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EI010 405 Electronic Instrumentation
Teaching scheme
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week
Credits: 4
To equip the students to apply all types of common electrical and electronic instruments with
the knowledge about the construction and working of the instruments.
To provide the details of various electronic instruments which are used to measure current,
voltage, power, energy, resistance, capacitance and inductance.
To introduce the construction and working of different types of ammeters, voltmeters and
A clear idea has been given about digital electronic instruments which are used to measure
voltage, frequency, period, total count etc.
An exposure is given to the student about signal generation, display and recording devices
which help in analysing and displaying the data.
Module 1 (12 Hours)
Measurement of electrical parameters: Types of ammeters and voltmeters – Principle of operation ,
construction and sources of errors and compensation of d’Arsonval galvanometers- PMMC
Instruments – Moving Iron Instruments – Dynamometer type Instruments – Rectifier type ammeters
and volt meters.
Electro dynamic type Watt meter- Single phase induction type Energy meters. Calibration of
Wattmeter and Energy meters.
Module 2 (12 Hours)
Resistance measurement:: Measurement of low, medium and high resistance- Wheatstone bridge,
Kelvin double bridge, series and shunt type Ohm meter- Meggar –Earth resistance measurement.
Measurement of Inductance and capacitance:- Maxwell Wein bridge, Hay’s bridge and Anderson
bridge - Campell bridge –Owen’s bridge- Measurement of capacitance:- Schering bridge .
Module 3 (12 Hours)
Analog meters :– DC volt meters- chopper amplifier type – peak responding volt meter- true RMS
volt meter- Vector voltmeter -calibration of DC instrument --Ammeters – Multi meter – Power meter
– Q-meter .
Digital Instruments : Digital method for measuring frequency, period – Phase difference – Pulse width
– Time interval, Total count. Digital voltmeter –– DMM – Microprocessor based DMM- Digital tacho
meter- Digital ph meter.
Module 4 (12 Hours)
Signal generators and analyzers : Sine wave generator – Sweep frequency generator, Pulse and square
wave generator – Function generator – Wave analyzer – Applications – Harmonic distortion analyzer
– Spectrum analyzer – Applications – Audio Frequency generator – Noise generator.
Module 5 (12 Hours)
Display and Recording devices : Cathode Ray Oscilloscope – Classification - Sampling and storage
scopes- Digital Storage Osilloscope (DSO)- Typical measurements using CRO- Probes for CROApplications of CRO.
Display devices: Classification of Displays- LED- LCD- Seven segment and dot matrix displays –Typical uses of display devices
Recorders: Strip chart recorders- Galvanometric recorders- Null type recorders- Circular chart
recorders- XY recorders – UV recorder-Magnetic tape recorders –Digital waveform recorders- FM
recorders- Data loggers- Printers.
Text Books
Kalsi H.S., “Electronic Instrumentation”, 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Company.
Sawhney A.K, “A course in Electrical and Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation”,
Dhanpat Rai and Sons.
Reference Books
Albert D. Helfrick & William D. Cooper, ‘Modern Electronic Instrumentation &
Measurement Techniques’, Prentice Hall of India.
B.M.Oliver and J.M.cage, ‘Electronic Measurements & Instrumentation’, McGraw Hill
International Edition.
Joseph. J. Carr, ‘Elements of Electronic Instrumentation & Measurements’, Pearson
D. A. Bell, ‘Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements’, Prentice Hall of India.
Rajendra Prasad, ‘Electrical Measurements and Instrumentation’, Khanna Publishers,
B.R. Gupta, ‘Electronics and Instrumentation’, S. Chand Co. (P) Ltd., Delhi