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The Paideia School
Class: American History and Government
Unit Nine – Class Notes
The Holocaust
- History of the Jewish People - God said to Abraham , kill
me a son…….
- Ur to “Land of Milk and Honey”
- Jewish Kingdoms – Saul, Solomon, David
- different than others – belief in one God *
- anti-semitism - longest running hate show in the history of
man-kind - difference- people don’t do well with it.
-First Exodus” Nebuchadnezzar- “Babylonian Captivity”
- The Diaspora – Roman History
- Bloodbath when Romans conquered Judea initially
- Zealots – hanging out in protest at Masada
- Jews dispersed - Yocanah – makes a deal that works
for a long time – until Hitler – Jews at the mercy of
leaders of countries – minorities
- Ashkenazi – Europe
Asia - African
- Sephardic – Spain and
- Levels of Observance
- Orthodox – Hasidim
- Traditional
- Conservative
- Reform
- Reconstruction
- Jews perpetually minorities in other countries from
this time
- Jews living in what is now – Poland, Russia,
Germany, England, France, etc.
- Christian anti- Semitism – writing of the Scriptures
- Gospels – for eternity – deicide charge
- John - Jew mentioned 66 times – only 6 Matthew,
Mark, & Luke – invidious comparisons – written at a
time of religious tension – religious marketing –
minorities in Roman Empire
- Council of Nicea – Jews outside of the mainstream of
European life
- Church laws- can not etc. – canonical law -=
Crusades – ghettoes - Jews cant do some things and
they must others - economics
- Inquisition – purify Christianity – obviously this puts
Jews and Moslems out
- Reformation – Luther – German
- Jews welcomed when times are bad – scapegoated and
expelled as things go bad – All European countries
- pogroms in many European countries
- Forgery – Protocols of the Elders of Zion – comes out
of czarist Russia – still circulated in current Arab world
– not everyone in a culture supports a particular point of
view – conspiracy of World Jewry
- Dreyfuss in France in 19th Century
- anti- Semites Petition in Germany and anti- Semitic
party in Vienna when Hitler arrives
- Rise of Nazis and Hitler
- says “Jews” betrayed Germany
- actually “Betrayed” by German army and
Kaiser at the end of World War I
- plus harsh conditions of Versailles
- plus worldwide depression
- Jews in Germany
- Jews a part of Germany – a minority of
the population – less than 2% of the population
– serve proudly in German army
-- Nuremberg Laws – 1935 – racial laws to
segregate Jews from German society-violence
- Berlin Olympics – 1936
- Evian Conference - Kristallnacht – November 1938 – Jews
murdered and sent ot death camps – only time
Jews have option of release
- Question: Why don’t Jews leave Germany?
- What is the American response?
FDRPaper Walls –
S.S. St.Louis- September 1, 1939 – War begins - Poland
- Two wars begin – WW II and the The War
Against the Jews
- Methodology
- Roles – Victims, Criminals, Rescuers &
- Countries, Communities, & Individuals
- Choice – Range of Choices, Limited
Choice and “Choiceless Choice”
- Judgement
Section Three – The Holocaust
- Gypsies, Freemasons, & Jehovah’ Witness, also victims
- Wannssee Conference – logistical planning to murder Jews
and others as efficiently as possible
- Six killing centers –
- Sobibor
- Majdanek
- Treblinka
- Auschwitz/Birkenau
- Chelmno
- zyklon B gas – done for the sake of the criminals
- By end of 1941 – 80 to 90 % of the victims of the Holocaust
- Righteous Persons – non-conformists in regular society –
my goal for you
- Survivors
- Deniers
Section 4 – America Moves Toward War
- 1939 – after heated debate – cash and carry – too little too
- September 27, 1940 – Tripartite Pact – jolts America
- America starts to get ready – Selective Service Act
- Roosevelt wins re-election with 55% of the vote
- England had to avoid being taken by the Germans
- Lend- Lease Act – 1941
- “ the enemy of my enemy” is my friend – America
supports Stalin
- German wolf packs – Like WWI – Germans sank American
- Atlantic Charter – beginning of “ collective security”
- followed by shoot on sight
- Japan attacks Pearl Harbor – Oil fields in the Dutch East
Indies or end to American oil embargo which was a response
to Japanese aggression
- Map – page 762
- December 7, 1941 – infamy
Chapter 25 – The United States in World War II
Section One – Mobilizing for Defense
- 5 million volunteered – 10 million drafted
- May 15, 1942 – Womens Auxiliary Army Corps – noncombat support roles
- Experience of minorities
- African-Americans did not see combat until April
1943 – segregated units – “Tuskegee Airmen” - “A
Soldier’s Story”*
- Mexican-Americans, Japanese-Americans, Native
Americans all participated – (Future need to get rid of
hyphens – negative sense only – positive culture
- A Production Miracle – Chart p. 770.
- Labor’s Contributions
- By 1944 – nearly 18 million workers – three
times more than 1941 ( still impact of Depression)
- 6 million women! Rosie the Riveter! – only
paid 60% of men’s salaries. Current statistics.
- 2 million minority workers – 75% of defense
contractors refused to hire Negro Americans
- Hero – A. Philip Randolph
- Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters
- July 7, 1941 – “hardball”
- Executive Order – 8802- June- no
discrimination in defense industries
Federal government “made” them do it
Executive Branch of the government
- Office of Scientific Research and Development
- Manhattan Project
- Video – Enola Gay and the Atomic Bombing of
- Branford, Washington
- Los Alamos, New Mexico
- Oak Ridge, Tennessee
The Federal Government Takes Control
Chart – p. 773
Notes – rationing ( two levels- food and natural resources) and
Revenue Act of 1942 – adding Americans to income-tax rolls is
subtracting money from those Americans.
Activities of War Production Board
Section 2 – The War for Europe and North America
Britain and the United States vs. the Axis Powers after Pearl
Harbor – Meet in D.C. on December 22, 1941 and decide to
beat Germany first.
Germany sinking ships – convoys break German hold on the
Atlantic – crash American shipbuilding program.
The Eastern Front and the Mediterranean
- Nazi Offensive stalled outside of Moscow, Leningrad, &
Stalingrad. Fear of the Eastern Front.
- Battle of Stalingrad – 1,100,000 – Soviet losses - Soviets
major reason for winning the war – Minority soldiers very
significant. – January 31, 1943 surrender.
- German surrender in North Africa on May 13, 1943 – sets
up Italian campaign – Anzio- July 25, 1943- Mussolini
- Heroes –Nisei, Tuskegee Airmen
D-Day – June 6, 1944
Battle of the Bulge – December 16, 1944
Liberation of Death camps – mostly done by Soviets who come in
from the East
Race to Berlin – Soviets get there first – April 25, 1945
Cold War begins.
Section Three – The War in the Pacific
Japanese continue to advance in SE Asia after America enters the
warDecember 1941 – Douglas MacArthur – “I Shall Return”
April 18, 1942 – Doolittle raid on Tokyo
May 1942 – Coral Sea- Japanese stopped for the first time
June 3, 1942 – Midway – Japan caught off guard – turning
point of the War in the Pacific- “island hopping” begins.
Map- WWII: The War in the Pacific, 1942-1945 – p 786
Timeline- War in the Pacific and in Europe – 786-787
Kamikaze – Japanese suicide response to Allied offensive
Iwo Jima – (Letters from)
Atomic bombs end the War
General Leslie Groves
J. Robert Oppenheimer
July 16, 1945 – Successful test near Alamogordo,NM
Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Should America have the dropped the atomic bombs?
Yalta – Germany divided into occupation zones which would
become West Germany and East Germany. Now gone. ? – too
many concessions given to Stalin in exchange for help in Asia that
would not be needed.
Nuremberg Trials- First time in history that victors put losers on
trial for war crimes . issues of judgement.
Allies occupy Japan for seven years . MacArthur Constitution democracy imposed – like Weimar.
Section Four – The Home Front
Women gained in self-esteem-divorce rate goes up
African- Americans still getting the hell out of the South*
California experiences tremendous growth. The OC!- defense
GI Bill of Rights fuels suburban home ownership and college
attendance. “Baby boom” as well.
Continued racial discrimination leads to the formation of (CORE)
to confront urban segregation in the North.
“zoot-suit riots” for Mexican-Americans – connection to current
issues with Hispanic people currently in America.
Japanese internment – February 19, 1942- Camps on page 800
Unconstitutional – we later apologized- 1978 – money for
mistreatment – What do you think?
Bad things happen within a country during war. Which is why we
always hear about “The war on Terror” - Will we be at “war”
forever ?
Chapter 26 – Cold War Conflicts
Section One – Origins of the Cold War
- Capitalism vs. communism
– free enterprise vs. state control of the economy
- republic vs. totalitarianism
- daily invasion of the Western Front
- kept atomic bomb secret – spying ?- start of
United Nations created – backfired as center of world peace
April 12, 1945 – FDR dies and Truman takes over as President
Potsdam Conference
- Truman replaces Roosevelt
- Attlee replaces Churchill
- Stalin does not allow free election Poland as promised
- Stalin interested in not allowing future invasions
- Eastern Europe becomes a “buffer zone”
- sources of current concern for Putin
- war reparations through the split of Germany – makes East
Germany weak
- aims of the U.S. vs. the Soviets – on p. 810
- satellite nations – map on page 811
George Kennan – Mr. X – State Department – policy of
containment in response to Communist aggression- “wars of
national liberation”
Winston Churchill – “iron curtain” speech
Truman Doctrine – stop spread of Communism in Turkey and
Greece – American financial aid to stabilize democracy ( or
prevent the spread of communism ) in the Post-World War II
Marshall Plan – Western Europe devastated – American $ to
rebuild Europe.
Game of brinksmanship begins – Berlin Airlift
NATO – first peacetime defensive alliance for America – April 4,
1949 – currently expanding – seen as a threat to Russia by Putin.
Section 2 – The Cold War Heats Up
Mao Zedong and communists win Chinese civil war from 1945-49
Chiang Kai-shek – ( Ross – Jiang Jie Shi )and Nationalists flee to
Taiwan – Formosa
Did American “lose” China? Shock wave of concern in U.S.
The Korean War – know map on page 819
- MacArthur is fired after challenging Truman – shows that
civilians do run the military in America-Yalu River
- Two Koreas ( two Germanys) – North/South – East/West
Section 3 – The Cold War
Fear of communism taking over in America – traitors and spies
and fears as modern America takes shape
- Truman establishes Federal Loyalty Program – Loyalty
Review Board – American Inquisition was it necessary
- House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)
- Hollywood Ten
- blacklist
- Truman vetoes The McCarran Act
- Alger Hiss and Whittaker Chambers spy case
- The Rosenbergs are executed
- McCarthyism – political benefits for getting commies
- Nixon
- Roy Cohn-“Angels in America”- Tony Kushner
- Bobby Kennedy
- Original “Manchurian Candidate” – Frank Sinatra
- The Crucible – Arthur Miller ( Mr. Marilyn Monroe)
- downfall – Joseph Welch and Army hearings
- Causes and Effects of McCarthyism – Chart – 827
Section 4 – Two Nations Live on the Edge
- brinksmanship – tension between the US and the
USSR(Brr- Cold War)
- hydrogen bomb- “ weapons of mass destruction”- WMD
- Ike and John Foster Dulles
- CIA – Central Intelligence Agency - covert vs. overt
-The Warsaw Pact – Soviet dominated Eastern Europe- vs.
- Nation of Israel created – 1948 – religion and nationalism Zionism
- Suez Canal – 1955 – Eisenhower Doctrine – Non-aligned Egypt
- Space Race – U-2 incident
- Nikita Khruschev
- Failed Hungarian Uprising – November 1956
Chapter 27 – The Postwar Boom – picture on page 838-839
Section One – Postwar America
- By summer of 1946 – 10 million men and women released
from the armed forces
- De-mobilization – economic term for the adjustment from
wartime to peacetime conditions
- Economy booms despite predictions to the contrary
- GI Bill of Rights
- Assembly line , suburban homes – Levitt and Kaiser
* contained racial covenants – NO AFRICAN
- Men and women unable to adjust to new roles within
marriage and divorce rates rise – still important in
contemporary society
- Congressional price controls needed for two years
after the war due to a shortage of goods
- Extent of recovery – charts on page 842
- Truman experienced domestic problems
- 1946 big for strikes
- shortages of goods, inflation, & strikes angered
Social Unrest Persists
- African- Americans return to racist country after fighting
for freedom. What did anyone think was going to happen?
- Truman* issues an executive order desegregating the
military second executive order dealing with racial
discrimination in U.S. – Democrats – Republicans- ?
- Jackie Robinson – April 15, 2007 – 60th Anniversary –
How is America responding? – AJC – 4/9/07
- Dixiecrats and J. Strom Thurmond form a Third Party in
Election of 1948
- Truman comes from behind for a stunning victory in 1948
famous picture on page 844. – Fair Deal had limited
success – despite 3rd party – not like Al
- Eisenhower wins Election of 1952 – McCarthysim plays a
role, Commies in China (Korean War), & Democratic
- Richard Nixon – “Checkers speech” – “nice
Republican coat”
- Ike – “middle of the road” – conformity is king
Civil Rights enters a new era - ?
- African Americans are tired of second class treatment and
they get organized and fight back within the system to get
equal rights. WWII and Korea – ironic fights for freedom
- Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka – 1954
NAACP needs a test case- Judicial Branch-Thurgood
Marshall- “separate, but equal, is not equal”
- Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus boycott – 1955
MLK, JR enters the national scene- back of the bus
Section Two – The American Dream in the Fifties
The Organization and the Organization Man- white collar world
- Death of a Salesman – IBM – conformity – corporation
wife (need to know how to throw a proper party)
New terms
- conglomerates – multi-national corporations
- franchises
- Suburbia! – We are now the Suburban Nation! Which way
to our nearest drive- thru?
- Baby Boom – current implications – Schwab cartoon
- Dr. Salk and Dr. Spock ( Not the Vulcan!)
- Adventures (?) of Ozzie and Harriet vs. The Feminine
Mystique, Norman Rockwell – Lenox, Massachusetts
- Suburban Nation needs The Automobile Culture (add
pollution, traffic , and balance of trade issues for imported oil
and the Consumer Nation) ( American teen-agers are the
biggest! Where is my iPod?) ( 100 million sold 4/9/07 –
wants vs. needs – AJC – 4/9/07)
- Interstate Highway System
- Death of inner-cities
- planned obsolescence – My iPOD broke! I need a
new one that has new and improved features! $$
- credit continues to expand
- Marketing and advertising are big businesses (college
Section Three – Popular Culture
- Mass media – TV – now cable and satellite,
- National magazines – (PEEPHOLE) – national culture
- Movies – Snakes on a Plane!
- Good stuff
- Beat Generation – non-conformity, literature and music,
lifestyle –
- Rock “n” Roll – white culture listen to African-American
music – I want to rock and roll and party every day!
- Chuck Berry, Little Richard, Buddy Holly
- Birth of Cool – Miles Davis- “most influential jazz
musician of all time” (CR) – many played with him
Section Four – The Other America
- White Flight initially represents white middle-class going
out to suburbs – corporations follow leaving inner cities to
minorities without work . Inner city crumbles – sets up
ghettoes like in England during industrial revolution.
- Michael Harrington – The Other America: Poverty in the
United States (1962) – social science – your parents and
many social reformers from Paideia
- urban renewal – government attempts to “fix”urban areasWhat is going on in Atlanta 2007?
- Native American issues
- braceros do not return to Mexico after the War – Longoria
incident – current situation with growth of Hispanic
population in America