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Let’s Review: The Sixth Unit
Global History and Geography I
Name: ____________________
E. Napp
Date: ____________________
During the Sixth Unit of the Global History and Geography I curriculum,
students were introduced to the birth of the modern world.
Can you define the following terms from the Sixth Unit of our study?
Divine Right Theory:
Louis XIV:
Peter the Great:
Catherine the Great:
Constitutional Monarchy:
Magna Carta (from a previous unit):
John Locke:
The Ming Dynasty:
Zheng He:
The Ch’ing (Qing) Dynasty:
The Ottoman Empire (Suleiman the Magnificent):
The Safavid Empire:
The Mughal Empire in India (Akbar the Great):
The Aztecs:
The Incas:
The Commercial Revolution:
Age of Exploration:
Prince Henry the Navigator:
Hernan Cortes:
Francisco Pizarro:
The Colombian Exchange:
Encomienda System:
The Colonial Hierarchy in Latin America (think peninsulares):
The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade:
The Middle Passage:
The Scientific Revolution:
Galileo Galilei:
The Enlightenment:
Enlightenment Philosophers:
The Rise of Capitalism:
Regents Multiple-Choice Questions from the Sixth Unit of Study:
1- What was one reason the Spanish conquistadors were able to conquer the Aztec Empire?
(1) The Spanish soldiers made effective use of their military technology against the
(2) Aztec religious beliefs promoted nonviolence.
(3) Spain joined the Incas in their fight against the Aztecs.
(4) The Spanish cavalry outnumbered the Aztec warriors.
2- Which statement describes an impact of the Columbian exchange on the lives of
(1) The combination of new products and ideas promoted economic growth.
(2) Native Americans immigrated to Europe and competed with Europeans for
(3) Millions of Europeans were killed by new American diseases.
(4) Introduction of the Native American religions resulted in the decline of the Roman
Catholic Church.
3- A common goal of Philip II of Spain and Louis XIV of France was to
(1) spread Calvinism
(2) promote political revolutions
(3) maintain absolute power
(4) isolate their nations
Base your answer to question 4 on the speakers’ statements below and on your
knowledge of social studies.
Speaker A: My king has brought together the best mapmakers and scientists to study
navigation. The expeditions he has sponsored will increase Portugal’s trade with the
East and make us wealthy.
Speaker B: My people lost their land and were forced to work in the mines and fields.
They received little economic benefit.
Speaker C: My queen has chartered joint-stock companies to control trade with our
Speaker D: My people were enslaved and have endured unspeakable hardships. Many
died during the Middle Passage.
4- Which two speakers would most likely support mercantilism?
(1) A and B
(2) A and C
(3) B and D
(4) C and D
5- What was one effect of the Columbian exchange?
(1) rapid decline in European population
(2) economic instability in China and Japan
(3) introduction of new foods to both Europe and the Americas
(4) spread of Hinduism into Latin America
6- From the 15th to the 18th centuries, absolute monarchs of Europe and Asia sought to
(1) increase the power of the Catholic Church
(2) centralize their political power
(3) redistribute land to the peasants
(4) strengthen feudalism
7- Which person is credited with saying “L’état, c’est moi” (I am the state)?
(1) Louis XIV
(3) Karl Marx
(2) John Locke
(4) Queen Isabella
8- Seventeenth-century scholars Galileo Galilei and René Descartes faced serious
challenges to their scientific theories because their ideas
(1) were based on the Bible
(2) contradicted traditional medieval European beliefs
(3) relied only on teachings from non-Christian cultures
(4) were not supported by scientific investigations
9- Which statement expresses an idea of the Enlightenment?
(1) The king is sacred and answers only to God.
(2) History is a continuous struggle between social classes.
(3) Those who are the most fit will survive and succeed.
(4) All individuals have natural rights.
10- In 1453, the Ottoman Empire rose to power by defeating the
(1) Holy Roman Empire
(3) Byzantine Empire
(2) European crusaders
(4) Mongol invaders
11- One contribution that John Locke made to Enlightenment philosophy was the idea
(1) absolute monarchies should continue
(2) the punishment should fit the crime
(3) individual rights should be denied
(4) governments should be based on the consent of the people
12- Which document limited the power of the English monarchy during the Middle
(1) Magna Carta
(3) Justinian Code
(2) Twelve Tables
(4) Rig Veda
13- Which nation had the most influence on the colonization of Latin America in the
(1) Spain
(3) England
(2) France
(4) Netherlands
14- What was one goal of mercantilism?
(1) removal of trade barriers
(2) elimination of private property
(3) establishment of subsistence agriculture
(4) creation of a favorable balance of trade
15- According to John Locke, the chief role of government was to
(1) protect natural rights
(2) fight territorial wars
(3) ensure the wealth of citizens
(4) redistribute land
16- Which technological advancement helped unify both the Roman and the Inca
(1) astrolabe
(3) gunpowder
(2) road system
(4) wheeled carts
17- Which statement best describes a result of the encounter between Europeans and
native populations of Latin America?
(1) Native societies experienced rapid population growth.
(2) European nations lost power and prestige in the New World.
(3) Large numbers of natives migrated to Europe for a better life.
(4) Plantations in the New World used enslaved Africans to replace native populations.
Base your answers to questions 18 and 19 on the map below and on your knowledge of
social studies.
18- Which letter identifies the region in the Andes Mountains where many Inca
settlements were located?
(1) A
(3) C
(2) B
(4) D
19- The letter C indicates an area of Latin America that was colonized mostly by the
(1) Dutch
(3) English
(2) Portuguese (4) French
20- The Aztec use of the calendar and the Maya writing system both illustrate that pre-
Columbian cultures in the Americas
(1) traded extensively with Africa
(2) flourished prior to European contact
(3) declined because of invasion and disease
(4) converted others to Islam
Base your answer to question 21 on the diagram below and on your knowledge of social
21- This diagram shows the Incas had a farming system that
(1) provided crops for the entire society
(2) left much of the land unfarmed
(3) set aside fifty percent of the crops for those who farmed the fields
(4) grew crops only for priests and government officials
22- Which was an immediate result of the European Age of Exploration?
Islamic culture spread across Africa and Asia
European influence spread to the Western hemisphere
independence movements developed in Asia and Africa
military dictatorships were established throughout Europe
23- The Commercial
Revolution in Western Europe led directly to the
development of a socialist economy
establishment of the Guild System
weakening of the power of the middle class
expansion of world trade
Base your answers to questions 24 through 26 on the speakers’ statements below and on
your knowledge of social studies.
Speaker A: Although I spread serfdom in my country, I tried to modernize our society
by incorporating western technology.
Speaker B: I promoted culture with my support of the arts. Unfortunately, I drained my
country’s treasury by building my palace at Versailles and involving my country in
costly wars.
Speaker C: I gained much wealth from my overseas empire in the Americas. I waged
war against the Protestants and lost.
Speaker D: I inherited the throne and imprisoned my foes without a trial. I dissolved
Parliament because I did not want to consult with them when I increased taxes.
24- Which speaker represents the view of King Louis XIV of France?
(1) A
(3) C
(2) B
(4) D
25- Which nation was most likely governed by Speaker D?
(1) Russia (3) Spain
(2) France
(4) England
26- Which type of government is most closely associated with all these speakers?
(1) limited monarchy
(2) absolute monarchy
(3) direct democracy
(4) constitutional democracy
Base your answer to question 27 on the quotation below and on your knowledge of
social studies.
. . . Finally, gather together all that we have said, so great and so august [important],
about royal authority. You have seen a great nation united under one man: you have
seen his sacred power, paternal and absolute: you have seen that secret reason which
directs the body politic, enclosed in one head: you have seen the image of God in kings,
and you will have the idea of majesty of kingship. God is holiness itself, goodness itself,
power itself, reason itself. In these things consists the divine majesty. In their reflection
consists the majesty of the prince…
— Jacques-Benigne Bossuet
27- Which philosophy of government is expressed by this quotation?
(1) oligarchy
(3) democracy
(2) fascism
(4) divine right
28- During the 15th century, which two European countries began sea voyages of
(1) Germany and Italy
(2) Portugal and Spain
(3) England and France
(4) Russia and the Netherlands
29- Locke’s Two Treatises of Government, Rousseau’s The Social Contract, and
Montesquieu’s The Spirit of the Laws were works written during which time period?
(1) Middle Ages
(3) Enlightenment
(2) Renaissance
(4) Reformation
Base your answer to question 30 on the diagram below and on your knowledge of social
30- What is the best title for this diagram?
(1) Encomienda System
(2) Columbian Exchange
(3) Silk Road
(4) Open Door policy
31- The Magna Carta, the Petition of Right, and the English Bill of Rights were created
(1) limit the power of English monarchs
(2) establish laws protecting the rights of Protestants
(3) organize England’s colonial empire
(4) abolish the role of Parliament
32- The theory justifying a monarch’s rule by God’s authority is called
(1) laissez faire
(2) totalitarianism
(3) predestination
(4) divine right
33- One similarity in the rule of Peter the Great, Suleiman I, and Louis XIV is that each
(1) shared power with a legislature
(2) practiced religious toleration
(3) expanded his territory
(4) decreased the amount of taxes collected
Base your answer to question 34 on the map below and on your knowledge of social
34- Which conclusion about the slave trade in Africa is supported by this map?
(1) Most of the slaves came from eastern Africa.
(2) Few people were taken from Africa to other continents.
(3) Several European countries participated in the slave trade.
(4) The slave trade began in southern Africa.
35- The encomienda system in Latin America was a direct result of the
(1) Crusades
(2) Age of Exploration
(3) Reformation
(4) Age of Reason
36- One way in which the Magna Carta, the Petition of Right, and the Glorious
Revolution are similar is that each
(1) strengthened the power of the pope
(2) led to the exploration of Africa
(3) limited the power of the English monarchy
(4) settled religious conflicts
Base your answer to question 37 on the illustrations below and on your knowledge of
social studies.
37-These illustrations suggest that early Latin American civilizations
(1) were based on European societies
(2) used advanced technology to build complex structures
(3) incorporated early Roman architectural design
(4) were strongly influenced by Renaissance humanism
38- Sir Isaac Newton, Galileo Galilei, and Johannes Kepler are all directly associated
with the
(1) Industrial Revolution
(2) Scientific Revolution
(3) English Revolution
(4) Agricultural Revolution
39- The major reason that Portugal and Spain established water routes to Asia’s spice
markets was to
(1) experiment with new technology such as the astrolabe and sextant
(2) provide jobs for navigators, cartographers, and shipbuilders
(3) avoid the overland routes that were controlled by Muslim traders
(4) discover new continents, plants, and animals
40- The Magna Carta can be described as a
(1) journal about English feudal society
(2) list of feudal rights that limited the power of the English monarchy
(3) census of all tax-paying nobility in feudal England
(4) statement of grievances of the middle class in England
41- The expeditions of Hernán Cortés and Francisco Pizarro resulted in the
(1) destruction of the Aztec and Inca empires
(2) capture of Brazil by Portugal
(3) colonization of North America by Portugal
(4) exploration of the Philippines and East Indies
Base your answer to question 42 on the map below and on your knowledge of social studies.
42- Which generalization is best supported by the information in this map?
(1) The Ottoman Empire controlled the largest amount of territory by 1453.
(2) The Safavid Empire controlled parts of Western Europe by 1629.
(3) By the 1500s, the Ottoman Empire controlled parts of the Middle East, North
Africa, and Eastern Europe.
(4) The Mediterranean Sea served as a cultural barrier between Asia Minor and North
Base your answers to questions 43 and 44 on the map below and on your knowledge of
social studies.
43-The map shows that on his voyages, Zheng He explored
(1) both the Pacific and the Atlantic Oceans
(2) at the same time as the Spanish explorers
(3) lands in the Western Hemisphere
(4) Arabia and the east coast of Africa
44- One result of the voyages of Zheng He was that
(1) Chinese merchants began trading with Africa
(2) Christian missionaries arrived in China
(3) Indian artisans showed the Chinese how to make Ming porcelain
(4) China set up colonies in Europe
45- The ideas of Rousseau, Voltaire, and Montesquieu most influenced
(1) the growing power of priests in the Roman Catholic Church
(2) improvements in the working conditions of factory workers
(3) the rise of industrial capitalism
(4) movements for political reform
46- Which statement best describes the concept of mercantilism?
Universal suffrage leads to educated citizens.
Controlling trade is a key to increasing power.
Only the fittest deserve to survive.
Strict social control prevents revolutions.
47- The astrolabe and improvements in cartography helped Europeans to
launch the Crusades
defeat the Mongols
expel the Moors
explore the Western Hemisphere
48- The purpose of colonies is to ship raw materials to the colonial
power and buy finished goods from the colonial power. This statement
reflects the basic idea of which economic system?
(1) socialism
(2) communism
(3) mercantilism
(4) capitalism