Download Meg Anderson Earth Unit Test SOL: 5.7 Read each question

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Meg Anderson
Earth Unit Test
SOL: 5.7
Read each question carefully. Circle the correct answer. (2 points each)
1. Which process is NOT involved in the rock cycle?
a. melting
b. cooling
c. condensation
d. erosion
2. A convergent boundary is MOST likely to form:
a. a volcano
b. a mountain range
c. a fault
d. an island
3. When two tectonic plates are pulled apart, magma rises to the crust from which layer of the
a. outer core
b. inner core
c. mantle
d. lithosphere
4. Magma erupted from a volcano and cooled on the Earth's surface. This rock is called:
a. an igneous rock
b. a sedimentary rock
c. an oceanic rock
d. a metamorphic rock
5. A student is hiking through a forest taking pictures for science class. Which picture would most
likely be used as an example of human impact on Earth?
a. a trail built by cutting down trees
b. a river eroding away the riverbank
c. a bird nest made of dead branches
d. a group of butterflies landing on flowers
6. What are the three types of rock involved in the rock cycle?
a. igneous, sedimentary, oceanic
b. oceanic, sedimentary, metamorphic
c. igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic
d. volcanic, igneous, sedimentary
7. The presence of an animal fossil in a rock gives evidence of:
a. what hunting behavior the animal used
b. how many babies the animal had
c. exactly when the animal was born
d. the time period the animal lived in
This diagram shows the four layers of the Earth. Each layer is labeled by a number with an arrow
pointing to that label. Use this diagram and labels to answer the next 3 questions:
8. Which of the following is correct?
a. 1 = inner core, 2 = outer core, 3 = mantle, 4 = crust
b. 1= mantle, 2 = outer core, 3 = crust, 4 = inner core
c. 1 =crust, 2 = mantle, 3 = outer core, 4 = inner core
d. 1= outer core, 2 = mantle, 3 = crust, 4=inner core
9. Which layer is made of molten rock?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
10. Which layer is made up of tectonic plates?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
11. Cracks in the Earth’s crust are called faults. When the crust on both sides of the fault are
moving, the result is:
a. a volcano
b. a tornado
c. a geyser
d. an earthquake
12. All of the following shape the Earth’s surface EXCEPT:
a. weathering
b. seismographs
c. erosion
d. tectonic plate movement
13. The rock in the picture above has large crystals. It is an example of what type of rock?
a. igneous
b. oceanic
c. metamorphic
d. sedimentary
14. The rock in the picture above is an example of what type of rock?
a. igneous
b. oceanic
c. metamorphic
d. sedimentary
Small pieces of rock exposed to weather wear away and collect in layers. Sometimes these
layers joined back together to make _____ rock.
a. igneous
b. oceanic
c. metamorphic
d. sedimentary
16. Scientists think _________________, cause the plates to move across the Earth’s surface.
a. high temperatures in the Earth’s core.
b. currents in the Earth’s large bodies of water
c. currents, or slow plastic movements in the mantle
d. the temperature of the crust
17. If you wanted to live where there were few earthquakes and volcanoes, you should live
a. far from plate boundaries
b. near a plate boundary
c. close to the ocean
d. on an island
The table above represents four layers of rock found in a certain location. The letters represent fossils
found of certain animals.
18. Based on the fossil evidence, which animal has been in this location for the longest period of
a. animal A
b. animal B
c. animal C
19. Based on the fossil evidence, which animal has been in this location for the shortest period of
a. animal A
b. animal B
c. animal C
Use the rock cycle diagram to help you answer the next three questions in complete sentences.
20. Name one possible cause of erosion and transport (1 point):
Rain is one possible cause of erosion and transport.
21. Why is erosion necessary for sedimentary rocks to form? (Answer in 1-2 sentences, 2 points)
Erosion is necessary for sedimentary rocks to form because soil, sand, and rock pieces are
moved on top of each other into layers. Pressure turns these layers into sedimentary rock.
22. The diagram states that “deformation” takes place underground to change sedimentary rock to
metamorphic rock. What causes this deformation? (2 points)
The deformation is caused by heat and pressure.
Read each statement and decide if it is true or false. If it is true, circle the “T”. If it is false, circle
the “F”. (2 points each)
23. Planting trees is a good way to help prevent erosion.
24. When tectonic plates slide past each other, this is called a convergent boundary.
25. Volcanoes can only occur at divergent boundaries, and earthquakes can only occur at
convergent boundaries.
26. Human activity does not affect the rock cycle.
27. The Himalayan Mountain Range is a result of a convergent plate boundary.
Read each statement. If it is an example of weathering, write “W” in the space. If it is an example
of erosion, write “E” in the space. (2 points each)
28. Water rushes along a river, chipping off pieces of rock. _____ (W)
29. Wind blows pieces of rock against larger rocks, which breaks the larger rocks down into smaller
pieces. _____ (W)
30. Water carries pieces of rock and soil down a hill. _____ (E)
31. Water freezes in a crack of a rock, expanding the crack until a rock breaks. _____ (W)
32. Wind blows sand across a desert. _____ (E)
Read each question carefully and write your answers in the spaces provide. You do not need to
use complete sentence, but be sure to provide enough detail and to answer all parts of the
question. (12 points each)
33. By filling out the table, state the three main types of rocks. Explain how each of the types of
rocks are formed and give one physical characteristic of each type of rock.
Type of Rock
How it is formed
Lava is cooled above the surface
or magma is cooled below the
Physical Characteristics
Contains crystals
A sedimentary or igneous rock is Often contains wavy layers
exposed to heat and pressure and
changes into a new rock
Layers of sand, rock particles,
and soil are deposited in layers
and are pressed together to form
a new rock
Contains layers, often contains
fossils (either answer would earn
the point)
___ Includes the three main types of rock (igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic)- 3 points
___ An explanation for how each of the types of rocks are formed- 6 points (2 points for each
___ One physical characteristic of each type of rock- 3 points
34. By filling out the table, state the three main types of tectonic plate boundaries. Explain the
motion of tectonic plates in each type of boundary and give one possible result of movement at
each type of boundary.
Type of plate boundary
Plate motion
Possible result
Mountain range
Plates collide into each other
Plate pull apart
Plates move alongside each
other in opposite directions
___ Includes the three main types of plate boundaries (divergent, convergent, and sliding*)- 3 points
___ The motion of plates at each boundary- 6 points (2 points for each explanation)
___ One possible result of each boundary- 3 points
*Sliding can also be called transform or strike-slip