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AFL-CIO Talking Points – Election 2010 9.17.10
This election is a defining moment for working people. We will either rebuild a
fundamentally different economy that values hard work and a strong middle class or turn
back toward one that puts corporate interests before people.
In this election, working people are looking for economic heroes -- champions who will
put themselves on the line -- to create a better future for our children. We’re looking for
leaders who will call out corporations that ship our good jobs overseas, leaders who will
reject unfair trade deals, leaders who will fight for a middle class economy and put us on
a path to make things in America again.
This election is about economic patriots and it’s also about corporate traitors.
Over the last three decades corporations have made strategic decisions to choose shortterm profits over people. They have hollowed out America.
Working people have had it. We’re ready to drastically and fundamentally change the
way we do business. The question is whether working people will be lured by a cascade
of campaign dollars and the false, angry rhetoric of the right or energized by an honest
working class movement rooted in economic patriotism and armed with facts.
We’re talking to voters in states across the country about the real choices on the
November ballot -- the records and positions of candidates in key races.
The AFL-CIO mobilizes 365 days a year for good jobs and a middle-class economy. For
the 2010 midterm elections the AFL-CIO will have an aggressive, targeted grassroots
program in at least 26 states – at least 70 House races, 18 Senate races and over 400 races
all together counting state legislative races..
The program will be centered on the grassroots power of 17 million union families in the
26 states. Union volunteers will be hitting the streets, working the phones and going to
worksites to bring our message to people one-on-one.
The power of the AFL-CIO grassroots mobilization effort is that we talk to and work
together as union members every day on everything from worksite bargaining issues to
national economic issues. Our message is a trusted one.
Our grassroots efforts will ensure that every union voter knows who stands with working
families and who is siding with big business. With everyone working together, we are
going to elect working family champions.
How much money are you going to be spending on the 2010 program?
We have all the resources we need to run our grassroots program and hold the House and Senate
but we aren’t going to announce a specific number.
What specific races are you targeting?
We have an aggressive program in 26 states where we will be working on Congressional, Senate,
Governor and state legislative races, but I’m not going to list specific ones right now.
Are you going to be supporting all Democrats?
Our political program is integrated with our issues work and we will only be supporting
candidates that have fought for working families. To be honest, there are precious few
Republicans who have voted with working people. But there are many great candidates across
the country we will be working our hearts out for, and we believe that we will hold the House
and Senate for working families.
Are Democrats going to lose the House or the Senate?
It’s a tough year. Working people are frustrated by the lack of jobs and a bad economy. And
corporations are escalating a decades-long war against working people with the money they’re
pouring into elections. The Republican spin machine has done everything in their power to keep
families from knowing what Pres. Obama has accomplished. That’s why the union movement is
so critical this year. Our national grassroots mobilization will ensure our members turn out in key
races across the country – we’re going to fight to make sure there’s no Speaker Boehner.
But are your members going to turn out? Aren’t they frustrated with Obama and the economy?
Pres. Obama has accomplished historic reform including the economic recovery package,
infrastructure spending, Wall Street reform and health care reform. But until the economy has
fully recovered, working families will continue hurting.
But that’s what our grassroots program is all about. We give our members the facts and
information they don’t show on FOX news so that all union families know the stakes of the
election and how important it is for working people to continue on the path forward.