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Growing Up Together – Healthy Communities Fund project
1) This vegetable comes in four different colours and the red ones pack in more
Vitamin C than an orange. (Hint: it starts with the letter P).
Peppers. Peppers come in red, green, yellow and orange. Red peppers are highest in Vitamin
C, green are lowest in Vitamin C.
2) True or False? Canned vegetables tend to be higher in salt than fresh or frozen.
True. Salt is added to canned vegetables to preserve them. Rinse well with water before
eating or cooking to remove some of this salt.
3) True or false? Vegetables and fruit should be stored in different drawers in the fridge
to prolong their freshness.
True. Most fruit naturally give off a harmless ethylene gas as they ripen (i.e. apples,
tomatoes) which causes vegetables to spoil faster.
4) This important nutrient is found in vegetables and fruit, but much less in their juice.
Fibre. For example, anyone know how much fibre is in this apple? (hold up medium sized
apple model). What about the apple juice? (hold up 100% apple juice box). The whole apple
with skin has about 3g of fibre while its juice has 0g fibre. The recommendation is to have 2538g of fibre/day.
5) Vegetables contain:
a) fibre
b) vitamins
c) minerals
d) all of the above
All of the above
1) This is the number of food groups that should be included in a meal.
3 or 4 food groups. Aim for at least 3 food groups at each meal, but 4 food groups is even
Refer to copy of CFG – quickly point out the different food groups.
2) True or false. According to CFG, this represents one serving from the vegetable and
fruit category. (Have 1 cup portion model for salad.)
True. Can illustrate other portion sizes as well with other vegetable and fruit models to
represent fresh/cooked vegetables, whole fruit, and dried fruit. In CFG you can find the
recommended number of daily servings of vegetables and fruit according to your sex and
3) A serving of vegetables is equal to the size of….
a) a basketball
b) a spoon
c) one handful
d) one mouthful
One handful.
4) According to CFG we should have at least one vegetable of these two colours every
Dark green and orange.
Have food/food models that illustrate examples of each: broccoli, romaine lettuce, asparagus,
green peas, Brussels sprouts, spinach, carrots, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, and winter
Did you know? These colours in particular are emphasized because they’re rich in folate
(green) and beta-carotene (orange), the pre-cursor to Vitamin A.
1) These are three ways you could use fresh sweet basil in your cooking.
Sprinkle on a pizza, make fresh pesto or add to tomato sauce. Basil can also be used in
curry, soups, meats, noodle dishes, salads and countless dishes from around the world.
Basil is a herb that can be used to spice up any number of dishes. You can use herbs to
flavour your cooking instead of adding extra salt.
Did you know? Varieties of basil that we can grow in Ontario include lemon basil, cinnamon
basil, Thai basil, holy basil or Tulsi, purple ruffles basil, lime basil, spicy globe basil and more!
They come in different colours, flavours, textures and aromas.
2) These are 3 healthy recipe ideas for pumpkins.
What are pumpkin muffins, pumpkin soup, and toasted pumpkin seeds.
Pumpkin roti, stewed pumpkin, pumpkin bread, pumpkin curry, .
Did you know? You can use pumpkin to substitute for potatoes or other root vegetables.
Recipes can be found on Foodland Ontario’s website.
3) These are the two months in the year when you can go strawberry picking in
June and July.
Refer to foodlandontario website for availability guide for Ontario fruits and vegetables.
4) Fruits or vegetables taste best when
a) they are fresh-picked and grown close to home
b) they are on the floor
c) they are in a plastic package
d) they are in the fridge
A. They are fresh picked and grown close to home.
Certain vegetables and fruits that grow well in Ontario are shipped from all around the world,
causing them to lose freshness and perhaps nutrition.
1) True or false: Pressuring children to eat and providing rewards helps them eat
False. Pressuring children to eat and providing rewards for eating healthier foods actually has
the opposite effect and could lead to weight problems.
2) It takes our brain this much time to get the message from the stomach that it is full.
a) 2 seconds
b) 5 minutes
c) 20 minutes
d) 1 hour
c). 20 minutes. Hence the importance of eating slowly and mindfully so that we can recognize
fullness signals.
3) Healthy eating can help you:
a) get good grades
b) play sports
c) dance
d) avoid getting sick
e) all of the above
e) all of the above.
4) How can you ensure that you eat enough healthy food?
a) eat an apple a day to keep the doctor away
b) eat kale every day
c) eat a variety of fruits and vegetables of varying colours
d) go to McDonalds
c) eat a variety of fruits and vegetables of varying colours
5) True or false: Eating locally grown food helps us reduce our ecological footprint.
True. It generally takes less resources to produce locally grown food as opposed to eating
food that comes from all over the world.