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Bone Marrow
Bone marrow is an important part of human life. It is a flexible tissue that is found in the hollow
interior of bones. Bone marrow exists in two forms. There are red and yellow. Almost 100
percent of bone marrow at birth falls into the red bone marrow category. Red consists of myeloid
tissue, red blood cells, platelets and white blood cells. Yellow consists of fat cells and some
white blood cells can develop in yellow bone marrow. Both the red and yellow contain various
capillaries and blood vessels.
The red converts itself to yellow over time. The red can be found in flat bones. Flat bones are
found in the hip, the breast, the skull, the ribs, the shoulder blades and vertebrae. Yellow bone
marrow is found in the hollow interior of the middle portion of bones. If there is ever a severe
condition of blood loss; the body has the ability to convert the yellow back to red bone marrow
to increase blood cell production.
There are a couple of different diseases involving one's bone marrow that anyone can develop.
Diseases of the bone marrow can develop from an infection or a malignancy. A malignancy is
also known as a cancer. One type of infection found to disease bone marrow is called
tuberculosis. Tuberculosis leads to the decrease in production of blood cells and blood platelets.
Cancer of the marrow in a human being is known as a leukemia. Other problems of the marrow
are anemias, lymphomas and plasma cell disorders. To diagnose these diseases a doctor usually
performs a bone marrow aspiration. This can also be known as a biopsy. The site of the
aspiration is usually on the back of the hip bone. During the biopsy the doctors test the sample
for different signs of cancer or any other infection of the bone marrow.
One treatment for leukemia is a transplant. This can be done if a donor matches a leukemia
patient. Once the bone marrow from the donor is inserted into the body of the patient, if the
match is successful, the newly infused cells will help with the production of blood cells. A
transplant is usually only used when the situation is extremely severe for a leukemia patient.
Some leukemia cases can be treated with chemotherapy and radiation techniques.