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The Life of Christ
Lesson 8, John 2:1-12
John 2:1-2 On the third day there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee,
and the mother of Jesus was there. (2) Now both Jesus and His
disciples were invited to the wedding.
“On the third day…” John has been giving a daily chronology
since 1:29
1:29 “the next day…”
1:35 “the next day…”
1:43 “the following day…”
“…the mother of Jesus was there…” this must have been a close
relative’s wedding or else a close friend of Jesus’ family
Jesus and His disciples were invited guests and Jesus “wanted
to go to Galilee” (1:43)
Jesus had increased in “favor with man” and was not a stick in
the mud when it came to a celebrating at a wedding. They
wanted Him there and His followers.
John 2:3-4 And when they ran out of wine, the mother of Jesus said
to Him, "They have no wine." (4) Jesus said to her, "Woman, what
does your concern have to do with Me? My hour has not yet come."
This was a major social faux pas. "To fail in providing
adequately for the guests would involve social disgrace. In the
closely knit communities of Jesus’ day such an error would
never be forgotten, and would haunt the newly married couple
all their lives." (Tenney) ~this is from David Guzik’s commentary found at
These wedding celebrations would often last a week or two
This wasn’t by any means a drunken party. Wine was the staple
drink of the time and was often mixed with water to dilute the
wine or to purify the water.
“they have no wine…” v.4 tells us that this (or something less
obvious) caused concern to Mary
Not only was this a concern for the wedding couple (or their
parents) it may also imply that the “party’s over”. If not, it is
definitely a wrench in the celebration.
Mary appeals to Jesus for help. It is implied that she believes
that He could perform a miracle (more on that soon).
From J. Vernon McGee’s commentary on John “What did
Mary mean by her statement? First of all, it is well to call attention to
the fact that this was a very poor family. They simply didn’t have
enough refreshments. Bengal in his commentary said that , when she
told the Lord there was no wine, it was a gentle hint for Him and His
disciples to depart. Calvin writes that it was a suggestion for Him to
occupy the minds of the guests with a discourse. It would be just like
John Calvin to suggest that, by the way. If you have ever read Calvin’s
Institutes, you know they are profound, but boring. If Calvin had
been there, he would have given a discourse and probably put them
all to sleep! However, I do not think that the context here would
permit either interpretation. I don’t believe it was a hint for Him to
leave nor a suggestion to occupy the minds of the guests. I think that
very candidly she is saying, “Perform a miracle. This would be an
appropriate occasion.”
What is interesting about this is that Jesus had not yet
performed any miracles. We are told in v.11 “this is the
beginning of signs…” and we find in John 4:54 “This again is
the second sign Jesus did when He had come out of Judea into
John 2:4 Jesus said to her, "Woman, what does your concern have to
do with Me? My hour has not yet come."
“woman…” this a common, respectful address but distinct from
“mother”. More like “ma’am”, not rude but not endearing.
“…what does your concern have to do with Me? My hour has not
yet come…” this short dialog can be confusing and we can do
our best to understand it’s essence. Bible teachers don’t agree
on what is essentially being conveyed. What we need to
remember is to not get bogged down with some of these things
and make sure we capture the heart of the story that is being
The heart of this story is found in the next several verses but
before we move on, let’s see if we can understand what Jesus
might possibly mean in His statement to Mary.
One possibility is that He is saying that the real concern is not
about Him doing a miracle and drawing attention to himself (or
Mary) but the real need for the wedding couple.
Jesus often performed miracles in His ministry out of
compassion for others, not because He needed to prove
Jesus was a compassionate person and Mary, His mother, knew
that more than anyone at this time. She may be appealing to
His compassion as an opportunity for Him to prove Himself. It
was not His “hour” to do that.
There seems to be a current in His family along these lines…
John 7:3-10 His brothers therefore said to Him, "Depart from here
and go into Judea, that Your disciples also may see the works that
You are doing. (4) For no one does anything in secret while he
himself seeks to be known openly. If You do these things, show
Yourself to the world." (5) For even His brothers did not believe in
Him. (6) Then Jesus said to them, "My time has not yet come, but
your time is always ready. (7) The world cannot hate you, but it hates
Me because I testify of it that its works are evil. (8) You go up to this
feast. I am not yet going up to this feast, for My time has not yet fully
come." (9) When He had said these things to them, He remained in
Galilee. (10) But when His brothers had gone up, then He also went
up to the feast, not openly, but as it were in secret.
Notice that this story is similar in the fact that His family is
trying to compel Him to do something but in this case it is
clearly with wrong motives. Jesus walked by the Spirit not by
the flesh.
John 2:5 His mother said to the servants, "Whatever He says to you,
do it."
Mary doesn’t read His response as “no, I’m not going to help”
Mary conveys a much need parenting tip & counselor training
“What He [Jesus] says to you, do it”
Mary instructions to the servants show a confidence that Jesus
is going to help out in some way
John 2:6-7 Now there were set there six waterpots of stone,
according to the manner of purification of the Jews, containing
twenty or thirty gallons apiece. (7) Jesus said to them, "Fill the
waterpots with water." And they filled them up to the brim.
Now we are getting t0 the heart of this story…
John later writes that this was the beginning of the
signs/miracles that Jesus did
Jesus performed miracles out of compassion, out of obedience
to His Father and on occasion to illustrate a truth. John has
specifically recorded these “signs” that are coupled with
This miracle is not just about helping with the needs of this
wedding celebration, there are spiritual truths being
intentionally taught.
These water pots were specifically for Jewish ceremonial
Mark 7:1-13 Then the Pharisees and some of the scribes came
together to Him, having come from Jerusalem. (2) Now when they
saw some of His disciples eat bread with defiled, that is, with
unwashed hands, they found fault. (3) For the Pharisees and all the
Jews do not eat unless they wash their hands in a special way, holding
the tradition of the elders. (4) When they come from the
marketplace, they do not eat unless they wash. And there are many
other things which they have received and hold, like the washing of
cups, pitchers, copper vessels, and couches. (5) Then the Pharisees
and scribes asked Him, "Why do Your disciples not walk according to
the tradition of the elders, but eat bread with unwashed hands?" (6)
He answered and said to them, "Well did Isaiah prophesy of you
hypocrites, as it is written: 'THIS PEOPLE HONORS ME WITH
COMMANDMENTS OF MEN.' (8) For laying aside the
commandment of God, you hold the tradition of men— the washing of
pitchers and cups, and many other such things you do." (9) He said
to them, "All too well you reject the commandment of God, that you
may keep your tradition. (10) For Moses said, 'HONOR YOUR
OR MOTHER, LET HIM BE PUT TO DEATH.' (11) But you say, 'If a
man says to his father or mother, "Whatever profit you might have
received from me is Corban"—' (that is, a gift to God), (12) then you
no longer let him do anything for his father or his mother, (13)
making the word of God of no effect through your tradition which you
have handed down. And many such things you do."
These ceremonial water pots were for the “Jewish customs” but
not necessarily the Law. There were Mosaic laws for cleansing
but these had nothing to do with those laws.
Exodus 30:17-21 Then the LORD spoke to Moses, saying: (18) "You
shall also make a laver of bronze, with its base also of bronze, for
washing. You shall put it between the tabernacle of meeting and the
altar. And you shall put water in it, (19) for Aaron and his sons shall
wash their hands and their feet in water from it. (20) When they go
into the tabernacle of meeting, or when they come near the altar to
minister, to burn an offering made by fire to the LORD, they shall
wash with water, lest they die. (21) So they shall wash their hands
and their feet, lest they die. And it shall be a statute forever to them—
to him and his descendants throughout their generations."
These stone waterpots seem to be empty when Jesus gives His
John 2:6 Now1161 there were six1803 stone3035 waterpots5201 set2749
there1563 for the Jewish2453 custom of purification2512, containing5562
twenty1417 or2228 thirty5140 gallons3355 each303.
G5562 χωρέω chōreō kho-reh'-o
From G5561; to be in (give) space, that is, (intransitively) to pass, enter, or (transitively)
to hold, admit (literally or figuratively): - come, contain, go, have, place, (can, be room
to) receive.
These were fairly large pots (20 or 30 gallons each would be the
equivalent of 24-36 five gallon buckets)
These were previously used for ceremonial purification but
could not purify the heart
These represented what Jesus later spoke about "Well did
Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written: 'THIS
COMMANDMENTS OF MEN.' (8) For laying aside the
commandment of God, you hold the tradition of men— the
washing of pitchers and cups, and many other such things you
do." (9) He said to them, "All too well you reject the
commandment of God, that you may keep your tradition.
(Mark 7)
John 2:8-10 And He said to them, "Draw some out now, and take it
to the master of the feast." And they took it. (9) When the master of
the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, and did not know
where it came from (but the servants who had drawn the water
knew), the master of the feast called the bridegroom. (10) And he
said to him, "Every man at the beginning sets out the good wine, and
when the guests have well drunk, then the inferior. You have kept the
good wine until now!"
The water in the pots become wine, not for external cleansing
but for internal change.
Jesus used wine as the symbol of His blood shed for us which
cleanses us from our sin.
Are we washed with mere traditions that cannot purify or are
we “washed in the blood of the Lamb”
John 2:10 And he said to him, "Every man at the beginning sets out
the good wine, and when the guests have well drunk, then the
inferior. You have kept the good wine until now!"
The master of ceremonies does not know where the wine came
from. Jesus was discreet with this miracle. It was not His
intention to take the spotlight at this wedding. No doubt the
word would get out eventually, but Jesus didn’t perform this
miracle with any fanfare.
“when the guests have well drunk…” doesn’t mean when
everybody gets smashed then they don’t care
People who merely want to get drunk usually don’t care what
they’re drinking, they’ll drink the most awful tasting booze to
get drunk!
This is more likely saying something like, “when everyone has
been impressed and enjoyed a nice refreshing drink then it’s not
so important to keep impressing them as the celebration
continues on”
This was alcoholic wine! Yet the custom of the time was to
dilute the wine with water.
The bible doesn’t condemn drinking wine, it condemns getting
Psalms 104:14-15 He causes the grass to grow for the cattle, And
vegetation for the service of man, That he may bring forth food from
the earth, (15) And wine that makes glad the heart of man, Oil to
make his face shine, And bread which strengthens man's heart.
Judges 9:12-13 "Then the trees said to the vine, 'You come and reign
over us!' (13) But the vine said to them, 'Should I cease my new wine,
Which cheers both God and men, And go to sway over trees?'
Zechariah 10:7 Those of Ephraim shall be like a mighty man, And
their heart shall rejoice as if with wine. Yes, their children shall see it
and be glad; Their heart shall rejoice in the LORD.
Genesis 14:18 Then Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread
and wine; he was the priest of God Most High.
Genesis 27:28 Therefore may God give you Of the dew of heaven, Of
the fatness of the earth, And plenty of grain and wine.
This does not mean that we should be careless in our culture.
We must be concerned about society and church culture and
not use freedom as a vice or stumbling block for others.
We must also be careful not to judge others where the scriptures
do not judge
Ephesians 5:18-19 And do not be drunk with wine, in which is
dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit, (19) speaking to one another
in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody
in your heart to the Lord,
If wine has the ability to make the heart glad without the
necessity of getting drunk, so much more does the Holy Spirit
fill that need in our life. Jesus saved the best wine for last!