* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
6. The Pharmakos pp. 128-134 128 the rules of this game parasite an accessory, an accident, an excess 129 the chain of significations It is in the back room, in the shadows of the pharmacy, prior to the oppositions between conscious and unconscious, freedom and constraint, voluntary and involuntary, speech and language, that these textual “operations” occur. chain concealed from author, word never used by Plato LANGUE: But what does absent or present mean here? Like any text, the text of “Plato” couldn’t not be involved, at least in a virtual, dynamic lateral manner, with all the words that composed the system of Greek language. 130 They communicate with the totality of the lexicon through their syntactic play one should simply be able to untangle the hidden forces of attraction linking a present word with an absent word system of language pharmakos: wizard, magician, poisoner, SCAPEGOAT: The evil and the outside, the expulsion of evil, its exclusion out of the body (and out) of the city purifications of the city, 131 Oedipus, ostracism: In the person of the ostracized, the city expels what in it is too elevated, what incarnates the evil which can come to it from above. In the evil of the pharmakos, it expels what is vilest in itself, what incarnates the evil that menaces from below. By this double and complimentary rejection it delimits itself in relation to what is not yet known and what transcends the known: it takes the proper measure of the human in opposition on one side to the divine and heroic, on the other to the bestial and monstrous. 132 death, genital organs cut off from the space of the city 133 The city’s body proper thus reconstitutes its unity, closes around the security of its inner courts, gives back to itself the word that links it with itself within the confines of the agora, by violently excluding from its territory the representative of an external threat or aggression. That representative represents the otherness of the evil that comes to affect or infect the inside by unpredictably breaking into it. Yet the representative of the outside is nonetheless constituted, regularly granted its place by the community, chosen, kept, fed, etc., in the very heart of the inside. played out on the boundary line between inside and outside The origin of difference and division, the pharmakos represents evil both introjected and projected. prepare for surprise (Bush and Taliban/Iraq/Bin Laden)