July 2010 in respect to the
We have investigated the concerns raised and have taken steps to alleviate the problems
you have identified. We agree with your concern regarding the use of the facilities by
divers and we have provided them with dedicated changing facilities. To ensure divers
become aware of the changing facilities we have put signs on the toilets asking them to
use the dedicated changing facility provided.
With regard to the provision of additional toilet facilities we are going to keep the use of
these facilities under review to see if the additional divers changing rooms alleviate the
concerns raised. If in the future if we do take the decision to provide additional toilet
facilities at Breakwater Beach these will have to be provided from within existing budgets
that will be under extreme pressure from the Coalition Government’s spending cuts. This
would mean that other facilities would have to be de-prioritised to enable this investment.
Yours sincerely
Charles Uzzell
Environment Commissioner
Schools and services for children and young people ● social care and housing ● recycling, waste
disposal and clean streets ● community safety ● roads and transportation ● town planning ●
tourism, harbours and economic regeneration ● consumer protection and licensing ● leisure,
museums, libraries and arts
If you require this in a different format or language, please contact me.