Download Week 1 DQs and Summary In management, how important is it to

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Week 1 DQs and Summary
In management, how important is it to learn to use mathematics to solve problems?
How valuable is an MBA degree without the ability to identify and calculate the cost
of a company’s capital, its return on investment, gross margin percentage, breakeven point, or what percent of a population would be willing to buy its product?
When using the formula NI = [U * (P-VCu)] - FC, in which order must you complete the
calculation? Why does the order of operations matter?
1. What three things did you learn this week? 2. Why are they important to you? 3.
How do you plan to use them?
DQ 1
In management, how important is it to learn to use mathematics to solve problems?
How valuable is an MBA degree without the ability to identify and calculate the cost of
a company’s capital, its return on investment, gross margin percentage, break-even
point, or what percent of a population would be willing to buy its product?
A calculable figure is normally linked to all measured values for all variables used in
business. These variables are also related with other significant variables. It is essential to
compute the return on investment to give the CFO or the CEO advance knowledge
compared to investors. Some important components of a business plan include an analysis
of the break-even point and gross margin percentage. These components will allow a
company to evaluate potential cash flow using existing data. The forecast will also show the
solvency of a particular company.
Marketing plans can be created by using a percentage of a population as the target of
salable commodities. Direct mailing may not be feasible for a market that has around
400,000 people although it is essential to identify the reason why a commodity is preferred
by a particular target market. Increasing the share of a market is also an objective of many
companies. In order for a company to expand, and reduce promotional costs, it is important
to be recognizing the variations of a particular market.
DQ 2
When using the formula NI = [U * (P-VCu)] - FC, in which order must you complete the
calculation? Why does the order of operations matter?
Which order must you complete the calculation: NI = [U * (P-VCu)] - FC
2. U* times quantity total in item one
3. Quantity item 2 – FC = NI
The rules of hierarchy dictate that the equations found inside the parenthesis are to be
performed first. The equations inside nested parenthesis contained by the brackets should
be performed before performing the operations inside the bracket. The equation for the
variable FC should be performed last. The result will not be the same if the order is not
followed. According to the distributive law, U*(P-VCu) is equal to U*P minus U*VCu.
Multiplication is done before subtracting the values.
If U=2, P=5, VCu= 10, and FC=1
U * (P-VCu) = P-VCu = 5-10=-5,
-5*U= -5*2 =
-10-FC = -10-1 = -11
Distributive Law
U*P-U*VCu= U*P = 2*5=10,
U*VCu = 2*10 = 20,
10-20= -10
-10-FC = -10-1 = -11
The preceding example proves the distributive law.
Why does the order of operations matter?
It is essential to maintain the order of the variables since reversing the sign of 10 (20-10)
will not have the same result as -10 (10-20). It is essential to follow the order of operations.
1. Parenthesis
2. Roots and Powers. The only exception is the square root of an equation since it is
understood that this equation is done first.
3. Multiplication and Division
4. Addition and Subtraction
This is a fundamental principle in computer programming since it shows the way
mathematical computations are performed by a computer. This is also known as the ANSI
standard. Errors will result if these fundamental rules are not followed.
1. What three things did you learn this week? 2. Why are they important to you? 3.
How do you plan to use them?
Generally, the objectives for the first week, which include mathematical expressions and
equations, following the rules in the order of operations, and the identification of
dependent and independent variables, were already taught in the past, however, the
subject matter is still considered recently-gained knowledge since these were initially
taught a long time ago.
The significance of the order of operations in problem solving is the first concept that I
understood. It may have taken a good amount of trial-and-error exercises before the
concept was properly understood. However, I am certain that I have enough knowledge
about the basic order of operations that were covered in the first week. The order of
operations can be best remembered using the acronym PEMDAS, which means Parenthesis,
Exponents, Multiplication or Division, and Addition or Subtraction. The significance of
PEMDAS is that it forms the basis in finding the solution to equations as show in a number
of tests and problems in mathematics. It will not be easy to accomplish the objectives of the
succeeding course objectives if there is no proper comprehension of the appropriate order
of operations. Solving future problems will be made easier when the PEMDAS is used in
solving them.
Another concept that was taught in the first week is the proper conversion of application
problems into equations before finding their solutions. This is essential since it uses the
theories found on the textbook. It is also used in actual everyday situations. These theories
are rarely used at home or at work. The variables in the equation are also important since it
is necessary to convert them properly to find the appropriate solution. I was able to acquire
a proper basis in understanding these concepts through the readings, which I went through
several times while taking the significance of the variables into consideration. This is
essential in order to deal with potential problems in real life.
I was also able to understand the significance of estimation in finding the solution of
application problems. Even though this concept is used in everyday life, I only realized the
importance of basic theories in mathematics in the entire process after the lesson. I was
able to understand the concept of rounding up numbers when the numbers directly on the
right side are five or higher. I also understood that rounding down is necessary if the
numbers are four or lower. Proficiency in estimating numbers is essential in providing an
educated guess on numerous figures in real-life situations, such as the volume of a
particular product or forecasting future sales.
In the end, the lessons during the week were informative and eye-opening. I am also eager
to learn other concepts in the future lessons.