Download KIN 54A: Beginning Tae Kwon Do

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Cardiovascular ability
Cardiovascular exercise is any exercise that trains the heart and lungs. It is generally rhythmic, continuous, exercise
that involves using large muscle groups. More specifically, it is the ability to take in, deliver and use oxygen.
Examples of Cardiovascular exercises:
Aerobics classes
(kickboxing, HI/LOW,
Step, Spinning etc.)
Bike riding
Arm bike
Elliptical trainer
Martial arts
Warm Up
A proper cardiovascular warm up would include performing a lighter version of the exercise in which you will be
doing. For example: If you were going to go run 3 miles, you would want to start with a light jog for a minimum of
5 minutes before you put in an all out effort. Depending on the fitness and health of the participant the warm up
time may vary.
Cardiovascular activity should be performed on most days of the week. It is generally recommended that we
perform 3-5 days of cardiovascular activity each week. The time, type and duration will all depend on our fitness
We should be working any where from 60-90% or your maximum heart rate.
Max. Heart rate = 220-age
You can then multiply your max heart rate by the percentage you want to work, This level will vary depending if
you are exercising for weight loss, cardiovascular endurance, sport training etc.
For maximum results, cardiovascular exercise should be done for at least 20 minutes at a time (not including the
warm up). This is the minimum requirement, although recent studies have shown that as little as 10 minutes can
also show improvements.
ACSM Recommendations:
Frequency: 3-5 days per week
Intensity: 60-90% of your maximum heart rate depending on your goals
Time: 20-90 minutes depending on your goals
Type: Large muscle group, continuous exercise
Exercise Changes
When looking at a cardio program is best to start out conservatively and work your way up. You only want to
manipulate one component of the exercise at a time. Each workout you will want to change the intensity or the
time not both. Each week you would want to gently increase the frequency. It is through these manipulations that
you consistently overload the cardiovascular system and this is what makes it stronger. The trick is not to start out
too hard of too fast. This could lead to injury and burn out.
Further tips
 Find an exercise that you enjoy. If you do not like running and you chose to run then you are more then
likely leading yourself to failure. We chose to do things what we enjoy and avoid that which we do not.
 Know your limits and listen to your body. Injuries can be prevented if were listening to the signals that our
body gives us.
 Have realistic and attainable goals.
 If you like to work with people, find a biking, swimming, walking, running group etc.
 Be conscious of the weather. Drink plenty of water to prevent fluid loss during exercise.
 Be sure to take 1-2 days a week off from exercise. The body needs time to recover.
 Find activities that you can see yourself doing long term. You want to fond an activity that you can
incorporate into the rest of your life to keep you active.