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Muscle, Blood, Circulatory System
1. As a multicellular body develops, its cells become specialized by developing different
protoplasmic properties to varying extents. Which of the following cells possess the
property of contractility to the greatest extent?
A. Epithelial cell
B. Nerve cell
C. Muscle cell
D. Glandular cell
E. None of the above is correct
Answer: C
2. Smooth muscle fibers:
A. Never regenerate following an injury
B. Are striated
C. Are involuntary and lack striations
D. Fatigue faster than the skeletal muscle fibers
E. All of the above are correct
Answer: C
3. Which of the following takes part in the contraction of a skeletal muscle fiber?
A. Actin and myosin filaments
B. Troponin
C. Tropomyosin
D. Calcium ions
E. All of the above
Answer: E
4. During the contraction of a skeletal muscle fiber:
A. The length of actin and myosin filaments remains constant
B. The length of the I band remains constant
C. The length of the H band remains constant
D. The length of sarcomere remains constant
E. All of the above are correct
Answer: A
5. Red muscle fibers differ from white muscle fibers in that the red fiber:
A. Does not show striations when examined under the bright field microscope
B. Contains only one nucleus per cell
C. Is not covered by endomysium
D. Is richer in mitochondria
E. All of the above are correct
Answer: D
6. Skeletal muscle and cardiac muscle fibers are similar in that both:
A. Contain actin and myosin filaments
B. Show alternating dark band and light bands when examined with the bright field
C. Need calcium ions for contraction
D. Contain t tubules
E. All of the above are correct
Answer: E
7. Cardiac muscle differs from the skeletal muscle in that the cardiac muscle fibers:
A. Usually contain one nucleus that is centrally located
B. Often branch
C. Contain t tubules that are located at the z line
D. Have intercalated discs which mark a strong end-to-end cell connection
E. All of the above are correct
Answer: E
8. Purkinje fibers:
A. Are as numerous as the cardiac fibers in the heart
B. Are multinucleated
C. Occur in groups and are larger in size than the cardiac fibers
D. Lack myofilaments
E. All of the above are correct
Answer: C
9. A muscle spindle:
A. Has only sensory innervation
B. Has only motor innervation
C. Has both sensory and motor innervation
D. Is a pain receptor
E. None of the above is correct
Answer: C
10. In relation with the myoneural junction (motor end plate), actylcholinesterase:
A. Inhibits the activity of acetylcholine
B. Is present in the vesicles of the axonal dilations
C. Is present in the mitochondria of the sarcoplasm
D. Is present on the presynaptic cell membrane
E. None of the above is correct
Answer: A
11. Erythrocytes:
A. Are of biconcave disc shape in the dog
B. Are nucleated cells in birds
C. Count increases markedly in response in hypoxia (low-oxygen level in tissues)
D. May be produced by the liver and spleen in patients suffering from chronic bone
marrow diseases
E. All of the above are correct
Answer: E
12. The general term for the condition in which the shape of red blood cells is abnormal
A. Poikilocytosis
B. Anisocytosis
C. Heinz body
D. Polychromatophilia
E. None of the above is correct
Answer: A
13. The general term for the condition in which the size of red blood cells is abnormal is:
A. Poikilocytosis
B. Anisocytosis
C. Heinz body
D. Polymorphia
E. Polychromatophilia
Answer: B
14. Which of the following blood cells shows a real increase in total number in response
to lower oxygen tension (for instance, if we move an animal to higher altitude)?
B. Neutrophil
C. Band cell
D. Lymphocyte
E. Basophil
Answer: A
15. Reticulocytes:
A. Are immature red blood cells containing basophilic stipplings of ribonucleic acid
B. Are immature red blood cells containing remnants of nucleus
C. Are immature neutrophils with bilobed nuclei
D. Function in blood clotting
Answer: A
16. Blood serum is rich in:
A. Erythrocytes
B. Granular leucocytes
C. Agranular leucocytes
D. Fibrinogen
E. None of the above is correct
Answer: E
17. Leucocytes:
A. Include granulocytes only
B. Include erythrocytes and thrombocytes
C. Have a life span of 120 days
D. Perform their functions in the blood stream only
E. Perform most of their functions outside the vessels in the connective tissue
Answer: E
18. The leucocyte which is present in greatest numbers in differential leucocytic counts in
cattle blood is the:
A. Neutrophil
B. Eosinophil
C. Basophil
D. Lymphocyte
E. Monocyte
Answer: D
19. The granulocyte which is present in greatest numbers in cattle blood is the:
A. Eosinophil
B. Neutrophil
C. Basophil
D. Monocyte
E. Lymphocyte
Answer: E
20. Which of the following leucocytes is most abundant in dog blood?
A. Neutrophil
B. Eosinophil
C. Lymphocyte
D. Monocyte
E. Basophil
Answer: A
21. Neutrophils and eosinophils are similar in that both:
A. Are granulocytes
B. Contain lysosomal granules
C. Contain lobulated nuclei
D. Develop from the same stem cell (reticular cell)
E. All of the above are correct
Answer: E
22. Name the cell with metachromatic granules which secretes histamine and heparin:
A. Neutrophil
B. Basophil
C. Eosinophil
D. Lymphocyte
E. None of the above
Answer: B
23. Which of the following cells would you expect to show an increase in a blood
leucocytic count in a patient suffering from acute bacterial infection?
A. T lymphocyte
B. B lymphocyte
C. Neutrophil
D. Basophil
E. Monocyte
Answer: C
24. Eosinophils increase markedly in number during:
A. Viral infection
B. Bacterial infection
C. Graft transplantation
D. Parasitic diseases
E. None of the above
Answer: D
25. Which of the following cells would you expect to be primarily increased in number in
a patient with parasitic infestation?
A. Neutrophil
B. Eosinophil
C. Basophil
D. Lymphocyte
E. Monocyte
Answer: B
26. Blood platelets:
A. Are involved in the inflammatory reaction
B. Are bacteriocidal
C. Are derived from neutrophils
D. Are nucleated cells in birds
Answer: D
27. Which of the following statements is true for blood platelets?
A. Platelets are anucleated in mammals
B. Platelets arise by fragmentation of the cytoplasm of megakaryocytes
C. Platelets are associated with blood clotting
D. Platelets are nucleated in birds
E. All of the above are correct
Answer: E
28. When a small blood vessel is cut or injured, a blood clot is formed at the site of
injury. The blood coagulation is a function of:
A. Red blood cells
B. Blood platelets
C. Neutrophils
D. Eosinophils
E. Basophils
Answer: B
29. The epicardium:
A. Covers the internal surface of the heart
B. Covers the internal surface of the blood vessels
C. Covers the lungs
D. Is a visceral serous membrane covering the external coat of the heart
E. None of the above are correct
Answer: D
30. Continuous capillaries:
A. Are found in endocrine glands
B. Are found in those organs where most of the interchange between blood and tissue
fluid takes place, for example in the kidney
C. Lack a basal lamina
D. May possess tight junctions between adjacent endothelial cells
E. None of the above are correct
Answer: D
31. Which of the following vessels contain the greatest number of smooth muscles in the
tunica adventitia?
A. Elastic artery
B. Muscular artery
C. Large vein
D. Venule
E. None of the above
Answer: C
32. Which of the following blood vessels has valves?
A. Arteriole
B. Capillary
C. Lymphatic
D. Sinusoids
E. None of the above
Answer: C
33. Which of the following vessels begins as a blind tube?
A. Capillary
B. Venule
C. Arteriole
D. Sinusoid
E. None of the above is correct
Answer: E
34. Which of the following vessels may be lined by both endothelial cells and phagocytic
A. Capillary
B. Venule
C. Lymphatic
D. Arteriole
E. Sinusoid
Answer: E
35. Sinusoids differ from capillaries because the sinusoids:
A. Have a larger diameter
B. Have irregular and tortuous walls
C. Lack a basal lamina
D. Are lined by endothelial and phagocytic cells in the liver
E. All of the above are correct
Answer: E
36. Pericytes may be found in relation with a:
A. Elastic artery
B. Sinusoid
C. Muscular artery
D. Capillary
E. None of the above
Answer: D
37. Which of the following cells possibly synthesizes elastic membrane in the tunica
media of elastic artery?
A. Smooth muscle
B. Fibroblast
C. Mesenchymal
D. Endothelial
E. None of the above is correct
Answer: A
38. Lymphatic capillaries differ from blood capillaries in that the lymph capillaries:
A. Usually lack basal lamina
B. Are lined by endothelial cells
C. Contain many red blood cells besides lymphocytes
D. Are sites of exchange between blood and tissue fluid
E. All of the above are correct
Answer: A
39. The exchange of metabolites between blood and tissue fluid occurs mainly at the
level of:
A. Capillaries
B. Arterioles
C. Veins
D. Lymphatics
E. None of the above
Answer: A
40. Soon after birth the circulatory system undergoes numerous morphological and
functional changes. Which of the following morphological and/or functional changes
occur at or soon after birth?
A. Foramen ovale changes into fossa ovalis
B. Ductus arteriosus becomes ligamentum arteriosus
C. Ductus venosus of the liver becomes fibrous
D. Pulmonary circulation becomes functional
E. All of the above are correct
Answer: E
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