* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Name: “The Tell-Tale Heart” by Edgar Allan Poe Preliminary Assignment SECTION 1: NONFICTION ARTICLE (background information) Directions: Read the following article. Use your active reading strategies (code the text, annotate, and write comments showing your thoughts about the article). The Evil Eye Belief in the Evil Eye crosses many cultures and is rooted in folklore. A person possessed of an Evil Eye is believed to have the ability to harm people simply by looking at them in a particular way. Belief in the Evil Eye can be found in the ancient Greek and Roman cultures. It spread throughout Europe and persists in some Jewish, Islamic, Buddhist, Hindu, and Christian traditions. Often a beautiful or wealthy person is the victim of a curse cast by someone with an Evil Eye who is jealous of his or her good fortune. The curse may be deliberate or unintentional. A variety of charms or talismans are worn by believers to ward off the Evil Eye. Annotate and comment about the text in this space below: Holt McDougal Literature Book Grade 8 – Common Core Edition SECTION 2: VOCABULARY PREVIEW Directions: Look over the preview list of new focal words for “The Tell-Tale Heart” by Edgar Allan Poe. Categorize these words into the 2 groups below based on what you know about the words at this point. Just list the words. Do not define them – we will learn more about them tomorrow. Focal Vocabulary Words - acute - audacity - conceive - crevice - derision - hypocritical - stealthily - vehemently - vex NEED CONTEXT CLUES TO DETERMINE THE MEANING CAN DETERMINE MEANING BASED ON “WORD PARTS” SECTION 3: PREVIEW WORDS TO NOTE Directions: Look over the list of words below. Categorize the Words to Note in the chart. Then, based on these terms, the nonfiction article, and the focal words, make predictions about the literary elements in the chart for the short story “The Tell-Tale Heart” by Edgar Allan Poe. Words to Note - mad (not angry) - nervous - cunning - terror - midnight - disease - officers - mockery MAIN CHARACTER(S) - planks - beating - tale - suspicious CONFLICT - suspense - wary - Death (note the capital D) - motive/motivation PLOT SETTING Words: Words: Words: Words: I predict…because… I predict…because… I predict…because… I predict…because…