Download key stage 2 year group : t - Aldingbourne Primary School

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KEY VOCABULARY : light, shadow, transparent, opaque, translucent, block, direction, light travels,
source, straight lines
Expressions of comparison eg. Fainter, darker
 To know that light
 To name light sources- discuss manmade and
4 hours
travels from a
 Look at a selection of light sources in a darkened
 That it travels in all
directions in straight
 Draw diagrams using arrows to show how light
travels from these sources.
 Travelling rays of
 Use the light box to investigate what happens to
light can be shown in
the rays of light when objects are put in the way.(
the form of arrows
Blocking light) Make use of tooth combs as well as
radiating out from
some transparent, opaque and reflective objects.
the source
 Know that light
 Look at natural shadows in the school grounds. At 4 hours
cannot pass through
what other times might they have seen shadows.
some materials and
Have they played the shadow chasing game?
that this leads to the
 What can the children remember about how they
formation of
 That shadows
change in length and
position during the
day( when using the
sun as a light source)
 That the position of
the sun appears to
change throughout
the day
 That the sun does
not move but, it`s
apparent movement
is caused by the
are formed?
Use OHP to look at shadows formed by opaque
objects only. Do we always get a true image
Children make shadow images of their own heads.
Can they make the image of their head larger and
smaller. If so what do they have to do in relation to
where they are and the position of the light source?
Investigation activity
Answer questions from collected or produced
data. Read and interpret chart data.
Measure the length of a shadow using standard
2 hours
Make a table to show how the length of a shadow
changes throughout the day. ( A good class activity
during a sunny day!)
`Skylab` demonstration of the rotating globe
Earth spinning on
it`s axis.
 That shadows can be
used to tell the
approximate time of
 Know that light is
reflected off
different surfaces
eg. Mirrors and
polished metals
 That when light is
reflected it can
change direction
 That more light is
reflected from a
shiny surface than a
dull one.
 Know that the
Earth, Sun and moon
are approximately
 Look at reflections from different materials using
2 hours
the light box
 Use concave, convex mirrors
 Make a periscope. A simple one per group or a
project for one group to show the rest of the class.
 Visit from `Skylab`
 Look at photos to show the curved surface of the
 Observe and record the changing phases of the
moon for a homework task
 That opaque
All materials allow light to pass through – true or false
objects/ materials do
 Remind children of earlier shadows work
not let light through
 Present children with a range of opaque,
and that transparent
transparent and translucent materials/ objects
objects/ materials do
 Each group may also be encouraged to supply a few
 Use their knowledge
of their own to test
and experience to
 Make their predictions
make predictions
 Use the OHP to test materials / objects
 Decide whether
 In conclusion relate predictions to results. Were
their results support
they expected? If not then why not?
their predictions
Do all materials allow light to pass through ?
How do shadows move during the day ?
Which surfaces reflect light the best ?
Skylab – can you demonstrate, using models, how the Earth, Sun and Moon work in
relation to one another. VERY SIMPLIFIED.
USEFUL DOCUMENTS : QCA : Unit 3F Light and shadows