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GRADES 11-12
MC/GF = Multicultual Gender Fair Approaches; CE=Career Education; GE=Global
Standard 1: Understands the nature of scientific inquiry
Knows that scientific explanations must meet certain
criteria; they must be consistent with experimental and
observational evidence about nature; and they must
include a logical structure, rules of evidence, openness
to criticism, reporting methods and procedures, and a
commitment to making knowledge public
Knows that because all scientific ideas depend on
experimental and observational confirmation, all
scientific knowledge is, in principle, subject to change as
new evidence becomes available; in areas where data,
information, or understanding is incomplete, it is
normal for scientific ideas to be incomplete
Knows that in science, the testing, revising, and
occasional discarding of theories, new and old, never
ends; this ongoing process leads to an increasingly
better understanding of how things work in the world,
but not to absolute truth
Knows that hypotheses are widely used in science for
choosing what data to pay attention to and what
additional data to seek, and for guiding the
interpretation of the data (both new and previously
Formulates a testable hypothesis
Designs and conducts scientific investigations by
identifying and clarifying the questions, method,
controls and variables; organizing and displaying data;
revising methods and explanation; presenting the
results; and receiving critical response from others
Knows that progress in science and technology can
relate to social issues and challenges
Knows how to use technology in microbiology
(especially the microscop
Charles City Community Schools - Microbiology
Grades 9-12
Page 1
Standard 2: Understands features and processes of the Earth/universe
Standard 3: Understands diversity and unity that characterize life
Knows that organisms are classified into a hierarchy
of groups and subgroups of bacteria based on their
similarities and reflecting their evolutionary
relationships; the similarity of organisms inferred
from similarity in their molecular structure closely
matches the classification based on anatomical
Knows that concentrated mixture of thousands of
different molecules within the cell from a variety of
specialized structures that carry out such cell
functions as energy production, transportation of
molecules, waste disposal, synthesis of new
molecules, and the storageof genetic materia
Knows that cell functions are regulated; regulation
of cells occurs both through changes in the activity
of the functions performed by proteins and the
selective expressions of individual genes, allowing
cells to respond to their environment and to control
and coordinate the synthesis and breakdown of
specific molecules, cell growth, and division
Knows that proteins are long, usually folded chain
molecules made from 20 different kinds of smaller
amino acid molecules; the function of each molecule
depends on the sequence of amino acids in it, and
the chain’s shape is a consequence of attractions
between the chain’s parts
Standard 4: Understands basic concepts about the structure and properties of matter
• Not Applicable
Standard 5: Understands energy, motion and forces
• Not Applicable
Standard 6: Understands the relationships of science, technology, and social
Charles City Community Schools - Microbiology
Grades 9-12
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Knows that science and technology are pursued for
different purposes; scientific inquiry is driven by the
desire to understand the natural world and seeks to
answer questions that may or may not directly
influence humans; technological design is driven by
the need to meet human needs and solve human
problems and has a more direct effect on society than
science because its purpose is to solve human
problems, help humans adapt, and fulfill human
Charles City Community Schools - Microbiology
Grades 9-12
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Charles City Community Schools - Microbiology
Grades 9-12
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